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Nutritional Supply Pack

The Nutritional Supply Packs are intended to provide sustenance for users that are unable to acquire food supplies, or are in need of quickly delivered nutritional supplements.

Technical Information

The nutritional supply pack technology was created to allow for the swift and efficient delivery of nutritional sustenance to the user of the device, these packs will provide for all of the user’s nutritional needs during the duration of combat, travel, or convenience. The nutritional pack is attached by an IV like tube into the user’s bicep area of their arm, or upon the user’s upper or lower leg. The nutritional supply pack will contain an on-board computer that will monitor nutrient levels in the user’s bloodstream then inject the proper mixture of nutrients from a compressed containment unit that is used to store a mixture of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and specially formulated water. Through the use of this nutritional pack, the user is then able to combat the effects of dehydration, malnutrition, and glucose deprivation, or any other effects of the absence of food and water. The duration of the supply from the pack is dependent upon the user’s needs; the usual amount of time the nutritional supply can be sustained is nearly five days without excessive water loss or strain. If the user is under severe strain or stress, the unit will supply one full day of nutrients. The IV unit of the pack is designed to be attached much like a strap that is wrapped around the limb and is then sealed into place by the use of vacuum suction and tightness, the needle itself is break resistant and is able to retract if required. Flow control for the nutritional supplements is handled by a miniature valve system combined with a regulator that prevents over pressurization or administering the incorrect dose of nutrients. The containment unit for the nutritional supplements is in the shape of a six inch long, two inch wide cylinder; other containment units of the same dimensions are also accepted into the unit, this can allow for the delivery of medicines, or blood infusions if required by the user.

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faction/lorath/technology/nutritional_supply_pack.1478009770.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:45 (external edit)