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Cerceis Multicorporate

โ€œFor Azorea, for Nimiss, for the good of all life. โ€
Corporation Statistics
Chief Executive Officer Wyreleen
Established CC -145 (YE -140) as Ozeanuhs Inc.; CC 37 (YE 32) as Cerceis MCorp.
Employees 30,000 Corporate, 25,000 Subsidiaries
Associated Factions Azorean Commonwealth
Headquarters Henatu, Sudran
Nomenclature ID CMC-
Nicknames Cerceis, Cerceis MC., Cerceis MCorp., Ozeanuhs, The Multicorp

Within the Azorean Commonwealth, Cerceis Multicorporate1) is as famous as it is infamous. It is one of the only international corporations that has almost monopolized several fields of industry, particularly electric power generation, distribution and application. A hundred years before the Heresy War, Cerceis was the first company to create a safe underwater electric grid and other applications in transportation and communications. With their ever-increasing funds, they began expanding into many areas, including space exploration, weapon development, etc. Today (YE 33), Cerceis MC. is the biggest corporation in Azorea, owning over twenty different companies and corporations, including a private military corporation, world-known entertainment theme parks company and an international bank firm.

Cerceis Multicorporate is often contracted by the Azorean Commonwealth for the creation of both domestic and military vehicles, equipment and weapons. There are many controversies regarding Cerceis MC., including claims of secret immoral experiments, but they have all been found to be baseless rumors rooted from their previous affiliation with the heretics or out of frustration of popular preference.


Sudran had always been a rather hard place to live in. The constant storms and little sun always made the waters of the planet more desolate than not. The Azoreans progressed and evolved in these conditions, and adapted to them to the fullest of their abilities. Through necessity came invention in the form of the first underwater electric heater created by Relegh of Henatu. Woulerd, the founder of the company, saw Relegh's invention as being a revolutionary piece of equipment that all Azoreans could someday benefit from. With Relegh's knowledge and a vision of a unified Sudran, Woulerd got several loans and brought up a company from the seafloor up.

This company would be known as Ozeanuhs Electrics Inc.

Ozeanuhs Electrics started out big and grew bigger. Investors from all across Sudran began to pour money in and sales skyrocketed as they began. It wasn't long before Ozeanuhs Inc. had made the first power grid, and the surge of inventions continued further in the form of electric vehicles. It took 100 years for the company to flourish and become internationally known as the main supplier of vehicles, electric domestics, and other handy products. However, when the heretics took over the citystates, Ozeanuhs Electrics Inc. was unfortunately tasked with building many of their projects, and the company was once upon a time known to have been the only organization to openly create clones and cybernetic enhancements. In these years the company spread across many citystates through the influence of the heretics, and they won their infamy.

Into the Heresy War, Ozeanuhs Inc. changed bands and secretly funded the rebellion that Reterk had begun, supplying them with the weapons needed to fight the war. When the war was done and the Commonwealth was born, Ozeanuhs Electrics Incorporated changed its name to Cerceis Incorporated to renounce the evil deeds it had committed while under the reign of the heretics, and eagerly destroyed and handed in all forbidden data and projects to the government.

Into the following years, Cerceis Incorporated was perceived with mixed views. While some looked at it as the corporation that had betrayed the Azorean race, others looked at it as the corporation that made the Azorean Commonwealth possible. In light of the public opinion, Cerceis Incorporated strove to peel off its bad reputation by doing the best it could for the Azorean community: it built railways, it made medicines, it rebuilt theme parks, it supplied electricity to those that didn't have it, it provided security from any left-over heretic rebellions that were present at the time. This caused the majority of the population to view Cerceis with a better outlook, and provided the company with much wealth.

The income revenue was so great that Cerceis began buying companies to add to its repertoire. In mid CC 37, the corporation became a megacorporation, and changed its name to Cerceis Multicorporate.

Corporate Mission Statement

Cerceis MCorp. provides what very few other Azorean companies go out of their way for: international expansion, innovation and technological progress. It is this company that will give the Commonwealth the means to travel the stars, and they will only do so through the combined efforts of members from all citystates. Using the variety of skills from Azoreans across the blue sphere, Cerceis plans on moving the great water nation forward to be the most unique and talented of all the races in the vast newly discovered intergalactic community.

For Azorea, for Nimiss, for the good of all life.

Original Goals

Upon its founding, the Cerceis Multicorporate purpose was to provide ease of living to those that needed it. After the Heresy War, when Cerceis MCorp. redefined its position in the Azorean world, its goals were reviewed and redefined as well.

  • Research, design and production of safe, practical applications of the use of electricity.
  • Bridge Azorean citystates with efficient transportation and communications technology.
  • Design and production of weapons for the safety of the public.
  • Research of all things to provide a greater understanding of nature and possible developments in technology.
  • Provide entertainment for the Azorean population using this technology.

New Goals

Since First Contact, the Azorean community has been eager to enter the galactic trade which is completely new to them. When this new opportunity of market presented itself, Cerceis MCorp. was one of the first corporations to rise up to the task. These goals did not replace the corporation's original goals that were reviewed after the Heresy War, they were simply added to them.

