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HS-MH3-SS1-S757/0 Anoka Wotanu'pa Stako (Exo-Skel Defense Shield)

The HS-MH3-SS1-S757/0 Anoka Wotanu'pa Stako was developed for use by the Matu'dahoka (Battle Bear) Stako Yanuto and became available in 757 CY or YE 38.

About the Anoka Wotanu'pa Stako

The defense shields generate a protective barrier around whatever they are installed on. They function just like the HS-SS2-S720/00 Anoka Wotanu'pa (Defense Shield) except they are designed for the Stako Yanuto (Exo-Skel) and are powered by its generator.


Damage Rating

  • Shield level: Advanced - 0.8 x Base Structural Points
  • 14 Threshold 4


The system consists of two field generators mounted on the shoulder of the Stako Yanuto (Exo-Skel) If one of the generators is damaged the shield can still be used, but the strength is reduced by half.

The shield can be operated either by directly powering from the Stako Yanuto (Exo-Skel), or charging the units and then running off the capacitors.

Direct Power

When running directly off the power, the Matu'dahoka (Battle Bear) Stako Yanuto must disable the two HS-MH3-W75401 Sumanâ-a Rotyka (Fusion Cannon).

Stored Power

Alternatively, the shield high-efficiency capacitors can be charged and then used to supply the shield. The capacitors have enough power to sustain the shield for five minutes of continuous operation.

faction/hidden_sun_clan/technology/stako_defense_shield.1561116238.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:40 (external edit)