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Vega Darklight

Vega Darklight is a player character played by Charaa.

Vega Darklight
Species & Gender: Mutants Female
Date of Birth: YE 20.9.35
Organization: Shasta no Sekai, Terror Wolf Project
Occupation: Stray (Mech Pilot)
Rank: Recruit
Current Placement: Strays

Physical Description

Vega Darklight stands at a slender height of 5'1“, her lithe figure accentuated by the long, flowing purple hair that cascades down her back. Her hair is usually tied in a thick braid, which rests elegantly over her left shoulder and upper arm, drawing attention to her unique and abnormal ears. These ears are strikingly long, pointed, and elfin in appearance, measuring an impressive 16 inches (about 40 cm) in length. Despite her resemblance to an elf, her Nepleslian heritage is evident in her other features, giving her an otherworldly allure.

Her eyes are captivating yet haunting, with vivid red irises that stand out starkly against the black sclera surrounding them. This unusual combination gives her gaze an intense and almost eerie quality, as though she sees into the very soul of those she looks at. Below her striking eyes, she has a small, cute button nose that softens her otherwise intense appearance.

Vega's upper body is even more extraordinary, as she possesses not just two but four arms. Her second pair of arms extends from beneath her upper arms, each one ending in three-fingered hands. These hands are somewhat unusual, featuring two fingers and one thumb, making them both functional and slightly alien in appearance.

When not clad in the Strays Mech Pilot uniform, Vega prefers casual attire that complements her athletic build. She often wears a sports bra and shorts, a choice of clothing that leaves her toned belly exposed. This exposed midsection reveals another oddity about her—she lacks a belly button, a feature that has led some to speculate that she might be a tank-born clone, a being created rather than naturally born.

Her overall appearance is a striking blend of beauty and alien oddity, making Vega Darklight an unforgettable presence in any setting.


As a being considered a mutant, Vega Darklight possesses a set of extraordinary abilities that set her apart from others, even within the diverse and enigmatic Kikyo Sector of the Kagami Galaxy. These abilities are rare and often feared, making Vega both a subject of fascination and caution among those who encounter her.

One of her most notable abilities is her heightened sensory perception. Vega can see in complete darkness as if it were daylight, allowing her to navigate and operate in environments where others would be rendered blind. This ability is not merely an enhancement of her vision but an evolution of her sensory organs, enabling her to detect subtle changes in light, movement, and even temperature. Her vision is so sharp that she can see minute details from great distances, making her an exceptional scout and marksman.

In addition to her enhanced sight, Vega possesses an acute sense of hearing, which is likely linked to her elongated, elf-like ears. She can pick up sounds far beyond the normal range of human hearing, detecting whispers in a crowded room or the faintest rustle of movement in a distant corridor. This makes her incredibly difficult to surprise, as she can often sense threats before they fully materialize.

Her final ability is the power to crawl along walls, even on smooth, flat surfaces with no handholds. Remarkably, she can perform this feat without needing to use both hands, leaving her free to wield weapons while she climbs. This ability is made possible by unseen microscopic hairs on her hands and fingers, composed of a metallic substance. These hairs have an inherent magnetic quality that, when triggered by an electrical or pheromonal signal from Vega, activate and allow her to essentially “mag-lock” onto most surfaces, enabling her to run or climb up them with ease.


Vega Darklight is a resilient and fiercely independent individual shaped by a life of isolation and self-reliance. Growing up without a family and facing constant prejudice due to her mutant nature, she developed a strong sense of inner strength and determination. This resilience has made her resourceful and adaptable, traits that have served her well in the unpredictable and often dangerous environments of space.

Core Traits

Determined and Ambitious

Vega possesses an unwavering determination to prove herself, both to others and to herself. She is driven by a desire to rise above the limitations imposed by her past and the prejudices of others. Her ambition pushes her to take on challenges that others might shy away from, always striving to improve her skills and achieve her goals.


Having grown up without a family and often being treated as an outcast, Vega learned early on to depend on herself. She is highly independent, preferring to solve problems on her own rather than rely on others. This self-reliance has made her resourceful, able to adapt to new situations and overcome obstacles with creativity and grit.

Guarded and Cautious

Years of facing suspicion and rejection have made Vega wary of others. She tends to keep her true feelings and thoughts to herself, rarely letting her guard down. While she can be friendly and cooperative, she often maintains a certain distance from those around her, cautious of being hurt or betrayed.

