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Support Missions

Support is effectively a band-aid to poor planning though it can make the difference between victory and defeat.

Careful use of support and your numbers makes a big difference. Pre-emptive planning and denial of enemy support use will make a big difference in your own attacks and defenses, especially wen you're on the losing side but effective use requires intelligence on your enemy's movements or someone on the inside who'll sabotage them to ensure they can't function properly.

Support in an attacking role

Support comes in many flavors and can even be planned ahead with battle-groups advancing in waves: Light units playing advance intercept against other light units with heavier units behind providing ranged support - taking out other heavier units which would slay the lighter units.

Proper tactical planning, use of terrain and formation will be the difference between which side hits the other first: Heavy support must always be β€œjust beyond” what the enemy can see: Typically lighter units distract and lure heavy enemies they themselves can't hurt into the firing envolope of the heavy support - each half of the equation (heavy and light) enjoying a symbiotic role if properly used.

Support units in this role tend to be heavier less mobile units with a greater attacking range - often relegated from ambush or defense roles.

Support in a defensive role

If your path crosses that of another function (let's say another battle-group) which could do with your help to make their job a little easier, it makes sense to help them out and trade information. You'll be a better defended point and you'll be less stressed so a surprise assault will be less likely to ruin your day.

You'll be returning for repairs anyway and if they have any critically injured, you can take them back with you.

Likewise - if you or you are jumped, A fresh battle-group to take out your battle-worn foe (assault groups - as stated - lack staying power) can be the difference between you losing a few units or you being completely destroyed.

Support units in this role tend to be lighter units capable of moving across the battle-space quickly - almost always relegated from assault roles though deployed to support immediately - a battle of staying power being the deciding factor.

Defensive support tends not to need advanced sensor equipment as once attacked, your enemy has already revealed themselves.

Support in a siege role/counter support denial

Many ambushes begin by appearing to be a weaker battle-group. The enemy attacks and then out of nowhere, a heavier group will come - wiping their communications and sensors and quietly destroying them.

Properly used, you can completely destroy your enemy's mobility by backing them into a corner, holding them there so they can't be relegated to provide support for their own units.

In a well planned attack, counter support denial is critical as it means there are less loose ends and you won't need support to make sure your battlegroup is able to operate effectively.

Though it can seem a chore, remember: If you get jumped and you need help, you'll thank your ass for support so do your best.

guide/armor_combat/support.1403731277.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:49 (external edit)