The LEAR is manufactured and fielded by Psychopomp LLC and was put into production starting in YE 43. It is a weapon created for mid to close range combat for the company's Silverback system.
The LEAR or Light Energy Assault Rifle is an energy-based weapon designed to allow the Silverback to engage in combat within close range in the case of a combatant entering the 100m blind spot of it Trident systems. The rifle is powered via a battery pack on its underside that will recharge itself after some time so long as the weapon is not in use.
The LEAR is a blocky rifle tailored for the silverback platform. It’s factory coloration is red and white and is built as one solid object with the only removable part being the battery packs used for ammunition, which are loaded into the back of the rifle body above the trigger system. It comes with a built-in red dot sight.