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Dovanian Military Ranks

The following are the ranks of The Monarchy of Dovania's military. They're set up in their respective branches and segments. For the Army and Navy, four segments (Soldiers/Sailors, Officers/Warrant Officers, Commanders/Naval Commanders, and Generals/Admirals) are used; for the special branch that is the Dovanian Royal Guard, however, different ranks - which also differ in authority - from the Army and Navy are used.

With each rank brings a high position of not only experience, but also talent, performance, skill, authority, and - most of all - respect. The higher the rank, the better one is. Each Dovanian must prove themselves to be promoted and with a promotion comes not only a pay raise but also more responsibilities and tasks to complete to maintain their ranking - not only to prove themselves out in the field but also on offline tasks as well. Efficiency is everything in Dovania and there is no room for laziness - that is, at least while one is on the job.

Members of the Dovanian military are paid in Dovanian Tekk, which is abbreviated below as DT.

Dovanian Army Ranks

The following sections contain information about the ranks of the Dovanian Army.


Generals are the heads of the Army. They orchestrate the main missions and order troops into battle and are usually in the back of the battlefield; despite this, however, they are welcome to join up at the front.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DG-6 Field Marshal 2,000 DT 18,000 DT
DG-5 General Elite 1,5000 DT 13,500 DT
DG-4 General 1,3,50 DT 12,150 DT
DG-3 Major General 1,200 DT 10,800 DT
DG-2 Lieutenant General 1,050 DT 9,450 DT
DG-1 Minor General 900 DT 8,100 DT


While they're not as prestigious as Generals, Commanders play an important role as an extra link in the chain of command, as they are able to take charge of a battalion or legion if there is a lack of communication from the General.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DC-4 Marshal Commander 750 DT 6,750 DT
DC-3 Senior Commander 650 DT 5,850 DT
DC-2 Commander 550 DT 4,950 DT
DC-1 Junior Commander 450 DT 4,050 DT


Officers function as minor leaders and commanding officials, though they are usually advisors to Commanders. Officers are usually in charge of smaller divisions and take lead during smaller firefights.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DO-6 Colonel 350 DT 3,150 DT
DO-5 Lieutenant Colonel 300 DT 2,700 DT
DO-4 Major 250 DT 2,250 DT
DO-3 Captain 200 DT 1,800 DT
DO-2 Lieutenant 150 DT 1,350 DT
DO-1 Lieutenant Minor 100 DT 900 DT


Soldiers are the front line of the Dovanian Army. Although they may be the lowest in terms of rank and authority, they drastically outclass the higher ranks in terms of quantity due to having larger separations. They are expendable and easy to replace - but are valued just the same as Officers.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DS-9 Sergeant Major 50 DT 450 DT
DS-8 Master Sergeant 45 DT 405 DT
DS-7 Staff Sergeant 40 DT 360 DT
DS-6 Sergeant 35 DT 315 DT
DS-5 Corporal 30 DT 270 DT
DS-4 Private First Class 25 DT 225 DT
DS-3 Private Second Class 20 DT 180 DT
DS-2 Private 15 DT 135 DT
DS-1 Recruit 10 DT 90 DT

Dovanian Navy Ranks

The following sections contain information about the ranks of the Dovanian Navy.


Admirals are by far one of the most important positions a person could hold, as they are in command of the Navy's fleets and colonization efforts. These men and women are responsible for organizing and protecting the borders of Dovania.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DA-6 Fleet Admiral 2,000 DT 18,000 DT
DA-5 Admiral Omega 1,500 DT 13,500 DT
DA-4 Admiral 1,350 DT 12,150 DT
DA-3 Vice Admiral 1,200 DT 10,800 DT
DA-2 Upper Rear Admiral 1050 DT 9,450 DT
DA-1 Junior Admiral 900 DT 8,100 DT

Similar to their counterparts in the Army, Naval Commanders are just as important for taking up command when Admirals are absent. They ensure that there is always someone capable in charge.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DNC-4 Marshal Commander 750 DT 6,750 DT
DNC-3 Senior Commander 650 DT 5,850 DT
DNC-2 Commander 550 DT 4,950 DT
DNC-1 Junior Commander 450 DT 4,050 DT

Warrant Officers

Warrant Officers are the informed and well-trained subcommanders of the Dovanian Navy. They're responsible for making sure that the Sailors and Marines of Dovania are always kept in check, regulated, and prepared for anything and everything.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DWO-6 Master Chief Warrant Officer 350 DT 3,150 DT
DWO-5 Senior Chief Warrant Officer 300 DT 2,700 DT
DWO-4 Chief Warrant Officer 250 DT 2,250 DT
DWO-3 Warrant Officer First Class 200 DT 1,800 DT
DWO-2 Warrant Officer Second Class 150 DT 1,350 DT
DWO-1 Warrant Officer 100 DT 900 DT


Sailors fill the non-combative and combative roles of being Sailors and Marines. These brave men and women are in charge of controlling and protecting the vast amounts of space controlled by Dovania and - with the aid of the Army - are the ones responsible for claiming new lands.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DS-9 Master Chief Petty Officer 50 DT 450 DT
DS-8 Senior Chief Petty Officer 45 DT 405 DT
DS-7 Chief Petty Officer 40 DT 360 DT
DS-6 Petty Officer First Class 35 DT 315 DT
DS-5 Petty Officer Second Class 30 DT 270 DT
DS-4 Petty Officer Third Class 25 DT 225 DT
DS-3 Seaman 20 DT 180 DT
DS-2 Seaman Apprentice 15 DT 135 DT
DS-1 Seaman Recruit 10 DT 90 DT

Dovanian Royal Guards Ranks

The following sections contain information about the ranks of the Dovanian Royal Guard.

Royal Officers

Dovanian Royal Officers are by far the most elite corps of men and women Dovania has ever seen. Hand-selected and trained with the most advanced gear and equipment, they are the backbone of the royalty's defense and are the model examples of what every soldier should strive to be. Their authority surpasses even that of the Army's generals and Navy's admirals.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DRO-6 Houscarl 2,000 DT 18,000 DT
DRO-5 Dragoon 15,00 DT 13,500 DT
DRO-4 Bained Commander 1,350 DT 12,150 DT
DRO-3 Knightley Commander 1,200 DT 10,800 DT
DRO-2 High Officer 1,050 DT 9,450 DT
DRO-1 Minor Officer 900 DT 8,100 DT

Royal Soldiers

The most elite corps of frontline units, Royal Soldiers are hand-selected Dovanian Army and Naval personnel that represent the best Dovania has to offer.

Chevrons Rank Monthly Salary Yearly Income
DRS-4 Knight First Guard 750 DT 6,750 DT
DRS-3 Knight Second Guard 650 DT 5,850 DT
DRS-2 Knight Third Guard 550 DT 4,950 DT
DRS-1 Knight Apprentice 450 DT 4,050 DT

OOC Notes

dragon_god created this article on 2018/07/28 15:40; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/11/18 18:24.

faction/monarchy_of_dovania/ranks.1561093915.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:35 (external edit)