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Serge Aday

Serge Aday is a player character played by tigerwisevillain.

Serge Aday
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6'4“
Weight: 180 lbs
Organization: formerly Funky City Fire Department
Occupation: Demolitions
Rank: Civilian
Current Placement:

Preferred Plots:

  1. Taking It Back

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: 6'4”
  • Mass: 180 lbs

Build and Skin Color: Serge's skin is difficult to see through accumulated layers of soot and filth, but appears to be pale in colour. He once had an imposing, muscular build, but he has wasted away somewhat from scarcity of food.

Eyes and Facial Features: Young as he is, Serge's narrow eyes are already nestled in wrinkles. The stresses of fighting fires and the NMX have not been kind to him. His cheeks are sharp and thin, the result of months of scrounging for food in the ruins of Funky City.

Ears: Serge's ears are narrow and squarish. Like the rest of him, they appear almost to have been crudely carved out of rock.

Hair Color and Style: Serge has gone months without access to any grooming supplies, and as a result his hair and beard have grown wild and shaggy. Even if he were to find such comforts, he'd likely refuse to make use of them, since he considers his bestial appearance a reminder of his mission.

Distinguishing Features: Serge has several cybernetic implants, none of which are particularly visible to the casual observer, apart from scars hidden by his hair, beard and sleeves. He gradually installed them over his career to make himself a more effective firefighter. They include:

-A cybernetic windpipe equipped with nanotech air scrubbers. This allows Serve to breathe contaminated air, and sensors allow him to analyze the chemical composition of air by breathing it. Information from these sensors are sent to his AR implant.

-A synthetic voicebox that was necessary as part of the windpipe upgrade. Since most of his budget went into the more utilitarian cybernetics, the voicebox is a rather cheap model that glitches out on occasion, resulting in an occasional mechanical stutter. On the upside, Serge can add filter effects to his voice at will, including distortion, reverb, and phaser.

-An augmented reality implant wired to his visual cortex. By default, he can use it to tune into public AR channels and the Funky City Fire Department's private channel, which gives him access to blueprints of buildings. It also works in tandem with the windpipe sensors and his next implant:

-A matrix of auditory sensors embedded in the surface of his skull. These create a form of immersive echolocation, allowing him to “see” through smoke and flames and pinpoint the origin points of sounds. The information gathered by the sensors is beamed to his AR implant as a live visual feed and functions, for all intents and purposes, as a sixth sense.

-Permanent IV ports in both forearms, usually connected to back-mounted tanks of a saline solution designed to replace sweat and keep Serge hydrated in conditions of intense heat. Replacement tanks can be found at most large Nepleslian fire stations.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Serge is capricious and moody, often switching from solemn to jolly to bloodthirsty in a matter of minutes. He generally saves both his worst and best moods for the NMX, reveling in their destruction and cursing their presence. He has paranoid tendencies, but is generally good-hearted, and will put his life on the line before letting an innocent die. Considering that he lives in Funky City, his definition of “innocent” is more than a little generous. He has an odd personal affection for an obscure historical figure known as “Bea Arthur”.

  • Likes: Bea Arthur, strong drink, the hard sciences, rock and roll
  • Dislikes: Mishhu, willful ignorance of horror, obstructive bureaucrats
  • Goals: To eradicate the NMX infestation in the heart of Funky City, to protect whatever civilians he encounters along the way, to blow shit up along the way


Family (or Creators)

Serge was adopted at the age of five by Brucey Bruce and Marvin Aday, a gay couple who taught him the value of compassion. They died eight years later in a tragic shark-farming accident, and he has blamed himself ever since.


Keeping the teachings of Brucey Bruce and Marvin close to his heart, Serge strove to protect the innocent. He threw himself into the study of physics and chemistry, and pushed himself to his physical limits in preparation for his career as a firefighter.

He passed his exams with ease, only to find himself in the midst of a system rife with corruption. The fire department behaved like a mercenary force, sometimes waiting to be paid before lifting a finger to help civilians. As time went on, things only got worse, with criminal factions bribing the department to ignore arson on their rivals' property. To cope, Serge started getting implants. If he couldn't save everyone who needed it, he reasoned, he could make himself better at saving the ones who paid.

The final straw came with the invasion of the NMX. The city burned that day, and the fire department turned their backs on the people who needed them the most. Against orders and with great effort, Serge singlehandedly coordinated the evacuation of a tenement in the slums, and risked himself in the blaze to rescue those who were already trapped inside.

But in the end, it was meaningless. Trapped inside by a fallen beam, Serge watched as the people he'd thought he'd saved were eaten alive by the forerunners of the invading horde. It was then that he found himself confronted with futility and despair. And failure. A failure deeper and truer than anything he'd known before. Disgusted, he took his vacation pay and set out on a personal mission of guerrilla warfare.

Skill Areas


Serge is well-educated in the field of chemistry, especially concerning combustible materials, explosives, and poisons. He can use the sensors in his throat to identify the composition of any gas he inhales, and knows enough to guess at the properties of gases based on this information.


Serge can create crude homemade explosives from household chemicals and whatever other materials he has on hand. He also knows how to safely handle and dispose of explosives, and exactly how to bring down a large structure with minimal explosive materials. Across the ruins of Funky City, he has converted several abandoned drug labs to suit his purposes.


Serge has no professional martial arts training, but he's been in a few bar fights and knows enough to get by. He's especially skilled at wrestling, since his training covered how to lift people efficiently and he's occasionally had to use that skill on unwilling rescuees. He can also swing an axe with considerable force.


Serge is familiar with Funky City building codes and the general layout of the city.

Medical and Science

Serge is trained in emergency medical response.


Serge has undergone heavy physical training as part of his previous occupation as a firefighter, and while he's lost muscle mass due to lack of food, he's still strong enough to carry heavy loads of equipment long distances. He can also run like hell when he has to, which has come in handy more than once in burning buildings.

Survival and Military

Serge's expeditions into the rougher sections of the ruins have taught him the basics of foraging for food and trapping vermin. Naturally, he knows everything there is to know about lighting a fire.


Serge Aday has the following items:


Serge Aday is currently a Civilian in the former Funky City Fire Department.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds

OOC Discussion

Character Data
Character NameSerge Aday
Character Ownertigerwisevillain
Character StatusActive Player Character

characters/nepleslia/serge_aday.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/24 08:22 by wes