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GIM-1 'Talon' Medium Range Guided Missile

A multiplatform medium range missile intended for use in a wide variety of platforms being developed by the Paragon Initiative. It is capable of both atmospheric and space use, an additional capability is the surface to space use of the weapon. It became available in YE 33.


Produced By: paragon, zen_armaments
Primary Role: Anti-Strike Craft
Secondary Role: Multipurpose
Length: 2.5 meters
Range: 3 AU (2-3 Light Seconds terminal homing post FTL Jump) Atmospheric: 1,500 kilometers
Average Velocity: .375c Atmospheric: 10,620 km/h
Cost: 5,000 DA


Control System

A typical guidance computer with redundancies built in to counter electronic countermeasures, increasing the guidance systems resistance to ECM decoy measures.

Power Source

When not attached to the launch craft umbilical the weapon is powered by one small fusion battery that act as storage for any spare energy from the weapon's propulsion system, when power output drops they pick up the slack. Both have sufficient charge to power the missile's systems for up to forty minutes at maximum power levels.


  • Aether Detection System - Range - 1 AU
  • Neutrino Detection System - Range - 1.5 AU
  • Infrared Homing (Terminal Guidance)
  • Active Electronically Scanned Array(AESA) RADAR (Terminal Guidance)


  • Gravemetric Shield System (Scalar defense only)
  • Electrostatic Shields.(SP 3(2) ADR)
  • Durandium Alloy casing.(SP 8 ADR)

Electronic Warfare

  • Active Electronically Scanned Array(AESA) RADAR employed as a electromagnetic sensor jamming system.


  • One D-T cycle thermonuclear engine with atmospheric governor, plasma 'bleeds' are also in place for power generation and weapon orientation control.
  • One Hyperspace Fold Drive with a single use power capacitor, (10,000c)


Subspace data-link with launch vehicle.


  • Antimatter (SDR 4)
  • Kinetic (SDR 2)
  • Enhanced Radiation Warhead - Highly effective against electronics, shields, and personnel, limited effectiveness against equipment. (SDR 2)
  • Explosive Fragmentation (SDR 1)(ADR 4 in atmosphere)

corp/zen/gim-1.1519453382.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:18 (external edit)