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Corporate Economics Act

Proposal #11 Corporate Economics Act was created by Dr. Shinichiro Nobumoto in YE 23 and was defeated with 1 Yay / 1 Abstain/ 1 Nay vote.


  1. To provide the new GSA Empire with an economic system.
  2. To institute a method for civilians to purchase and sell items and services.


  1. The Major Corporations will convene and create an economic plan for the empire.
  2. A standard unit of currency will be created for the Empire.

OOC Notes

Proposal #11 Corporate Economics Act was written by Wes on 22 Jan 2003. Kim created this article on 2018/01/04 18:34.

faction/yamatai/senate/corporate_economics_act.1699820372.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:18 (external edit)