Curious and Adventurous

Despite the challenges she has faced, Vega has a deep curiosity about the world around her. She is drawn to the unknown, eager to explore new places and learn about different cultures. This adventurous spirit drives her to seek out new experiences and challenges, even if they involve risk or danger.

Loyal and Protective

While Vega is slow to trust, once she forms a bond with someone, she is fiercely loyal and protective. She values the few relationships she has deeply and will go to great lengths to defend those she cares about. Her loyalty extends to her comrades in Shasta No Sekai, and Strays, whom she sees as the family she never had.

Confident but Not Arrogant

Vega has a quiet confidence in her abilities, knowing that she has overcome significant odds to get where she is. However, she is not arrogant or boastful. Instead, her confidence is tempered by humility and a recognition that there is always more to learn. She respects those who have earned their place and is willing to listen and learn from others.

Compassionate but Reserved:

Beneath her tough exterior, Vega has a compassionate side, especially for those who are outcasts or struggling as she once did. However, her compassion is often expressed in actions rather than words. She may not be openly affectionate or expressive, but she shows her care through her loyalty and willingness to help others when they truly need it.

Interactions with Others

With Allies: Vega is a dependable and supportive teammate, always willing to contribute her skills to the group's success. While she may not be the most outgoing or talkative member, her presence is steady and reliable. She respects competence and values those who share her work ethic and determination.

With Strangers: Vega tends to be reserved and cautious when dealing with strangers. She is polite but distant, keeping her interactions professional until she feels she can trust the person. Her guarded nature means she rarely reveals much about herself in casual conversations.

With Enemies: In confrontations, Vega is cool and composed, using her abilities and training to outmaneuver her opponents. She approaches combat with the same determination and focus that she applies to everything else, never underestimating her foes but also not easily intimidated.


In the year YE 28, a child was born in the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, a society known for its diverse population and rugged individualism. However, this particular child was unlike any other, marked by features that immediately set her apart. From the moment she was delivered, it was clear that she was not an ordinary Nepleslian.

The first and most striking difference was her physical appearance. The infant was born with four arms instead of the usual two, a feature that stunned the medical staff and her parents alike. This was not just a random anomaly but a clear indication that something far beyond the norm was at play. Additionally, she had a long, prehensile tail, something rarely seen in the human species of the galaxy, hinting at a deep genetic deviation.

Her ears were another sign of her unique nature. Unlike the rounded, human-like ears typical of Nepleslians, hers were elongated and pointed, giving her an appearance more akin to the elves. These ears, combined with the rest of her features, made it evident that she was not merely a variation of the human form but something entirely different.

The most shocking and unnerving aspect of her appearance, however, was her eyes. Instead of the typical whites and colored irises of a human, her eyes were a deep black, with vivid red irises that seemed to glow ominously even in the dim light of the birthing room. These eyes gave her a haunting, otherworldly presence, a stark reminder that she was at the early stage of a mutation that was still unfolding.

The initial reaction to her birth was one of fear and uncertainty. In a society that valued strength and adaptability, Vega's mutations were seen as both a potential gift and a curse. The doctors and scientists who examined her were baffled, unable to fully explain the extent of her mutations or predict how they would develop as she grew. Some whispered that she was a product of genetic experimentation gone wrong, while others speculated that she might be the result of exposure to unknown radiation.

As Vega grew, it became clear that her mutations were not limited to her physical appearance. Her abilities began to manifest at an early age, with her heightened senses, agility, and the strange magnetic properties of her hands becoming more pronounced as she matured. These abilities, combined with her unusual appearance, made her an outcast in many circles, yet also a subject of great interest to those who sought to understand the potential of such mutations.

Her upbringing was marked by a profound struggle to find acceptance in a world that viewed her with suspicion and fear. What made her journey even more difficult was the fact that she was alone, having grown up in an orphanage. Vega had no memory of her family, not even a fleeting recollection of their faces or the sound of their voices. The circumstances of her abandonment remained a mystery, and the absence of a family name only deepened her sense of isolation.

Life in the orphanage was far from easy. The other children, and even some of the caregivers, often regarded Vega with a mix of curiosity and unease. Her unusual appearance and abilities set her apart, making it difficult for her to form connections or find a sense of belonging. She quickly learned to rely on herself, honing her abilities in secret and developing a fierce independence that would serve her well in the years to come.

