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Samuel Parkman

Samuel Parkman
Species: Yamataian
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 5'4“
Weight: 173
Organization: Origin Industries
Occupation: Test Pilot
Rank: Private
Current Placement:

Samuel Parkman in Roleplay

Samuel Parkman is a player character played by Samuraipizzaman and is currently involved in the plot.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'4” Mass: 173

Build and Skin Color: Short but muscular

Facial Features and Eye Color: Strong chin, Thick brown beard that is scruffy and goes all the way down to his neck and a typical western-cowboy curly tipped mustache, Thick brown eyebrows, essentially stereotypical dwarf looks. His eyes are a steel gray with flecks of hazel.

Hair Color and Style: Brown shaggy hair little bit longer then ear length.

Distinguishing Features: his shortness and beard are uniquely his.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: He has a mild complex about his height, which has lead to a rebellious streak(i.e. doing the opposite of what his parents told him to do, he has a distaste for authority, etc) to compensate for his lack of vertical achievement. Some joke(far behind his back) that he became a pilot just so he could see over people's heads. He also has a thing for guns… no one really knows why. He also has been known to get rip roaring drunk, usually when he meets particularly tall people. His friends have often asked him why he hasn't simply gotten a body transplant and he answers them by punching them hard in the stomach and ordering another pint of beer.

Likes: guns, mecha, alcohol, short women Dislikes: Tall people, being short, and bartenders that mess up his orders Goals: Become tall, get rich, and rule at least one planet.


Family (or Creators)

The Parkman family


Samuel was the thirteenth child of Nicholas Parkman and Logan Parkman. He was the youngest child in the family, thusly the most picked on and neglected child. He was casually referred to has midget by his siblings and father. This is probably what started his insecurities.

He led a normal life of a commoner until one day he snapped(well actually he got drunk) and got a one way ticket to Tami. Never to come home again.


Vehicles(small craft)

Samuel has always loved flying even when he was a little boy he dreamed of soaring through the heavens. So he studied all of the courses he needed and he took them multiples time to make sure he understood. He thought about joining the Star army to learn how to pilot professionally but he knew that neko's are typically tall. So he went to a private flight school. He can fly and small plane/jet/mecha in any kind of situation outside of combat.

Mechanics(small craft)

A part of his private flight school, Mechanics came naturally to him. He soon became adept at fixing small craft and could probably build one from scratch if he didn't waste all of his money on booze.


In between classes Samuel needed to make money for both his studies and his drinking habits. So he opened up his own store and began to sell things. After a year or so of selling things on his own he became good at it and made a decent living for himself.


As a part of the test to be able to get his pilot's license Samuel had to be able to use nothing but a small graphing calculator to find out where he is in deep space and which way he would need to go in order to get home. He was able to pass the test and knows the subtle nuances of this skill.

Technology Opperation

Every pilot needs to know how to use computers and other basic tech in order to fly. So Samuel taught himself how to use them.

Advance Mathematics

Samuel had to take several night classes to learn the math necessary for astrogation and other higher level skills.


Samuel likes to spend his free time eating so he made his cooking into a skill. He has cooked for a few restaurants before he became a pilot. Some have sent him requests to come back.





  • 1x Hygiene kit
  • 1x toothbrush
  • 1x tube of toothpaste
  • 1x bar of soap
  • 1x bottle of shampoo
  • 2x white towel with OI logo
  • 1x bathrobe or Yukata, white or black, with OI logo.



Samuel Parkman is currently an Employee in the Origin Industries. He receives a weekly salary of -salary- per week.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
Character Data
Character NameSamuel Parkman
Character OwnerSamuraipizzaman
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Male only

characters/origin/samuel_parkman.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/24 07:54 by wes