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Schnee Katze

Or otherwise known as “Snow Cat” to non-abwehran speakers, is a civilian corporation owned by Dietrich Starkwerk after a recent buy-out of its stocks. It creates games and merchandise to the world at large, and while owned by an Abwehran company is not necessarily subject to their laws.

Corporate Logo

History and Founding

Snow Cat can trace its origins back to two separate companies located in Funky City and the Abwehran Homeworld. The Nepleslian company was interested in creating games and producing musical instruments. The Abwehran company was interested in software and entertainment. Naturally, these two companies came together to market several simple web-browser based games and over time finally joined together under the name of Snow Cat in YE 32. It was never a very successful company, but as it was based in Großartige Festung it came to the attention of Dietrich Starkwerk's management staff while their CEO was away in YE 33, and after a unanimous board vote the larger corporation bought out Snow Cat's stocks.

At this affiliated company's head is a Nepleslian woman named Tanya Katz, who has been a part of the company since it came together in YE 32.

Current Projects

  • One Computer Game in-development
  • Several Action Figure Lines
  • Toy Weapons
  • Toy Ships
  • A Series of Simulators

Schnee Katze Products




Personal Items

Company Finances

Total Balance
3,000,000 KS
Balance Addition Subtraction Reason
3,000,000 KS Starting Cash After DSW Buy-Out
2,000,000 KS -1 Million Funding for ICE development

faction/abwehran_star_empire/economy/dsw/schnee_katze.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 05:24 (external edit)