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Creating a Hidden Sun Clan Character

:!: WIP (SA): This page's contents are a work in progress by the Site Admin and cannot yet be used in the RP.

Hidden Sun Clan Flag This page provides the instructions for making a character for the hidden_sun_clan. Following these instructions you will create a background for your character as well.


To start the creating you need to first come up with a name for your character. You can use either of the following links to create a name for your character.

  • Use the Qaktoro NPC generator.
  • View more details on naming Hidden Sun Clan characters.

Create a character sheet

  1. Create a new page by typing or copying the following url into your browser.<your character name>
  2. Change <your character name> to your character's name
  3. Click Create Page.
  4. Open the following page for the template for a Hidden Sun Clan character sheet.
  5. Copy the code section from the page and paste it into your new page.


Now that you have your character sheet, you need to decide which of the four species found within the clan you wish to play. Each has specific attributes. Check out the information provided and then proceed.


Gender within the clan has no significances in the clan's culture. Males and females can hold any position within the clan, and have all of the same rights and privileges.

Physical Attributes

Need to determine the following physical attributes and put them on the character sheet. You can find the information appropriate for your character at this link: physiology


You can choose a height for your character within the ranges listed for your species.


You can choose a weight for your character within the ranges listed for your species. Also put what they can lift as indicated.

Build and Skin Color

Build is up to you although most characters are going to be fit, but there is still plenty of room for you to be creative. Choose a skin color from those listed for your species.

Eyes and ears

Ears have specific details depending upon the species. This is also true with the shape and alignment of the eyes.

Fur Color and accents

Choose a fur color from those listed, and decide what accents if any you want. They can have spots, stripes, patches of color. List what color the accents are.

Distinguishing Features

Put the length of the tail, and any other unique features. Include any scars from any accidents or fights. Also list for your reference the type of hand your character has.


Qaktoro There are many factors in your character's life that mold them and form their personality. You may also want to look at the history for events that could have affected your character's family.

These are some of the specific things you need to consider for your character.


The smallest social group within the hidden_sun_clan is a family. A Punla consists of the spouses, children, and retainers. The size, composition, and status of the family are all things to consider. If they came from a large wealthy family, your character's view on life would be different than if they came from a small poor family. Think about the family structure, number of adults, siblings, etc.

  • View more details on family.


The largest social group in the hidden_sun_clan is a house. They are groups of families which tend to hold common beliefs. Some of the Clan Houses can trace their history back to the pre-history. Depending on the size of the house your character belongs to, they may have a more privileged life.

  • View more details on house.


Where did your character's birth take place? And what circumstances brought about them being born there. These are the typical locations that clan members are born. The list below has them in the order from the most common to the most uncommon.

  • hs_h1_world_station this is the home to the Clan, but you should be more specific, by choosing one of the following for your location. If you choose to have your character born using the last three, then you need to explain why they were born there instead of one of the others.

However ask yourself were there any complications with your characters birth. Did your character live but their mother die? Did both of your parents die and were you raised by other members of your family or house. Did your character know this from a young age, or did they learn on their own? If the mother died, did this affect how the father treated your character? Is your character a twin, and if so were they the younger or older? What was the relationship with their twin?

Birth locations

Officially your character was not considered a person until one month after birth in the fofijo. That is when they get their name. However this does not mean that the ritual was not without some sort of events. Was your character a twin and did your sibling not pass the Fofijo.


Clan members typically send their children to the academies to receive their education. In some rare instances the child is home schooled. If you choose this option, include a reason why the family chose to do so. Was it because the parents were off station most of the time and wanted the child to be with them. Think what growing up on a ship and visiting planets would do to your character.

If you choose to go with the more conventional, you still need to decide if they went to a public one, or if they come from a large House, a private one. Did anything significant happen there? This can be something good or bad. Were they social, have a lot of friends, or where they a bit of a misfit with only a few friends.


Clan members during their 14th and 15th year of their life typically will participate in 2-4 internships. These are intended to let your character decide what they want to do. Because they are exposed to real life incidents they can leave an impression on the person. So think about your character and their internship. Was it relatively calm, or did something happen, an accident or a hostile encounter with an alien vessel. After deciding what may have transpired, think how your character would have reacted to the event, and its consequences.


The last event in 'childhood' is the baqnor. This ritual is mandatory for all Qaktoro. Failure for them has serious consequences.

The other clan_people such as the Qakla and Tuoro may take the ritual but with different consequences. It is rare for a Tula to choose to partake in the Baqnor but it has happened.


At this point you have enough information to write your character background. Include dates, names and places so that you can refer to it and the game_master can too.

Jael and Occupation

At this point you need to decide which of the sects to belong to as well as their occupations.

A clan member normally starts out born into the same Jael as their parents. But they can choose to belong to another in the pursuit of their occupation. When you look at the occupations for your character; the pages provide information as to what Jael can be in that occupation.

All new characters start out as junior_apprentice.


Okay now that you have worked out the significant events of your character's growing up it is time to work on the personality.

The first entry for the personality is your character's basic nature. Refer to events from the character's past you have worked on. If you decided that something happened back in the academy, then the effects of that could be in their personality. A person who was betrayed is likely to be private, or distrusting of those they first meet.

Likes and dislikes are up to you. They can reflect the quality of things they like, or favorite foods, drinks past times. The same can be said for dislikes.

Goals change during a person's life. So you should probably have a short term goal, and a long term goal. eg: Qito hope to make Senior Apprentice in a year. He also has hopes of someday commanding his own starship.


The Character sheet is already filled with the standard starting skills. Each occupation has the starting skills for that profession for you to add them to your character sheet.


On the character sheet is the standard issue for the clan. Some sects and occupations will give your character additional items that you need to add.

guide/hidden_sun_clan.1364320050.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:50 (external edit)