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Ze-J5 MRAR Maintenance and Repair Assistance Robot

Designed to supplement Star Army Technicians or "Mobile Spanner" Drones in the maintenance and repair of ship systems and field assets. It is equipped to lift and maneuver very large and heavy parts as well as large amounts of small parts accurately where a lone technician or mobile spanner could not.


The MRAR is a sleek angled frame twice as long as it is wide or tall with six large omniwheels that are suspended three on each side. The top front of the frame is a small transparent shield that can be lifted to access the small parts sorting opening. On top of the frame is a single detachable uni-directional camera with several short communication antennae. The camera section is mounted on a small arm to allow rotation. Attached to the right side of the frame is a rack capable of holding small tools that the technician or mobile spanner would not be carrying themselves. The left side has three braces for holding parts, metal stock, and tools too large for the right side.

History and Background

Invented by Tsuru Suzue in YE 37, the MRAR is manufactured by Zen Armaments for use aboard Yamataian and Nepleslian ships as well with their ground forces.

Statistical Information

  • Length: 1m
  • Width: 1m
  • Height: 0.5m
  • Mass: 150kg
  • Maximum Combined Carrying Weight: 750kg
  • Maximum Internal Carrying Volume: 3L
  • Range: Unlimited while aboard a vessel (12 hours - 2 months, scaled ratio of maximum carrying capacity)
  • Lifespan: 10 years with proper maintenance
  • Cost: 800 KS


Gravitational Manipulation Array

The MRAR is equipped with six high power and two high precision gravitational manipulators that it uses to lift and carry heavy, large, or awkwardly shaped parts and equipment up to 750kg. It is also capable of using these to propel itself in situations where it's wheels would be useless.

The MRAR is capable of mapping its surroundings and forming an extensive memory of its attached ship spaces, dimensions, and locations of systems and parts. Combining these databases it is capable of finding the fastest and safest means to transport loads to their desired destinations.

Omnidirectional Wheel and Suspension System

The MRAR's six omniwheels are capable of quick movement in any direction on flat plains and the versatile suspension system combined with the gravitational manipulation array makes it capable of traversing complex terrain. The suspension system can also fold the wheels in tightly allowing it to move through standard maintenance tunnels.

Small Part Sorter and Storage

The MRAR is capable of holding roughly 3 liters of parts able to fit inside of its 20x20cm small part sorting opening. The main purpose of this system is to keep track of any small parts removed from systems being inspected, maintained, or repaired. The secondary purpose is to carry commonly lost or expended small parts.

Battery Pack

For use in the field or when ship's charging capabilities are down the MRAR houses a high density battery to maintain functionality. Due to the nature of the robot's gravitational manipulation the battery can be drained rather quickly, (12 hours at full load) and may need to be recharged frequently to maintain operation. Charge time from dead to full is about 8 hours in the field, 1 hour within a ship's field.

OOC Notes

Intruder created this article on 2015/05/05 15:58.

Art is by Intruder and used with permission.

The MRAR's purpose is to give a single player character an assistant drone to give them a much higher scale of work achievable.

corp/zen/ze-j5_mrar_maintenance_and_repair_assistance_robot.1700311792.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:19 (external edit)