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Tsukiakari-class Space Station

:!: NOT APPROVED FOR IC USAGE This article has not been approved within the NTSE.

The Tsukiakari Space Station is a orbital facility invented in YE 36 and produced by the intergalactic_transport_corporation. Currently, there is only one Space Station of this type, danketsu_station, which is owned by the ITC. A second one was purchased by the Star Army of Yamatai in early YE 39 and shipped to an yet unknown location.

About the Tsukiakari

The station was essentially built for R&D use only, but recently compatibility has made it able to modify it to military and trade functions.

The station offers up to six modules, and enough space to hold over 2,000 crew members and 25,000 passengers. The only station of this type to date, Danketsu Station, is mostly an R&D Facility. While this is its main purpose, the station configuration can be changed to make a Trade Station or a Military Base.

The modules are produced individually alongside each other, which means that all six compartments are worked on at the same time, instead of one at a time. The ITC is able to hire a substantial amount of season workers to build one of these compartments alongside the main construction teams. This saves a lot of time, and is the main reason why the ITC is able to build the structure in only five to six months.

Production costs around 5,000,000 KS.

Notable Stations

this is a list of all stations of this type:


the Tsukiakari was created shortly after the founding of the ITC by Director takahashi_kenichi and a team of R&D personnel. While the decision to create a new type of space station is bold, but the funds provided by kinzo_odaka allowed for the station's development to be finished in early YE 36. Immediately afterwards, Kenichi pushed forward the plans for Danketsu Station, and rushed for the station to be completed under a maximum of three months.

While several simulations proved the station was unable to maintain orbit, improvement in construction mostly solved the problem. Director Kenichi personally oversaw post-development of the station's idea, to ensure that the station would be reliable.


The Tsukiakari station consists of mainly several round modules, slowly circling around a central bigger round module, which acts as a command base and communications station.

Beneath the command module, there is a basic space-port with up to eight hangar bays- each has a clearance of around 1,496 x 116 meters at the opening and a depth of 1,676 meters. the space-port can be enlarged or narrowed. Beside the space-port there is space for cargo areas which can be enlarged or narrowed. Normally, the cargo area is around 2,572 x 1,912 meters.

The various modules can have different purposes, ranging from research facilities to battle stations. In standard form,the modules consist of 4 research facilities and 2 residential modules and basic space-port and cargo area.

Statistical Data


Crew and Accommodations

  • Crew:standard 2,000, max 5,000
  • Worker compliment: 8,000
  • Residential compliment: 16,000
  • Emergency compliment: In an act off emergency, the station can hold nearly 100 thousand inhabitants.


  • Width: 1,500 km
  • Height: 6,000 km


  • Decks: 1,259 (4.7 meter each)
  • Habitable Decks: 1,086
  • Uninhabitable decks: 173

Propulsion and Range

  • Engines: itc_sugureta_engine, 0.45c
  • Initial Lifespan: Eternally if maintained well, basically 50 years if not inhabited
  • Refit Cycle: 10 Years

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: 100
  • Shields: 120 (Threshold 1)

corp/itc/tsukiakari-class_space_station.1561147746.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:49 (external edit)