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Kingdom of Neshaten

The Kingdom of Neshaten is a decent sized Kingdom, spawning multiple races and with a fairly well developed Culture, that is also rather socially conservative. The Kingdom is liked on its own due to its established government and because of its desire to help not only those within the Kingdom but also that outside of it. The races of the Kingdom include the Daur, Laibes or collectively known as Shukaren and My'leke. The Faction Manager for Neshaten are SirSkully and Arbitrated.

Neshaten Flag
Current Year: EE006v / YE 45
Government Overall
Government Type: Council Monarch
Current Royal Family: Yume'na Family
Queen: Vas'Sumera Yumena
King: Cras'Kirane Yumena
Oversight: Citizenship Oversight Commitee
Government Branches: Advisory Council, Legislative,
Executive Council, Military Council
Societal Information
Capital: Netoshen, Central Continant,
Nesha Prime (Planet)
Official Language: Tinacen
Currency: RN
Religion: Chi'lerious
My'leke: 2.6 Billion
Shukaren-Laibe: 3.7 Billion
Shukaren-Daur: 3.9 Billion
Historical Overview
Formation: ER 000

The Kingdom's formation is the result of a terrifying Great War that spanned for many hundreds of years and which almost lead to their complete extinction; with their people saved only due to the smart thinking of several political figures of the time, which allowed a small group of Neshaten to head off into space to create a new life and a new civilization. The Neshaten place great importance on things such as education and the environment, but also in trade. They are also constantly at work trying to reimagine the technology that they've since lost, attempting to recover some of their roots in the process.


The following lists a historical summary of the Kingdom, for more in-depth information, visit the History Page. See the Neshaten Time Line for chronological events.


The Kingdom was formed in the Era of Restart 000 after the Neshaten settled on Nesha Prime, although influences of this society can be traced back to the Neshaten's time in the Isu'Sane star cluster, a cluster they once inhabited before their people were forced to flee to their new world. The people had learned from past mistakes that allowing any one person to possess more power than that of a citizen was folly and choose to create a Council Monarch with a large civilian oversight committee that could be used to monitor the government and ensure that it ran inline with the desires of the citizenry. They have created a rather caring Culture, if not one that is more isolationist than others, but still open to new ideas.

Before Era of Restart

The Neshaten was originally a society that inhabited a very distant star system, with their technology progressing at a quick rate, this all ended when a civil war between two parties suddenly erupted, throwing their once great and peaceful empire into disarray, nearly leading to extinction. The war had resulted in the deaths of countless millions, historians don't know fully how many people actually died in the war although a rough number puts the count at nearly 87 trillion. Seeing no possible end to the war, the Neshaten Federation - to which the Neshaten called themselves once - choose to create a number of large passenger transports that could take a small group of people and ferry them into deep space. This would later lead to the creation of the Kingdom of Neshaten, although concerns of the past remain with the citizenry, as each and every person is a descendant of someone who either died during the journey or someone who couldn't be evacuated in time.

The journey to their new world lasted nearly seven hundred years, although only two transports actually arrived in the new system while the rest still haven't arrived. Presently there has been no evidence of them being anywhere in the known galaxy.

Era of Exploration

By the year ER 700, the Kingdom had begun to reinvent some of the technology that it had once lost to the Great War; Including faster than light travel, which would eventually allow them to start colonizing not only the planets in their system but further. However, as a result of this process of reinvention, it also revealed other things about their home system, including that it was inhabited by a naturally occurring interdiction field that prevented FTL from functioning within the star system itself. In order to overcome this problem, the Neshaten created a vast gate network to ferry their ships at near FTL speeds from one planet to another, allowing ships to cross the distance from one point in the star system to another in less than a few days, instead of a few years.

Shortly after the Neshaten began to explore beyond their home system they discovered that they were not alone in this galaxy.


The Council Monarch serves as the primary form of government within the Kingdom and consists of an Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches - its current royal family is the Yume'na Family which is headed by Vas’Sumera Yume'na who serves as the queen and Yume'na Cras'kirane who has the position of King, a Daur and My'leke who were bonded during the Rite of Honour.

