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Roleplay Reviews

Roleplay Reviews are periodic checks to see if a plot's information is current and correct, and that the plot and all of its players are still actually active. Usually this consists of a self-review by the plot's Game Master, who is provided by the staff with a short checklist of questions and/or tasks. In the past this was referred to as a “plot audit.” Roleplay views can also come in the form of buddy reviews, where GMs are assigned a buddy and they review each other's plots.

RP Review checklists are typically graded to create a score for a plot that is shown on the list of Active Plots.

Roleplay Reviews are very important because they make sure GMs are keeping up with their plot and players. The Roleplay Review allows the admin to track Star Army's many plots at a glance and to identify RPs and subforums that have gone inactive.

Are Reviews Mandatory?

Yes. All GMs and plots are expected to participate, including brand new plots (although these may be exempt from penalties). Failure to participate can result in:

  • Removal from the list of active plots
  • New players may not join the plot
  • Loss of Game Master status
  • Removal of the plot's sub-forum

When Is An Review Required?

The requirements vary based on a plot's age and performance:

New and/or Low Scoring Plots

Once a month

  • For any new plot, once a month until scores are C or higher
  • Once every month for plots below C score on their last Roleplay Review

Possibly Inactive Plots

On Demand

  • For any plot that hasn't had an IC post in about 14 days or a post from the GM in 14 days

If an administrator notices a plot seems dead, he can immediately send the plot's GM a request for a Roleplay Review. This request must be answered within a week or the plot may be assumed dead and be archived; If there are still active players, the GM should be replaced with an an active one.

Ancient Plots

Old plots are exempt from Roleplay Reviews if they meet the following criteria:

  • Ongoing active roleplay that has been running for over 3 continuous years
  • Not accepting new players

All Other Plots

Three times yearly

  • Three times a year for all other plots (In January, April and August)

Current Review

The current Roleplay Review consists of 20 questions; 6 bonus points are also available. Of the 20 questions, 5 are one-time items and 15 are items that should be verified for each Review.

The Checklist

  • My plot's wiki page Is on the Star Army Wiki (post the URL):
  • My plot's themes are: (fill in)
  • Is this a restricted plot? (yes/no)
    Restricted forums must not be accessible to the public and must not have players under the age of 18.

One-Time Items

  • 1. [ ] My plot's wiki page Is illustrated with a logo or picture of the setting
  • 2. [ ] My plot's wiki page Has a link to the place(s) where RP occurs (forum, IRC channel, etc)
  • 3. [ ] My plot's wiki page Lists time limit expectations (max delay between posts, etc) and consequences.
  • 4. [ ] My forum has a description paragraph.
  • 5. [ ] My plot forum has a stickied OOC thread and the first post has a link to the plot wiki page.

Keeping Updated

  • 6. [ ] My plot's wiki page is current and correct*.
  • 7. [ ] My plot's wiki page has a current roster of all the players and notable NPCs.
  • 8. [ ] My plot's wiki page lists and links to pages of all of its current GMs and players.
  • 9. [ ] My plot's players, PCs, and NPCs are listed on the Player and Character lists.
  • 10. [ ] My plot's wiki page lists or links to a list of its Review scores.
  • 11. [ ] My plot's PC and NPC biographies are current and correct*.
  • 12. [ ] I have added all major events that happened in my plot to the timeline.
  • 13. [ ] I have an up-to-date list of available positions and joining requirements
  • 14. [ ] My plot has a forum usergroup that includes all users in my plot.
  • 15. [ ] I do not have a backlog of unedited or unposted JPs
  • 16. [ ] I have conducted a survey or group discussion to get player input
  • 17. [ ] My plot has a “Future Planning” thread in the GM forum and it is current.
  • 18. [ ] Information about my plot on the List of Active Plots is current and correct.


  • 19. [ ] All my plot's members are active participants (drop inactive players!).
  • 20. [ ] My plot has had multiple RP posts by people other than the GMs in the last week


  • B1. [ ] I have donated to Star Army this calendar year.
  • B2. [ ] 80% or more have some sort of art on their character biographies (anonymous art counts)
  • B3. [ ] 80% or more have unique artwork (chibis count but anon art does not)
  • B4. [ ] I am advertising my plot and/or (show proof; ads on do not count)
  • B5. [ ] I am an active member on Star Army's Facebook page (commenting on/making posts)
  • B6. [ ] My plot has been pimped on sarptalk since the last Roleplay Review.

GM's Oath of Honor

I verify that the above information is true. I understand that my responses may be verified by the Star Army administration and that any falsification of the above responses could lead to loss of my status as a Game Master.

Scoring and Definitions


Items are worth 5 points each. Bonus items are worth 1 point each. Currently, the highest possible score is 106.

Letter Grades

101+ A+
89-100 A
76-88 B
64-75 C
52-63 D
51 and below: FAIL

Wiki Article Correctness

*A wiki article being “current and correct” means it is:

  • Fully updated (history should reflect what is currently in the RP)
  • Properly formatted
  • Easily readable
  • No red links
  • In the correct namespace

guide/roleplay_reviews.1484424373.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:53 (external edit)