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Yjmir Skaen

Yjmir Skaen is a Active Player Character played by yjmirskaen.

Yjmir Skaen
Species & Gender: Bigender Random Alien
Organization: Yugumo
Occupation: Security (Sword Bearer)
Rank: Kaihei
Current Placement: Bastion of Winter

Physical Description

Unlocking Required Data… Access Granted Subject Data: 179-9871

Height: 6'5“ (195.58 cm)
Weight: 340 Pounds (152 kg)
Skin Color: Brown
Eye Color/Shape: Violet/ Oval Shape
Hair Color: White (partially dyed black)
Sex: Hermaphrodite

Description: Active

The Bipedal Alien lifeform that identifies itself as Yjmir Skaen is as follows. A tall firmly built body of high muscularity. The subject is feminine in body though possesses the traits of both with broader shoulders and high density of muscle. Large ram-like horns just back from subjects head along with large Hare like ears. Combination of mammalian features. Skin is akin to standard humans along with general proportions. Persistent smell of smoke, heavy metal variant, around subject. Likely due to need to intake certain aerosolized metal elements from original world's atmosphere. Subject's body processes these atmospheric metals to reinforce bone structure with higher grade materials than calcium. Results are close to tier 1 protection though periods spent without intake of aerosolized metal elements will result in degradation and eventual death. Periods of “standard” atmosphere exposure should be kept to within 48 hours. Speech pattern described as liquid silver by listening staff members. Sexual identification as hermaphroditic species. Ending observational log.

Full Combat Deployment Skaen

Physical Description: The combat suit used by Yjmir Skaen is comprised of a series of environmental sealed tubes and a skinsuit of tier 2 durability and protection. The suit is form fitting with minor variations on reinforcing specific aspects of the user's physiology such as nails and flexibility. The helmet paired with the suit is a custom made respirator matched to a elongated helmet to allow for the horns and ears to rest comfortably within. A 360 degree data evaluation field is projected from the helmet in what has been likened to a halo effect from pre-history. The suit is pressure sealed and allows for a full range of athletic and gymnastic movements. A personalized note about the jacket worn over the suit. It is not required and is simply ornamental along with the long black fibers coming from the back of the helmet. These are presented as “personal touches” by Yjmir Skaen. While dressed in such a way, Yjmir Skaen often refers to herself as We.

Description: Observation notes. The subject displays a split in reference frame when inside and outside of combat scenarios. Initially this was speculated to be a split personality but upon investigation and interview was instead revealed to be a mindset developed by the subject. Log is as follows.

Beginning Playback

“No I don't have voices in my head you idiots. None save for your inane prattling. I will put this very simply. There are, for me, two states. Singular and feminine, then plural and masculine. When I put the helmet on, that us. Me, masculine and multiple. When we take the helmet off, it returns to singular and feminine. This isn't some grand display of fluidity or anything either mind you. I just believe that, and I can't speak for the rest of my people since I might as well be the last but to kill is a masculine expression and is destructive. To create, socialize, and grow is a feminine aspect and is constructive. Destruction and construction are both needed. You can't have one without the other or the cycle will eventually dead end. Yjmir is the me of right now. She. She is talking to you right now about your stupid interview and questions. Then there is Skaen. That is us. He is the weapon wielder, the sword bearer, the one who cuts. Ultimately I am She, but also He and We. I put the helmet on, and that's Skaen. I take the helmet off, and it's Yjmir. I'm both. Use whatever title you want. I don't care.”


Data Corrupted… Searching… Searching… Searching… Match Found.

Playing Audio, automatic transcription in effect…

“Let me ask a question before I talk about myself? Do any of you understand why a sword is important? Or maybe I should say a blade? Blade sounds better. Right so answer that for me. Why is a blade important? It's not because of it's use as a weapon, or as a tool, or even as a deterrent. A blade is a symbol. What happens when you hold a blade? It becomes an extension of the arm, or whatever you things have that pass for arms. So what do I do when I hold a sword? I let it define my reality. Think about it. You hold a weapon capable of ending the life of a sentient being in your hands and you are more worried about whether it's sharp enough to do that, and not worrying about if its enough to sever the reality of their state of existence. Think about it. When you cut with a sword, you are removing something. Nothing so crude as flesh or bone, but instead you are remaking the definition of whatever you cut. The target is made less, and thus made further from real. When you cut a piece of meat, do you separate the choice bits from the gristle? Of course you do. Take the best, and only the best. A blade lets you separate the best reality from the current. The reality where you win. You don't think about things that don't exist do you? So go on, pick up a blade. Define yourself.”

Log End.

Yjmir is one of the few remaining members of a species whose name doesn't matter and whose history is less important than a name they don't have. Yjmir however, is a shining example of what her people should be, according to her anyways. Hot headed, stubborn, strong willed and inherently anti-authority the rabbit like woman* is nothing if not direct and blunt. Likely to a fault. She says exactly what she thinks and only acts with enough social tact to avoid needless conflict and irritations. She treats every task as if it will be both her first and last, and tends not to over think situations or orders. It has made her an effective blade as a result.

However, Blades are not good at many things outside their space of relevance, such is it that Yjmir has aimed to improve herself as she puts it. To expand the scope of the cut. She is open to knowledge, and learning anything new is treated with the same respect as one would treat a venerable elder. That being said, her single-mindedness is often to a detriment as she fixes on how she perceives the best path to be and often refuses to acknowledge more than that viewpoint. She is also prideful, being slow to admit wrong doing. Loyalty on the other hand is not easily earned, but nigh eternal if gained. The jackalope would happily walk into a wall of spears should it help those who she deems as worthy of it.


Yjmir Skaen was born 1日 4月 -4 in data unavailable. -ACCESS DENIED-

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File Selected.

Contract History:

SI-1833 AT-1224 AT-1482 AT-9901 SI-1833: Release of Yjmir Skaen from project uplift. Failure of project stemming fro- -ACCESS DENIED- -EXPUNGING DATA- AT-1224 through AT-9901 Accessible… -ACCESS GRANTED-

Yjmir Skaen has worked as a mercenary operative for low level agencies unaligned with any residing governance body for years as dictated by the Yamataian Calendar. Work consisted of security, information retrieval, recon, dis-information, surveillance, combat and priority target acquisition on a number of worlds within the bounds of known space. Records list Yjmir Skaen as Contractor YS for all files. Related Work Files found in briefing.

Adaptive Learning Chip Offline…


Skills Learned

  • Fighting
  • Physical
  • Vehicle
  • Survival and Military
  • Maintenance and Repair

Social Connections

Yjmir Skaen is connected to:

Dynasty N/A

Inventory & Finance

Yjmir Skaen has the following:

  • RHI Type 43 “Megumi” Environmental Skinsuit
  • Longsword Vibroblade x2

Yjmir Skaen currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by yjmir on 11, 08 2022 at 15:41 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? Yes
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? No
Character Data
Character NameYjmir Skaen
Character Owneryjmirskaen
Character StatusActive Player Character

characters/yamatai/yjmir_skaen.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/29 09:02 by wes