Every planet has a provisional government on it, run by a Lord or Lady, who is a member of a noble family. These governments are responsible only for local government functions and are not capable of taking national actions such as mobilizing the main navy for military actions. Small militia groups operate under these types of governments who are responsible for protecting the colonies from external attacks by pirates or other foreign forces until help from the Navy can be arranged.

Government Organizations


Foreign Relationships

Before the Neshaten discovered that they were no longer alone in the galaxy, their only relationship was with the Netrunu'marol, a terrorist organization who felt that the current ruling Monarch had no reason to rule over Laibe's. The Neshaten, while they recognize the Netrunu'marol as being an anti-government terrorist group, also realize that such an organization can lead to disastrous results if left unchecked and unopposed; the Kingdom carries a large bounty for anyone who turns in a member of the organization or if evidence surfaces that a citizen had killed a member of the group.

The following lists factions that are either allies, neutral, or enemies to the Kingdom of Neshaten. Only factions that the Neshaten have met will be listed, if the Neshaten hasn't met a particular faction, or if they haven't engaged in talks, they'll be listed as neutral.

List of Enemies, Allies, or Neutral Factions to the Neshaten

Faction Name Status Note
Poku Saeruo Degonjo Friendly None
Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Friendly None
Yamatai Star Empire Neutral None
Lorath Matriarchy Neutral None
Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth Neutral None
Abwehran Star Empire Neutral None
New Dusk Conclave Neutral Have met, no diplomatic relations with
Netrunu'marol Enemy Pro-Laibe, Anti-Daur and Anti-My'leke terrorist organization.
Kingdom Fall Enemy Anti-Establishment terrorist group aiming to overthrow the current Royal family and reform the government into their own ideal system.


Main Article: Neshaten Economics System

The Neshaten use the RN monetary unit to organize all of its economic stability; although this currency comes in the form of digital money it is backed up by precious metals such as gold, silver, and copper which helps to determine the different values of the currency from the lowest to the highest. Outside of this currency, the Neshaten also permit bartering for items with the value of an item is based off not only it's quality but also the material it was made out of; it is not uncommon for a citizen to never have the digital currency of RN and instead barter for all of their goods whether it is food or a luxury item.

The Kingdom's main form of economic drive is in their medicine and food production, with the secondary being entertainment. Trade between worlds is operated by a series of private transport companies all of whom operate under the Division of Transportation, regulation of goods is done by the Division of Customs Enforcement. The Division of Expansion is responsible for both the transportation of goods to newly colonized worlds, but also maintains that each and every colony must be able to produce at least enough food to feed half of the planet's population so that in the event of a major war those planets won't have to worry too much about not receiving imported foodstuffs.


Star System Importance Specific Task Colonized Notable Planets
Nesha System Home System None ER 000 Nesha Prime (Planet), Levia (Planet)
U'varun Military System Military and Agriculture EE 000-v Uvarun 2, uvarun3
Jui'varen Argiculural Agriculural Development ER 000 New Jui'varen
No'menshan Industry Industrial Mining EE 001 No'menshan 2
She'sha'sho System None Scientific Study ER 001 None
Ki'kayshea'ne Trade Agriculural & Trade ER 001-v Ki'kayshea'ne
Bai'yusaenahe'mah None Military and Scientific Study ER 002 None
U'ia Industry Military and Industrial Mining ER 002 U'ia X

More Information

The following is information that is not included in the above text.

DescriptionThe Kingdom of Neshaten is a decent sized Kingdom, spawning multiple races and with a fairly well developed Culture, that is also rather socially conservative. The Kingdom is liked on its own due to its established government and because of its desire to help not only those within the Kingdom but also that outside of it. The races of the Kingdom include the Daur, Laibes or collectively known as Shukaren and My'leke.
OOC ManagerSirSkully, Arbitrated
Last Checked2023/08/31

faction/neshaten/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/30 20:59 by wes