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Rank NameMaster Chief Petty Officer
Rank PaygradeE6
Rank Desc.You're highly experienced and hardcore.

Dietrich Starkwerk

Dietrich Starkwerk (Or Dietrich Greatworks in Trade) is a Corporation founded and created by Augustus Dietrich in the early days of his term on the seat within the House of Representatives. Dietrich Starkwerk focuses on the creation, production and trade of valuable designs and inventions for the Abwehran Star Empire.

It is a Civilian Corporation with military contracts.


History and Founding

It was Friedrik Dietrich who originally broke into the hardware business in AF 239, and along with several food restaurants and fast food locations expanded the family fortune until AF 251, where the Dietrichs' businesses fell into neglect, and slowly slipped away.

In AF 258, Augustus Dietrich, Friedrik's sole heir and son took the inheritance from his dead father as well as his savings and began expanding the Dietrich name to more locations and businesses. It wasn't until AF 260, in the early days of his new office that Augustus took out a loan, sold his restaurants, and invested it all into the building and buying and construction of a handful of factories just outside of Großartige Festung, the Abwehran capital.

By YE 33 Dietrich Starkwerk was one of the three big competitors for military contracts in the Abwehran Star Empire. Instead of focusing on beating out its competitors at home, it reached out to the Kikyo Sector at large. While Augustus Dietrich fought in the UOC on a humane mission, Starkwerk formed new contracts with international companies. At the same time, it bought an affiliate company named Schnee Katze, who would provide the new civilian face of the corporation.

Current Starkwerk Contracts

All current contracts being carried out by Dietrich Starkwerk.

With: Abwehran Star Empire Production: Wahrheit-Class Battlecruiser Details: Payment of 600,000 for every Wahrheit produced for the next 10 years.

With: Abwehran Star Empire Production: LANCE Munitions Details: Payment of 125 for every case of 80.

Designs of Starkwerk

All Designs of Starkwerk


Starship Weaponry

Aerospace Vehicles


Weapon Accessories





Total Balance
181,750,000 AC
Balance Addition Subtraction Reason
1,000,000 AC +1 Million Loan
500,000 AC -500 Thousand Factory Building
2,500,000 AC +2 Million ASE BC Design Purchase
2,506,000 AC +6 Thousand ASE LANCE Design Purchase
1,500,000 AC -1,006,000 Loan Repayment
1,750,000 AC +250 Thousand Blitzer Hovercar Purchases
181,750,000 AC +180 Million Vorrecht Design and Production (One Field Army)
160,061,600 AC -21,688,400 Payments to Paragon and Foreign Service
159,000,200 AC -1,061,400 Payments to multiple Freighter Contracting Companies
144,000,200 AC -15 Million Production License from Axis Mechworks and Schnee Katze buy-out
204,000,200 AC +100 Million -40 Million Income and GCZ initial construction.
200,000,000 AC -20 Million, 200 More construction; Payments to employees.
300,000,000 AC +125 Million -25 Million Income, Payments, (Catch-up within reason, 4/3/12)
100,000,000 KS CONVERSION TO KS. 4/3/12.


faction/abwehran_star_empire/economy/dsw/dietrich_starkwerk.1561144587.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:35 (external edit)