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Timeline: Years
OOC Start Date01/01/2014
OOC End Date12/31/2014
Neshaten EoEEE 002
Neshaten EoRER 777
ElysianAD 4007
HSC (Poku)755 CY
IromakuanheAR 939.75
Abwehran261 AF - Second Quarter

Azorean Naval Legion

Ever since they made first contact with the universe, the Azoreans have noticed just how vulnerable they really are. This prompted heated discussion in the senate for the creation of proper Azorean military force. Finally, in CC 37 (YE 32), the Azorean Commonwealth announced the creation of the Azorean Naval Legion to defend Azorean interests. Since the number of Holy Warriors were limited, the senate agreed upon two motions: The first authorized the development and mass-production of Rill Warriors; while the second called for volunteers from the local population to join up to fill non-combatant roles within the Legion. Research and development of newer and better weapons, equipment, and Rill models is being recognized as extremely important for the future success of the Legion. The two main branches are the Citystate Defense Corps and Border Guard Corps.


Citystate Defense Corps (CDC)

Defending the Azorean people is the CDC's main goal. They act as city guard, peacekeepers, and defenders of the citystates. The CDC also patrol outside the citystate to fend off any threats from wild animals or rogue Azoreans. The Holy Warriors are reserved as special forces and while the Rill are used as general infantry and shock troops. Any Azorean that volunteers into service will commit to non-combatant roles such as medics, engineers, technicians, etc. Each citystate has a single division split into regiments of various size and number depending on the size of the citystate. Judges and elected military advisers of the citystate are the overall head in the CDC's command structure.

Border Guard Corps (BGC)

The primary duty of the BGC is defense and expansion of Azorean space boundaries. Although significantly smaller then its sister corps, the BGC is vital to the survival of the Azorean race. Not only is it the first line of defense against foreign aggressors, but it is the main facilitator for exploration and colonization of the stars. Azoreans military personnel and volunteers may be selected to crew current and future space-faring vessels. While each CDC division falls under each individual citystate's command structure, it is a little different for the BGC. Each starship captain is responsible for his/her own ship, taking orders from the Viceroy and the senate directly.

  • Personnel
  • approx. 50 crewman
  • approx. 5 Rill


faction/azoreans/legion.1572701155.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:21 (external edit)