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Principality of Prydainia

β€œThe sun never sets on the Union Jack.”

- Unknown
The Principality of Prydainia
Home World prydainia
Government Type Aristocratic Oligarchy
Population Unknown

Clothed in the trappings and garb of humanity's long forgotten past, this nation appears to be a Parliamentary Principality. In actuality, it is a militarized Aristocracy ruled over by Ottyo Imperators, the Princes and Princesses after which the nation and nation's governance is named. This is a nation as dangerous and cunning as it is regal and affable, one where its actions can be utterly unpredictable due to the sometimes different and outright alien train of logic it uses. Its court is full of intrigue and subterfuge revolving around the Gentlemen and Gentlewomen of the nobility who seek their own unknown ends while moving the agenda of this nation ever forward. Meanwhile, the military itself is the home of Knights and Squires going hunting with their favored hounds, their warpath directed and fueled by the desire to capture and control the most exotic, novel and dangerous game, inevitably curating 'guests' and 'vassals'. With this nation's interests waning in one thing, it grows in another - this time, the Kikyo Sector.

In The Principality of Prydainia, it is safest to assume that nothing is quite what it seems.

General Information

Broadly speaking of the Principality itself and its primary citizens, both are familiar and alien at once.


Ottyo Culture is unusual in that it is heavily derived from past cultures of humanity that have been, or were thought to have been, long lost to history. This is very rarely known by outsiders however, and amongst those who are aware, the assumption this is that it is done for some desired effect. Though the Ottyo have cherry-picked the features they most prefer and combined it with their own aspects, they inevitably give the feeling of something old and familiar when interacted with. Specifically, something that gives the impression of power, aristocracy, and Empire. Perhaps most importantly though, they are fairly affable in general despite being objective driven. This can sharply contrast with their actions, as they could be doing something particularly violent or malicious while offering an invitation to tea for an example.


The psychology of the Ottyo is similar, yet distinctly different in certain ways despite their seemingly human behavior. Understanding their motives and objectives is often difficult as a result, as their logic driven decision making is often intertwined with their own persona and ego in a manner that is deliberately obfuscating on their part. Like many aspects regarding the Ottyo themselves, this is a very rarely known aspect, and is typically gleamed through very intent scrutiny and experience dealing with them.


The Principality was established in the Kikyo Sector sometime after having arrived in the galaxy. Specifically, after the Colonial Expeditionary Navy had found a suitable system. The starting point of the Principality, the planet referred to as prydainia, was a world with many large archipelagos primarily laden with lush, rich jungles and forests. Most importantly however, it was riddled with ruins of an older civilization in the area.

Overall, their history is largely unknown, with more Recent History of the Ottyo being deafeningly quiet - they have not made themselves known.


Like any nation, the Principality has its own military force, but unlike most, it has marshaled its might in a very different manner. Rather than simply having a military, the Imperator charged with the creation of such a unified and centralized fighting force instead searched for the best, most efficient means of doing so. This Imperator decided that having the Nobles most suited to creating and managing such a vast, daunting and mighty force was best, and ordered them to do this very thing. These noble scions, in turn, believed it was best to have some unbiased entity distant and unassociated with them to perform this great task to avoid infighting, and in turn, created the Royal Defense Initiative, a governmental project which sees to the creation and operation of said martial might. This governmental entity, in turn, believed it was best that the task was best suited to specialized governmental agencies made expressly for this, which finally resulted in the creation of The Three Ministries.

Though its creation was roundabout and even comical due to 'Courtly Conducts', the Royal Defense Initiative serves to protect the Principality and its interests abroad. It acts as a stalwart shield for the nation - and like any good shield, it preemptively bashes perceived threats.

Leading Industrial Companies

Though the industrial sector is privatized, a small handful of companies stand out heads and shoulders above the rest due to their accomplishments, products or sheer industrial size and capability.

Orkney Heavy Industries

Specialized in the mass manufacture of various goods ranging from pre-fabricated housing, personal vehicles, rifles and even various large vehicles, OHI is a powerful military contractor that not only plays a vital role in supplying combat hardware, but supports the civilian sector on the side as well. Its broad, sweeping umbrella of goods covered sets the standard by which all others are judged, and despite being an economic juggernaut, is firmly prevented from crushing competition by the Orkney noble family, close allies of the Imperators themselves. Though its assets are spread throughout the Principality, the numerous manufactorums are binary in their production, either producing only civilian or military goods, and never both.

Perhaps more importantly, many of its military manufactorums are in fact ships themselves, going where they are needed.

Narwhal Royal Fleet Yards

Narwhal is a shipbuilding company that has been elevated to the status of being the Principality's Royal Fleet Yards. As a result, it focuses solely on its role as a military contractor, with its designs being not only highly developed from years of experience, but with mobile ship yards being well suited to supporting the military itself. Mobile, adaptable and capable of harnessing resources from planetary crust and mantle to the surface of stars, they are often there when the navy needs them the most. Though the mobile shipyards themselves vary greatly in size, the largest ones are capable of congregating together to form massive, multi-kilometer spanning Fleet Yards capable of rapidly constructing ships as quickly as resources on hand allow.

Elderflower Corporation

As notorious as it is needed, this military contractor specializes in producing medical goods and various consumables. The research and development it makes is often both groundbreaking and secret, and though mobile like other major contributors to war efforts, its civilian applications are conducted through dedicated subsidiaries and affiliated companies. As a result, the Elderflower is often shrouded from the public eye despite its presence being widespread. Military goods include the very bodies the Ottyo themselves occupy when serving Their Majesties, to field bio-repair tools and food. If it is related to organic science and biology, there is a high likelihood that the Elderflower crest is to be found nearby.

OOC Notes

  • This article was created on 2012/10/15 20:51 by cadetnewb
  • This is an NPC faction meant to act as antagonists in the setting
  • This article was approved in this thread here

faction/principality_of_prydainia.1500526220.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:45 (external edit)