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Origin Industries Contract

The following is a trade document between origin_industries and the abwehran_star_empire written initially in AF 260. For the purposes of this document, Origin Industries will hereafter be referred to as โ€™Originโ€™, while the ASE will be written as โ€˜the Empireโ€™.

Section 1: Assets / Property Rights

Articles verifying the Rights Origin has to its assets and property.

Article 1: Intellectual Property

  • The Empire guarantees Origin's Intellectual Property is protected under Imperial Law.
  • The Empire guarantees Origin's access to shared Intellectual Property found in the archives of Kaiserlich F&E so long as sufficient credit is given in design specifications.
  • The Empire requires Origin Intellectual Property to become shared Intellectual Property in Kaiserlich F&Eโ€™s archives after a period of 6 Abwehran Years (24 Standard Years) of being protected Intellectual Property. The only exception to this are restricted technology found in foreign companies.

Article 2: Real Estate Assets

  • The Empire guarantees Origin's real estate in Imperial Territory is protected under Imperial Law.
  • The Empire guarantees Origin's privacy in their real estate in Imperial Territory under Imperial Law, unless a legal warrant is provided.

Article 3: Other Assets

  • The Empire guarantees that Origin's assets in Imperial Territory are protected under Imperial Law.
  • Origin guarantees that its production assets in Imperial Territory meet Imperial Safety Standards.
  • Origin guarantees that its research assets in Imperial Territory meet Imperial Safety Standards.

Section 2: Banking and Financing

Articles verifying banking and financing privileges in the Empire.

Article 1: Banking

  • The Empire guarantees that there will be no government involvement in Origin's banking in Imperial Territory as long as the methods are legal under Imperial Law.
  • The Empire guarantees that no investigation into Origin's banking in Imperial Territory will occur unless a legal warrant is presented.
  • Origin guarantees that its accounting and banking practices in Imperial Territory are legal under Imperial Law.

Article 2: Financing

  • The Empire guarantees that there will be no government involvement in Origin's finance policy in Imperial Territory as long as the methods are legal under Imperial Law.
  • The Empire guarantees that no investigation into Origin's finance policies in Imperial Territory will occur unless a legal warrant is presented.
  • Origin guarantees that its finance policies and practices in Imperial Territory are legal under Imperial Law.

Section 3: Products Purchased by the Empire

Articles on Products purchased from Origin and each order for said products.

Article 1: Products

Article 2: Orders

The Origin has received the following orders:
Note: Previous orders have been archived.1)

Product Quantity Date Ordered Date Fulfilled
<product> ## <date> <date>

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/10/06 10:21 by Abwehran Commander.

ie. too lazy to go back and search for it all

faction/abwehran_star_empire/government/origin_contract.1477925175.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:31 (external edit)