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Vorrecht Main Battle Tank

The Vorrecht was designed by Dietrich Starkwerk in the 2nd Quarter of AF 2601) as a replacement for the much older Klinge Unterbrecher design in the role of the Abwehran Star Empire's main battle tank.


vorrecht_draft_2_front.jpg (Vorrecht in Urban Camo)

vorrecht_draft_2_side.jpg (Vorrecht in Urban Camo)

vorrecht_draft_2_rear.jpg (Vorrecht in Urban Camo)

vorrecht_desert.jpg (Vorrecht in Desert Camo)

vorrecht_forest.jpg (Vorrecht in Forest Camo)

About the Vehicle

The Vorrecht MBT was designed by Dietrich Starkwerk to replace the older Klinge Unterbrecher design both in role and as the AAF's projection of power on the battlefield.

Key Features

  • Inverted use of Unidirectional Gravity Plating to make it float 0.75 Meters off the ground
  • 155MM Vorrecht Cannon on a traversing turret capable of penetrating heavily armored targets at long ranges.
  • Twin sponsons to either side of the barrel of the cannon, allowing the Vorrecht to fire upon infantry.
  • Rear sponson protecting the tank from infantry coming from behind.
  • Speed far surpassing the Klinge Unterbrecher at 100 KPH

History and Background

During the Khorsovarolor conflict, it was found that local vehicle designs outclassed the Klinge Unterbrecher in either speed or armor2) and its ability to destroy fortifications was rarely required in the field. The Klinge was also expensive to maintain, build, and didn't pay for itself well enough to suit the needs of the AAF.

So, upon the conclusion of the Khorsovarolor conflict, officials contacted Dietrich Starkwerk to create a cheaper, faster, and more easily maintained design that still filled out the role of the old Klinge. The Dietrich Starkwerk teams quickly produced an acceptable design.

Not only was the Vorrecht cheap, it was faster than what was requested. It also sported a 155MM Cannon, capable of firing (theoretically) farther than the Klinge, and with better accuracy and penetration power at more practical distances.

Following a very brief prototype phase, the Vorrecht would enter mass production in the wake of the Klinge Unterbrechers being scrapped in favor of the new design.

General Information

Class: Armored Vehicle DSW-AV-VT01A Type: Vorrecht Main Battle Tank Designers: Dietrich Starkwerk Manufacturer: Dietrich Starkwerk Used By: Abwehran Star Empire Cost per Unit: 600,000 Credits (200,000 KS)

Statistics and Performance


Crew: One Driver, One Gunner, One Commander

  • Often with an extra Loader for rare cases when the Auto-Loader fails and also to operate the rear-facing sponson.
  • Each Crewman has a separate armored compartment.


Length: 10 Meters

  • 155mm Cannon juts 2 Meters forward, but is 4 Meters long.

Width: 4 Meters Height: 2.4 Meters

Propulsion and Range

Speed: Top: 100 KPH3)

  • 0-100 KPH in 20 Seconds

Range: 5 Days of constant movement

Damage Capacity

The Vorrecht sacrifices the thickness of its standard Battle Armor to add in Tank Ablative Armor to increase its toughness in the field.

SP: 20

  • Armor: 20 ADR

(See Damage Rating (Version 3) Guidelines)

Inside the Vorrecht


The Turret from the outside appears to be a squared dome-like structure with the Vorrecht's primary weapon, the 155MM Cannon, protruding out the front. From the inside, the Turret is possibly the single largest compartment in the Vorrecht. It has two seats – one for the commander, and one for the gunner. The commander's console, which is physically attached to the seat, provides him information directly from the Vorrecht's Imaging Scanner Package. It also gives him the ability to apply safeties to the weapons, view ammunition levels, and in emergencies the ability to drive the tank.

The Gunner's console and seat are placed directly underneath and slightly behind the gun, and is also directly below the top hatch where people normally enter the vehicle. His console provides him a direct view of where the 155MM Cannon is directed and a targeting reticule. He not only has the ability to fire the primary weapon, he has the ability of unleashing the twin fix-placed sponsons to either side of the cannon's barrel.

Driver's Compartment

The Driver's Compartment is just large enough to fit a large, seated Abwehran male and the driving equipment necessary for the Tank's movement. The Driver can alter the height and velocity4) of the Tank. His console provides only a view of the front of the tank, however, making it necessary for him to receive orders from the Commander of the vehicle.

Loader's Compartment

The Loader's Compartment is located at the rear of the tank. The Loader is seated in front of a rear-facing console where he can control the rear-facing sponson. Typically, due to a simple auto-loading system he never has to load the cannon's conveyor belt-like magazine5) he never has to load the weapon himself. Instead, he works the rear sponson and serves as the Tank's mechanic.



  • One 155mm Cannon
    • To fire, the Cannon uses a system of magnets. The first set pushes the round forward, the next set pulls it. When the round passes the second set, the magnets switch poles to push it. Then the next set, and so on until the round exits. This typically takes place faster than the eye can see and provides the round killing power.
      • Damage Rating: 5 ADR for Spike Munitions, 5 PDR for Railgun Propelled Grenades
      • The weapon has a theoretical range of 22 KM, however it generally only engages at distances of 5 KM or less.
      • It fires one round every four seconds.
  • 3x 20mm Gatling Gauss Cannon serving as sponsons.




Though rarely both, and more often in speed
62 MPH
Speed and direction
When the cannon fires and completes a circuit the magazine pulls the next round into place.

faction/abwehran_star_empire/technology/vehicles/vorrecht.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 05:25 by