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Defensive Missions

Your role here is to hold a point and ensure that the vital object or target area remains as little damaged as possible. Your objective may be a stationary object, a vessel or even another armor.

There are many components to a properly deployed defense and all of them may not be available to you. It is ideal to think of a defensive mission as a game of chess, with many pieces each supporting one another. These are:

  • Advance warning: A sense of what is happening beyond the detection range of any of the active units like armor or fighter or tanks. This is a critical component to any defense as making informed decisions tends to imply you are informed. Think of it as radar. Often a starship or starbase will provide this data. Sometimes, you may use a specially modified armor to fill in - acting as a spotter (they'll often also be the group sniper or commander type).
  • Communications/Commander type: Relays data from advance warning to put the pieces into action. Can be in the field as a sub-commander who takes position and tactical off the minds of the pilots so they can concentrate on doing their jobs.
  • Intercept: A fast unit which can deliver a big payload very quickly. When an enemy is detected on your borders, an interception group is scrambled to destroy them before they approach your line of defense. Interceptors tend to be lacking in their own defense but their ability to move across the battle-field makes them extremely valuable. If Advance Warning fails, Interceptors can fill in the gap if used properly through reconnaissance. Interception is a fighter-craft or powered-armor role and is critical in space.
  • Light/First line of defense: Picks off anything that the interceptors haven't completely killed. Their numbers and focus on a small number of units make them extremely useful for taking out attacks like missile-swarms or the last unit to make it through a defense net. Often, a vessel's turrets will act as the first line of defense.
  • Heavy/Last line of defense: Capable of launching an extremely powerful attack which would call for all other units to be moved away from the line of fire. Often provided by the object to be defended (starship, etc).
  • Mission Critical: This can be anything from an attack-gunship striking another gunship (when you have to intercept the armor it has scrambled to assure your gunship remains undamaged), a simple transport unit or evacuation group - or even your own carrier.

Prioritization on a defense mission is extremely important. What are your strengths (personal and those of your unit) and how can you apply them to better the outcome of the mission?

guide/armor_combat/defense.1403731350.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:49 (external edit)