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Angelwing Standard Carrier

I. Summary

With the advent of the Hammerhead gunship and the proliferation of Mako and Scoliodon class fighters as the backbone components of the Azorean navy, the Commonwealth deemed there was need for a large vessel to operate as a carrier for numerous fighter craft, beyond what the Hammerhead could carry and field, but also a large vessel that could operate as a fleet flagship or command and control ship. The Angelwing class fleet carrier was born. Building upon existing un-utilized plans for a sub-light capable fighter carrier, the Azoreans scaled the design up and introduced the newly acquired hyperfold drive system into the vessel's design. At 1215 meters in length, the Angelwing stands as the largest military vessel ever constructed by the Azoreans as of YE 36.

I. Appearance

The Angelwing fleet carrier is a large streamlined vessel. At the bow she features a smooth rounded off arrowhead shaped hull containing the habitation and command section of the ship. Behind this are three large spheres, one behind another, that hold the Angelwing's three massive launch bays, hangar decks and auxiliary craft support systems. At the ships stern, she tapers down to a cylindrical hull containing the Angelwings power plant, FTL and sub light engines as well as fuel stores, life support hardware, fabrication and manufacturing. Stretching back from the end of the cylinder are 8 tentacle-like extensions, containing energy shield generators utilized to focus and direct the thrust generated by the ships plasma engines, aiding in the Angelwings maneuvering.

III. Statistical Information


Organizations using this vessel:

  • Azorean Commonwealth
  • Type: Fleet Carrier
  • Class: Angelwing
  • Nomenclature: Az-A1-1A
  • Designers: Edel City state
  • Manufacturer: Henatu Shipyards


  • Crew: 81 (15 officers, 66 Enlisted) , plus 265 pilots, for a total of 346.
  • Parasite Complement: 150 Mako Starfighters, 50 Scoliodon Heavy Starfighters, 15 Shuttles
  • Maximum Capacity:


  • Length: 1215 meters
  • Width: 135 meters
  • Height: 135 meters
  • Mass: Approximately 756,338 kg

IV. Performance

  • Speed (STL): .11c using Plasma drives.
  • Speed (FTL): 236,682c (0.45 ly/m
  • Range: 6 months.
  • Lifespan: With regular maintenance, the Angelwing is expected to serve in excess of 50 years.
  • Refit Cycle: Minor upgrades on a constant basis; major upgrades on an as-needed basis.

Damage Rating

Hull: 30 Shield: 30

V. Interior Data

The Angelwing is divided into three primary sections. At the front, the habitation section, contains command and control, living quarters, crew facilities, medical bay, life support systems. The center of the ship houses the hangar section, which is dominated by three one hundred meter diameter hangar spheres. These spheres house the ships flight decks, maintenance bays and support facilities for all of the Angelwing's support craft. Finally in back is the engineering section. This is a largely uninhabitable space containing the ships power systems, engines, machinery, fuel and fabrication shops.

Habitation Section

Deck Areas
1 Sensor array, escape pods
2 Enlisted crew quarters, enlisted mess, machine shops
3 Bridge, officer quarters, Captain's cabin, life support systems, crew recreation facilities, escape pods
4 Medical Bay, main computer, life support systems, officer quarters, crew mess, airlocks, escape pods
5 Enlisted crew quarters, supply storage, water storage,
6 Communications array, sensor array, escape pods, airlock, cargo bay

Hangar Section

Deck Areas
1 Primary flight control, escape pods, machine shops, supply storage
2 Flight deck, squadron ready rooms, pilot crew quarters
3 Maintenance bays, machine shops, fuel tanks
4 Flight deck, squadron ready rooms, pilot crew quarters
5 Maintenance bays, machine shops, ammunition magazine
6 Flight deck, squadron ready rooms, pilot crew quarters
7 Maintenance bays, machine shops
8 Escape pods, supply storage

Engineering Section

Deck Areas
1 Water tanks, fabrication bay, cargo holds, escape pods
2 Life support, water generators, main reactor (upper)
3 Main engine room, main reactor, auxiliary control, secondary generators, fuel tanks, escape pods
4 main reactor (lower), fuel tanks, batteries, fabrication bay
5 Fuel tanks, cargo holds, batteries, machine shops

Note: ALL bulkheads and the hull are reinforced. All decks and sections can be sealed airtight, independently of each other.

VI. Weapons Systems

12x retractable point defense disruptors. Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor X2 per turret.

a variant on the Gatling version on the Azorean carried Azorean Disruptor. Mounted in pairs and remotely powered (via cables to a weapons power supply conduit), these weapons mount onto multi axis gimbals turret.

VI. Ship Systems

Standard Communications Array

The Angelwing uses communication technologies that were designed off of the vampire class ship involved in the Nevah project. While not as sophisticated as those on most other faction military vessels, they cover the basics (subspace and radio) and provide an acceptable amount of security. In a emergency, the communications system can act as a low resolution sensor system, by using the two receivers to pinpoint radio or subspace transmitters, much in the same way that primitive radar does.

Standard Sensor Array

The Anglewing uses a radar and radio telemetry system to navigate through space. Though it may be a little inefficient, it gets the job done. the Radar has an effective range of 200,000 Km. Radio Telemetry doesn't have a range it uses navigational Buoys that transmit on fixed frequency.

They also use magnetic anomaly to scan for close in meteorites. Range 50,000 Km

Infrared sensors rigged in two modulars one working the IR bands, the second running near IR bands. Range 5 light years.

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Hull is made out of Durandium Alloy.

Life Support Systems

This ship employes special generators for water and air recycling. These same systems cause the air with in the ship to become moist, this both keeps the Azoreans hydrated and feeling at home.


STL: Based off of technology given to the Azoreans, the Angelwing uses Plasma Thrusters to push it through space, powered by a fusion reactor.

FTL: The Azorean's were given hyper-fold technology as part over the protectorate status, the drive allows for FTL travel. Hyperfold drives make the distance between point A and point B seem to vanish by folding space over it's self, then tunneling through it.

Shield Systems

Again, based off of what was gained in the Nevah project, the Angelwing has an efficient shielding system. It relies on a teardrop-shaped spatial distortion, to warp space around the ship, to alter the course of lasers, missiles, etc. A second system, called β€œthe spike,” only protects the front of the ship, acting as a giant cone, it protects the ship from collisions during high-speed space flight. Both of the shields can take a lot of damage but are not infallible, and fail after a few good hits.

Communication Systems

The Angelwing uses communication technologies that were designed off of the vampire class ship involved in the Nevah project. While not as sophisticated as those on most other faction military vessels, they cover the basics (subspace and radio) and provide an acceptable amount of security. In a emergency, the communications system can act as a low resolution sensor system, by using the two receivers to pinpoint radio or subspace transmitters, much in the same way that primitive radar.

Anti-gravity system

Pulling from the Nevah project, again, the Angelwing utilizes the Unidirectional Gravity Plating plating on the roof, which emits a pseudo-gravitational field, that is attracted to the plates on the floor pushing everything on the ship 'down'.

faction/azoreans/angelwing.1561145416.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:20 (external edit)