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Tolnin Masfar

Tolnin Masfar is a Active Player Character played by mumpsy.

Tolnin Masfar
Species & Gender: Male Senti
Organization: The Shurista Grand Library
Occupation: Curator / Envoy
Rank: @@Rank@@
Current Placement: @@Assignment@@

Physical Description

At the relatively young age of 42, Tolnin stands at 2.1m and 240kg. His blue-grey skin is broken by intricate connective patterns of blackish-blue burial steel etched on like tattoos. Dark silvery hair falling to just below his shoulders with tinges of red at its tips is usually kept up in a bun while working. Physically built a bit bigger for his age, his body is still as toned as most Senti would presumably be. His face has a some what gaunt appearance with a strong square jaw line. Slightly sunken almond-shaped eyes. His bottom-heavy lips rest below a wide bridged straight nose. His general smell carries a scent of petrichor when clean or dirty. His voice has a low and soft timbre.


A man rarely seen without a smile across his face. Tolnin is often playfully referred to as the gentle giant of the Grand Library by some Yamatai citizenry that visit often. A physical/mental trauma from the past has left his memory marred, so he has dedicated his life to his studies, putting his Senti fortitude to work in building his mind as much as he can. While he may feel love for his work, passions, and people around him. The loss of his memory has left him with a feeling of disconnection from his own people which he makes every effort to combat.


Tolnin Masfar was born 5日 2月 03 in turassiel. After having passed the test of adulthood, Tolnin was assigned to the agricultural sections of the Turassiel. After the loss of the original Turassiel and many of the people he knew and grew up with, he found himself relocated aboard the Shurista. Whether it be from the trauma or a change in internal perspectives, Tolnin found he was best able to work in the Great Library of Shurista.

Skills Learned

No skills were listed.

Social Connections

Tolnin Masfar is connected to:

@@Social Connections@@

Inventory & Finance

Tolnin Masfar has the following:

Standard issue clothing and equipment

Tolnin Masfar currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by mumpsy on 01, 24 2023 at 13:57 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? Yes
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? Yes
Character Data
Character NameTolnin Masfar
Character Ownermumpsy
Character StatusActive Player Character

characters/senti/tolnin_masfar.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/23 13:14 by fiverr_helper