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Frontier Manufacturing Service

The Branch of the Frontier Service Corporation that turns ideas and metal into realities.

About the FMS

Created by Mr. Donovan in ye_39 to establish manufacturing capabilities for the FSC. The majority of its supporting income is from building and selling common hardware and components.

By spreading word through private sector recruitment agencies FMS was able to pull together a solid design team and build lists of suitable candidates for management and specialty roles.

Starting off on 188604 the idea of FMS was to provide the local economy with export items and create jobs for the local population.

General Information

Frontier Service Corporation
Owner Candon Suites
President Mr. Donovan
Product Symbol FS


Howard Station
Station Model Origin OOSY
Location orbiting 188604, pending completion
Commander Origin Industries Construction Team


Future Products

These works in progress are planned for future production upon design completion.


After construction the FBS headquarters and facilities will be stationed on Howard Station.


Roles are divided between departments: Administration, Design, Factory, and shipyard.


These positions are held by people who manage the administrative aspect of the manufacturing service.

  • Branch Manager
    • Highest authority of branch.
  • Staff Officer
    • Manages the recruitment, training, and distribution of the workforce.
  • Resource Officer
    • Allocates needed resources to departments to ensure projects have the proper amount of resources available.
  • Inspector
    • Responsible for the inspection of factories/shipyards and records for each facility.
    • Enforces corporate policy.


These positions are held by people who have a role in creating designs for FSCorp.

  • Chief Engineer
    • Oversees all projects and coordinates Lead Engineers during major projects.
  • Lead Engineers
    • Leads a team of engineers to accomplish projects or portions of major projects.
  • Design Engineers
    • Any engineer working in a design role.


These positions are held by people who have a role in building a majority of the products made by FSCorp ranging from bolts and screws to automobiles and computer. Most of the modules used in ship construction come from a factory.

  • Factory Manager
    • Highest authority of manufacturing facility.
    • Determines pay rate for staff.
  • Department Manager
    • Supervises departments working on specific or specialized tasks.
  • Factory Workers
    • Ranges from machinery operators to welders, anyone working in a factory.


These positions are held by people who have a role in the construction of space faring vessels, aerospace craft, and devices used on such vehicles.

  • Shipyard Manager
    • Highest authority in Shipbuilding facility.
    • Determines pay rate for staff.
  • Shipwright
    • Oversees an individual dock/bay and leads the construction/repair effort.
  • Construction Workers
    • Anyone building or repairing ships.
    • EVA training required.
  • Dock Workers
    • Anyone working in or upkeeping a shipyard.

corp/fscorp/fms.1537410531.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:40 (external edit)