  • Design and production of star ships.
  • Research and development of unique Azorean technologies to sell to the terrestrial galactic market.
  • Create real estate in celestial objects (satellites, planets, etc.)

Corporated Divisions

Polidora Electrics & Urban Development

Infrastructure Development, Electric Energy Research & Supply

Head of Department: Najouleed, Head Architect Engineer Subsidiary Companies: Ghennediss Transports & Motors Commission, Recreational Application Semiconductors, Rachdneis Incorporated, Apex Future Implementations, MineRals Excavations Nickname: PoliElectrics Nomenclature: -P# Cerceis' most prominent division, Polidora Electrics & Urban Development is the corporation's standing stone. This department's job is to build and improve the citystates to perfection. From creating safe electric grids to effective transportation routes, Polidora focuses on the creation of solutions to the Azoreans everyday need to get faster somewhere, or to be able to see in the dark Azorean nights. ==== Calypzo Motors ==== Motorized Vehicle Development Head of Department: Raoldevin, Head Engineer Subsidiary Companies: Ghennediss Transports & Motors Commission, Wave Engines Corporate Nickname: Calypzo Nomenclature: -C#

Responsible for the creation of most vehicles in Sudran, only second to Khalare Motorized Inc. in sales, Calypzo Motors is one of the top selling vehicle brands. Calyzo Motors makes all kinds of vehicles: commercial skimmers, boats, ships, submarines, personal submarines, even some aircraft, both domestic and military. The company has been known for the variety and quality of its products, and has been commissioned several times by the Azorean Commonwealth to design top crafts for all kinds of projects.

Iakhe Communications

Communications Technology

Head of Department: Analeos, Chief Executive Producer Subsidiary Companies: The Wender Company, Little Sys, Telecommunications of Yue, LaoSoft Nickname: IakheComm Nomenclature: -I# Iakhe Communications' ancestors were the ones to build and maintain the AGN (Azorean Global Network). Back in the days, Ozeanuhs Inc. was the sole owner of AGN, but it was later given to the government as a gesture of loyalty and trust after the Great War. Now Cerceis Multicorporate has several channels that belong to it in the AGN, as well as own several thousand servers, all under the direct command of IakheComm. ==== Styxis Public Safety ==== Maintenance of Public Safety, Weapons Development Head of Department: Ryareacke, Head Law Officer Subsidiary Companies: Sea King Armaments, Teres Statal Factories, Opal Security Group Nickname: Styxis Nomenclature: -S#

The megacorporation's security department, Styxis is known for its private law enforcement and security agency and its research, development and manufacture of Azorean weaponry. The ancestors of this division gave Reterk the means to fight the Great War, which allowed the company to redeem itself in the eyes of the Azorean Commonwealth. Ever since, Styxis been known for providing most of the weapons for the predecessors of the Azorean Naval Legion and, recently, the legion itself.

The Ceto Administration

Admninistration, Executive Power, Trade Logistics & Accounting

Head of Department: Wyreleen, Global Chief Executive Officer Subsidiary Companies: Grand Ocean Vaults International, Colon Office Limited, Ore Extractors Incorporated, Ruusneirle & Company Nickname: The Administration Nomenclature: -A# Known to employees in the corporation simply as 'The Administration', this department handles everything from administrative duties to trade route logistics to further improve relations across Sudran citystates. The Administration focuses on the money distributed across the corporation's branches and subsidiaries, meaning they're the ones who control which divisions get more or less funding at any given time. ==== Ocyroe Laboratories ==== General & Medical Sciences, Robotics Head of Department: Ayeanri, Head Physics Doctor Subsidiary Companies: Wyfhnegis Atomic Education, Progressive Chemical Control, Underblue Tool Pharmaceutical, Genetics Medical Vista Nickname: OcyLabs Nomenclature: -O#

Also known as OcyLabs, Ocyroe Laboratories harbor most of the bad reputation of the corporation due to their history. During times of the Great War these laboratories were one of the major seeds of immoral research such as cloning and cybernetics. When the Commonwealth was born, this division changed its name along with its father corporation, and promised to change its ways and research nature for the good of Azoreaโ€ฆ

Xanthe Space Research & Exploration

Space Travel Technology Research

Head of Department: Woanwoe, Head Physics Doctor Subsidiary Companies: Hudynn Aeronauticals, Equipment Solutions, Software Of Neyetease Nickname: Xanthe Nomenclature: -X# Cerceis Multicorporate's newest corporate branch, Xanthe is responsible for development in the areas of space travel, exploration and logistics based on the documents passed down to the Azorean society regarding the space-faring races of the nearby galactic community. This department's purpose is to further understand its surrounding star empires and to copy and, if possible, reverse engineer whatever spacecraft blueprints it can get it hands on. The department is also responsible for attaining new ideas for space logistics and navigation, as well as any additional equipment needed to be produced so the Azoreans are able to reach the stars. ====== Products ====== Here is a list of creations made since the re-established Cerceis Multicorporate2). Coming Soonโ€ฆ**

Originally known as Ozeanuhs Electrics Incorporated.
CC 37 (YE 32) and onward

faction/azoreans/cerceis_multicorporate.1572700770.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:21 (external edit)