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posmotret'cieli belyy'okhotnik

posmotret'cieli belyy'okhotnik is a player character played by Speeder01.

posmotret'cieli belyy'okhotnik
Species & Gender: Shukaren-Daur Female
Date of Birth: YE18
Organization: Shena Academy
Occupation: Upper Primary student
Current Placement:

Physical Description

This slim, young fox girl stands at a whopping three feet and 1 inch. Her hair is an almost blindingly white fluff, that she tucks behind her large fox-like ears, and hangs down well past her shoulders, an increasingly unruly mess of curls the longer it gets. Her skin is rather pale as well, but most striking are her almond shaped eyes, looking like pools of stars, like a second night sky. Her tail, often waving behind her parallel to her back, would almost appear like her white shadow, if it weren't for the slow transition from white, to grey, all the way to black at the tip of her tail.

She often sports a calm, sincere smile on her face, but often looks as if she is staring through people, rather than at them as she talks to them- a consequence of her total blindness that struck her as she was given the gift of blessing the world with a second sky.


Despite being a hard worker, she often acts less capable than she is in an effort to be spoiled, or to 'accidentally' fall over someone and give them a hug in the process. She's a social, and very touchy-feely kind of person- as that's the only way to know what someone 'looks' like for her. She doesn't really mind people that invade her personal space in kind as a result of this.

She usually keeps up an earnest, calm, hardworking outward attitude, but more than anything else, she enjoys shocking people with great upsets, usually caused by herself. Almost herself, feeling compelled to succeed in ever greater stunts on each occasion, as it doesn't feel quite the same when she doesn't hear the shock in someone's voice reacting to her latest exploit- another reason why shy often likes to act more helpless than she really is, aside from enjoying being spoiled rotten. Although she may not often show it, she typically puts everything she has into anything she does- all but putting her life on the line for the sake of that next, big upset.

Although she keeps it under wraps much of the time, and disguises it with more childish words, when she is really socked, or in pain, she unleashes her inner potty mouth, and when she is nervous she often hums, taps to a rhythm, and occasionally even sings to herself.

She likes her food and beverages, the way she likes the weather- to be cold, or at least somewhat chilly, and often prefers them to be sweet.


posmotret'cieli belyy'okhotnik was born in YE18.

One day, a Daur was born with eyes full of stars. Of course, she was named a watcher of the heavens- a loose translation of her name that is. However, she would never see those stars up above, or the ones in her own eyes. Often times, as she was growing up, she found herself being held back by her family for her own saftey. She didn't dislike the attention she was getting in truth, but as she heard of stories of heroes, she wanted to be like them, to be the great underdog that pulled fantastic stunts at every opportunity. Her first step in this, was of course, to pull a fantastic stunt to try and get the attention of the youth corps and she'na academy.

Her parents had heard her wishes, and did their darndest to get her admitted into She'na academy as a La'vishen, figuring that not only would she receive a stellar education- she could be safe there, after all, it was a school that had its own militia. Of course, it was there that she began studying cryptography in earnest, in addition to her regular classes there. As it turned out, she had a real knack for the craft- once she had worked on her memorization problems, after all, she had hated to keep audio notes, although she outgrew that disconcerting feeling of hearing one's own voice and thinking it somone else's as she advanced.

Aware of her limitations, but also wanting to do more for the kingdom, she applied to join the Youth Corps even before she was out of primary school- but, was turned away without even a meeting when her medical records indicated her total blindness, as even severe vision problems such as near or farsightedness could have been fixed, or mitigated with the right equipment. This was not something that particularly discouraged her though, rather than give up, she decided to dedicate a song to the youth corps. Of course, it wasn't just any song, within its notes, was a code.

The key to the code was never written down, or recorded anywhere, but she eventually convinced them of its authenticity- helped along by the fact that others found it very hard to actually understand what the code meant, she eventually found herself as a sort of honorary communications expert- not a true member of the youth corps, but it was one step closer. And then, she had finally reached age 12.

Social Connections

posmotret'cieli belyy'okhotnik is connected to: geroy'Lottare belyy'okhotnik, sfolgorante'zvezda belyy'okhotnik, and trudno'Vincere belyy'okhotnik, her father, mother, and older brother, respectively.

Skills Learned


Speaks Tinacen, and is an avid student of Cryptography, specializing in making her own codes involving music, with the rhythm, pitch, and even volume as parts of the more complex variations. She is also capable of breaking such codes herself, though can have problems with codes involving visual aspects, for obvious reasons.

Art and Vocations

With what senses she has, she really makes the most of. She often sculpts clay statues of people after memorizing the feel of their faces/body type, and “writes” a variety of musical pieces, poems, and short stories, generally limited to things that she can actually remember from start to finish.


More often than not, she was the one that had to execute her own vision of her works of art, so she learned to sing, dance, play the violin for the sake of her songs, and act out her own stories and poems. While she can dance as well, being blind can have its problems- she may not always be fully aware of the dimensions of any given room, or of the locations of the more quiet people, or objects within it. With all this said, more than any of these, singing can be said to be her best talent among them, with the others lagging behind somewhat.


She has been trained in hand to hand combat as most Neshetan have, but primarily for self defense. She is capable of using lightweight blade weapons, and unarmed combat- a fighting style specific to her in a sense, made to compensate for her lack of vision. She is a bit of a generalist, not focusing on either a Striker or Grappler's fighting style, but often having to rely on the latter due to her lack of vision. Similarly, she knows, only in theory, how to use firearms and thrown weapons- still trying to get people to let her figure that out.


An excellent- almost perfect memory, by necessity and effort as much as her natural talent, due to her inability to take and record physical notes. She often felt she had to memorize a song, a lecture, or an audio book's passages in one go. This helped immensely with her studies of the history of her culture, and the laws protecting them.


She has extensively trained her flexibility, and endurance through a daily routine of… rather vigorous stretches she does at the start of any every day, in addition to standardized exercises performed at Shena Academy. In addition, she has superb spatial awareness, more than capable of judging distances traveled, and judging where a sound is coming from.


She is quite capable of doing fairly complex mental math at a pace that would astonish many. Her skills in the field of mathematics assist her own ability to write songs, as they themselves are heavily based in math as well.

Inventory & Finance

posmotret'cieli belyy'okhotnik has the following items:

OOC Notes

This character article was generated using the PHP template form.

In the case Speeder01 becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I am gone for a year? YES
Character Data
Character Nameposmotret'cieli belyy'okhotnik
Character OwnerSpeeder01
Character StatusInactive Player Character

characters/neshaten/posmotret_cieli_belyy_okhotnik.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/23 12:02 by fiverr_helper