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Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmoon

The Kingdom of Thullo

This faction is ran by an absolute monarchy. They’re the smallest faction on the planet Xuno and have the weakest military.


The Kingdom of Thullo is a relatively quiet place with majority of their population scattered into smaller villages and towns. There is the occasional city but there’s not enough people to like in one place.

Government: Monarchy

Head of State: Philip Questberg

Capital: Talos

Population: 250 million


The Kingdom of Thullo has the weakest military on the planet xuno, but that wasn’t always the case. Centuries ago they were one of the major powers, and had the largest military, but the TIE and the URR beat them back and used rebellions to crush them. Their current leader is focusing on the improvement of the people’s lives. His name is Philip Questberg. He seems to be running things smoothly. Which he is, for a faction of only 250 million. Their military is sub-par with only 1.4 million serving. Their technology is the same as the other factions but they have do harbor nuclear technology, as well as a division of power armored units that are rarely used.


The technology that the Kingdom of Thullo has consist of mainly conventional weaponry. They have mostly semiautomatic assault rifles and some LMGs. Though they're only made to be used against other people, not armor. They do also have grenades and some types of primitive grenade launchers. Their vehicles are not the most advanced either. Only having a few cars that have a max speed of 40 mph. Their armored vehicles, tanks, have think steel and chromium armor but are very slow. However their cannons are effective. (WW1 Technology)


The Kingdom of Thullo controls the northern part of the continent. Most of the lands are mountainous and snowy, making their lands almost impossible to track through if unprepared. They have a large amount of resources in the mountains, such as coal, iron, aluminum, and gold. However, due to the environment and how scattered out their population is, it's difficult for them to mine anything outside of their main cities.


The capital of the Kingdom of Thullo. It's fairly small compared to the others, only having a population of 17 million. The main purpose of it is to be the royal capital. With it's small amount of industry and has a large migrant populace. This is one of the few places you will see Thulloks settle down and work on the lands. Mostly in factories or textile for sand. Talos being on the southern most beach of it border with the TIE.


One of the most isolated cities in the entire Kingdom. They have a population of around 6 million and are notorious for their large amount of 'Alien artifacts'. Having some technology that could rival some spacer or even a small army. Though they keep it relatively hidden and is deep in the Gorgon Mountains.


This city is only barely considered one because of the population, other than that. Their population only reaching 1.1 million. Most of it's income is based off of agriculture and animals. It's located at the southernmost part of their territory on the boarder with the TIE.

OOC Notes

dragon_god created this article on 2018/04/01 15:33.

faction/independent/the_kingdom_of_thullo.1560463931.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:28 (external edit)