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Giana'alio (Nutrient Paste)

Giana'alio is a Poku Saeruo Degonjo emergency food substitute found in survival kits and other emergency containers, it came into use in 736 CY (YE 17).

About the Giana'alio

One 12 oz tube contains the nutritional requirements for an adult Qaktoro for one day. They come in bundles of eight, or a weeks worth of nutrition.

It is a synthesized product containing, protein, amino acids and carbohydrates. Which is then flavored to make it more palatable. While it will keep a Poku'vonai alive, the flavor helps make it edible, but the consistency leaves much to be desired. Giana'alio has a consistency of 'peanut butter'; which for a species which prefer meat is not satisfying.

The tubes are plastic with the flavor indicated on the exterior. They are sealed and have a pull to open strip. The tubes are resealable by means of a press to seal strip.


The flavors are the most common in the clan.

Note: Survival instructors for the clan hail the Giana'alio as the best motivation for Daho'ai (Warriors) to improve their hunting and foraging skills.


faction/hidden_sun_clan/survival/nutrient_paste.1572701157.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:39 (external edit)