As she grew older, Vega realized that if she was to forge her own path, she needed to create an identity for herself—one that wasn't tied to the past she couldn't remember. Determined to claim a name that resonated with who she was becoming, she began to search for inspiration in the world around her.

One day, while spelunking in a cave near the orphanage, she found herself deep within a labyrinth of tunnels. The light was scarce, yet Vega moved through the darkness with ease, her heightened senses guiding her steps. It was in this moment, surrounded by the shadows yet seeing clearly through them, that she felt a sense of clarity. The darkness no longer felt like an enemy but a familiar companion, something she could navigate with confidence and strength.

Inspired by this experience, she chose “Darklight” as her last name, a symbol of her ability to see through the darkness, both literally and metaphorically. The name “Vega” followed shortly after, inspired by the brightest star in the sky, a beacon of light that shone through the void of space. Together, the names reflected the duality of her existence—the light and the dark, the known and the unknown.

With her new name, Vega Darklight embraced her identity as a mutant and set out to carve her own place in the galaxy. No longer defined by the circumstances of her birth or the isolation of her upbringing, she became a force to be reckoned with, driven by a determination to prove that she was more than just a product of mutation. She was Vega Darklight, a name that would soon be known across the stars.

Rather than choosing the military, where she feared she would face even worse persecution due to her mutant status, Vega made the bold decision to leave her home planet behind and seek adventure among the stars. The vastness of space offered her a chance to escape the prejudice and isolation she had endured throughout her life. Out among the stars, surrounded by a diverse array of alien species, Vega no longer felt different or odd. In the melting pot of galactic civilizations, where beings of all shapes, sizes, and abilities coexisted, she finally felt a sense of normalcy and belonging.

However, the realities of life in space soon became apparent. Vega needed money to survive, and finding a job proved to be a daunting challenge. Without a university degree or formal training, her options were limited. Her mutant status, while not as stigmatized in the broader galaxy as it was on Nepleslia, still posed its own set of difficulties. Many employers were hesitant to hire someone so visibly different, and Vega often found herself struggling to make ends meet.

Meeting Shasta

Just when it seemed like her prospects were running out, a chance encounter changed the course of her life. During one of her travels, Vega found herself in the midst of a bounty hunt. Shasta Archeletta, the renowned leader of Shasta No Sekai and a fellow mutant, was in pursuit of a dangerous target. Vega, who had grown up watching Shasta's exploits from afar, couldn't resist the opportunity to get involved. Using her unique abilities, she aided Shasta in capturing the bounty, her skills proving invaluable in the heat of the moment.

After the mission, Shasta and Vega got to talking. Shasta was impressed by Vega's resourcefulness and courage, qualities she recognized in herself when she was younger. During their conversation, Shasta mentioned Freehold, the headquarters of her company, Shasta No Sekai. It was a place where mutants and outcasts could find acceptance and purpose, a haven for those who didn't fit into the conventional mold. Shasta saw potential in Vega and invited her to come to Freehold, offering her the chance to train as a Mech pilot.

For Vega, this was an opportunity of a lifetime. The idea of piloting a Mech, those towering machines that she had only seen in holovids, ignited a spark of excitement within her. More importantly, the chance to work with someone like Shasta, who had risen to prominence despite the odds, gave Vega hope for her own future. Accepting Shasta's offer, Vega set out for Freehold, determined to prove herself and carve out a new path.

At Freehold, Vega found not just a job but a new family among the ranks of Shasta No Sekai. Here, she was no longer judged by her appearance but valued for her skills and determination. The training was rigorous, and piloting a Mech required both physical and mental discipline, but Vega thrived in this environment. For the first time, she felt like she was truly where she belonged, surrounded by others who had faced their own struggles and emerged stronger.

As she trained and grew in her role, Vega began to realize that her journey was just beginning. The galaxy was vast, filled with dangers and opportunities alike, and she was ready to face them head-on. With the support of her new comrades and the lessons she had learned from her past, Vega Darklight was ready to make her mark on the stars.

Skills Learned

Vega Darklight has the following notable skills: forklift certification course

Social Connections

Vega Darklight is connected to:

  • Allen (Father)
  • Bessie (Mother)
  • Carl (Brother)

Inventory & Finance


Currently Using

Used in the Past

OOC Information

This article was created on 2024/08/26 21:08 using the namespace template.

In the case charaa becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? no
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? no
Character Data
Character NameVega Darklight
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationFreehold Factory
Harm Limitno harm

characters/independent/vega_darklight.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/04 16:48 by charaa