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Aetherian Progenitors

The Aetherian Progenitors are an ancient and enigmatic civilization that predates all known galactic empires. Renowned for their mastery of interdimensional technology and reality-bending constructs, the Progenitors vanished from the galaxy millions of years ago, leaving behind scattered ruins, cryptic relics, and the remnants of their colossal research facilities. Their creations continue to intrigue and terrify those who encounter them, for the secrets they hold could reshape the very fabric of the universe—or destroy it.


The history of the Aetherian Progenitors is largely a mystery. What little is known about them comes from the study of their ancient ruins and the advanced artifacts found within. Believed to have existed millions of years ago, this civilization reached heights of technological prowess that modern societies can barely comprehend. The Progenitors appear to have dedicated themselves to the exploration and manipulation of multiple dimensions, creating vast research hubs to unlock the mysteries of the multiverse.

Star Army Scientist Kawa Euikoshi believes the Progenitors may have spanned not just one galaxy but countless parallel realities, and their projects might have extended into realms beyond normal understanding. Their sudden disappearance is one of the greatest mysteries of the cosmos. Some theories suggest they may have overreached their capabilities, unleashing forces they could not control, while others propose they ascended to a higher state of existence or fell victim to an unseen, existential threat. Whatever the case, the Progenitors left behind immense knowledge and dangerous technology that various factions now seek to uncover.


The Aetherian Progenitors' architecture and technology are unlike anything else encountered in the galaxy. Their structures blend organic and mechanical elements seamlessly, often incorporating crystalline lattices, glowing energy conduits, and strange metallic alloys that seem both familiar and alien. The interiors of their research facilities are vast and intricate, filled with volumetric displays, floating platforms, and inscrutable control panels.

The most striking feature of their constructions is the Dimensional Core, a powerful device capable of manipulating the boundaries between dimensions. These cores, often hidden deep within their ancient facilities, are believed to be both a source of immense knowledge and a potential catalyst for catastrophic events. The presence of guardian constructs—massive, sentient machines designed to defend Progenitor sites—suggests a lingering awareness within their ancient systems, programmed to protect their secrets at any cost.

The Progenitors' technology often defies reverse engineering, leading to both awe and caution among those who dare to explore their remnants. The artifacts found in their ruins can range from useful devices that challenge known science to lethal traps or rifts that distort reality. Only a few have dared to delve deep enough to unravel their mysteries, and fewer still have returned.

OOC Notes

The Aetherian Progenitors serve as a mysterious and powerful element in the Star Army Roleplaying setting. They are designed to be a source of both wonder and terror, providing a backdrop for stories involving ancient mysteries, powerful artifacts, and the dangers of unchecked exploration.

Their influence can manifest in various ways—ancient facilities that pose both opportunities and threats, powerful constructs that challenge entire starships, or relics that factions compete to control. Game Masters are encouraged to use the Progenitors as a narrative tool for introducing high-stakes scenarios, exploring the unknown, and grappling with the ethical implications of using technology that can alter reality itself.

The Aetherian Progenitors are intentionally left vague to allow for flexibility in storytelling. Their technology, motivations, and ultimate fate can be tailored to suit different plotlines, keeping players on their toes and maintaining a sense of cosmic mystery.

This article was written by Wes 2024/09/07 09:10 based on information revealed in ongoing YSS Resurgence roleplay.

Last Checked2024/09/07

faction/aetherian_progenitors.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/07 09:14 by wes