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Highspeed Safety Bubble

The Highspeed Safety Bubble was designed in EE004 (YE 40) by kirinov_automotive_servicer_and_supplier as a standalone component which would be used in multiple designs in the future as a progressive safety feature for the K5 pursuit class of vehicles. Its primary designated application is within the Kirinov "Chaser" Pursuit Vehicle.

About the Highspeed Safety Bubble

The Highspeed Safety Bubble was - as its name implies - designed to provide safety in highspeed situations. It's a simple device that is used in high-speed vehicles and can be easily modified depending on the size of the vehicle. It is triggered automatically if the vehicle sustains too much damage or if the onboard systems register that the vehicle is out of control at dangerous speeds.

During deployment the interior of the vehicle fills briefly with foam, encompassing the driver and passenger(s) before rapidly expanding outwards and hardening into a more solid - but still β€œsquishy” - orb around them. This orb remains in effect for 5 minutes to prevent any other damage from being dealt to its occupants; after the chemical reaction which caused its formation finishes, the bubble breaks and dissolves into a biodegradable gloop.

Nomenclature Information

The following section contains general information about the Highspeed Safety Bubble.

OOC Notes

club24 created this article on 2018/09/27 23:15; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/10/05 12:16.

corp/kirinov/highspeed_safety_bubble.1561146413.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:51 (external edit)