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SSS Standard Character Template

====== <character name> ======
<character name> is a <species> in the [[:yamatai:sss]]. He/she is a  <occupation>. <character name> is a [[:Player Characters|player character]] played by [[user:<user>]]. 

^  <character name>  ^^
^  <artwork>  ||
^ Species:  | <species>  |
^ Gender:  |  <gender>  |
^ Age:  |  <age>  |
^ Zodiac:  |  Aquarius  |
^ Height:  |  <height>  |
^ Weight:  |  <weight>  |
^ Rank:  | <insert rank image>    <insert rank>  |
^ Organization:  |  [[yamatai:sss|Scientific Studies Service]]  |
^ Occupation:  |  <insert occupation> |
^ Assignment:  |  <insert plot> |

==== Character Description ====
Height: cm ( ' โ€)

**Weight:** kg ( lbs) 

**Build and Skin Color:** 

**Facial Features and Eye Color:** 
<include shape of eye as well as color>

**Hair Color and Style:** 
<Include length of hair, type curly, straight, wavey, etc)

**Distinguishing Features:** 
<what makes this character unique>

==== Psychological Characteristics ====



==== History and Relationship Notes ====
=== Family ===

=== Pre RP History ===

==== Skill Areas ====
Up to 7 skills

===== Inventory =====
<paste standard inventory here>

===== Finances =====
<character name> has a SSS [[yamatai:ks_card]] to access their bank account. they are a <insert rank> and receives a salary of <insert salary> [[yamatai:ks]] a week.

{{:yamatai:ks_card:ks_card_sss.png?150|{{:yamatai:ks_card:ks_card_sss.png|SSS Card}} 
  * 1 SSS [[yamatai:ks_card]]

^ Total Savings ^ Addition ^ Subtraction ^ Reason ^
| 1500 KS | | | Starting Funds |

guide/sss/template.1561145608.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:49 (external edit)