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D3 is a player character played by Sosina.

Species & Gender: Random Alien female
Date of Birth: BYE 125
Organization: none
Occupation: none
Rank: none
Current Placement: none

Preferred Plots:

  1. none

Physical Description

Height: 4'0“ Tall

Body type: Lithe

Eye color: Brown

Ear type: Human

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Style: Short Bob that frames the face

Eye Shape: Large, round and friendly


D3 Seems to be very Helpful, rarely ever turning down a request for aid, Seemingly undaunted by the task asked of them, even if they don't know how to do the task asked they will give it a try anyway and try to learn how to do it as best they can, They are Extremely hard working sometimes not even stopping work to eat or rest if left to their own devices when asked for aid, if they are working on their own they seem more like they wander task to task seemingly aimlessly,

They are very quiet… in fact they never talk and their expression rarely if ever changes, though they will listen when talked to and seem to listen attentively especially when a request is made of them, though getting a read on their emotions are hard due to their inexpressive face, Thought they seem to not have or at least express any dislike towards anyone.

Those that have come across them would describe them as Dutiful and fearless… though they don't seem to say the fearless part like it's a good thing… more like a total disregard to their own personal safety, but they do seem to worry about the safety of others around them.

They communicate through a very Rudimentary form of Sign language, Though there is only so much they can say as the amount of signs they carry around with them is limited.


D3 was born on her peoples home planet

They seemingly Wandered into known space, just one day they were on a space station and ever since they have been wandering around doing odd jobs to gain passage to get to places, No one really knows where they came from, and D3 doesn't seem to be offering that information to anyone.

After a meeting with Thaddeaus Maximus and spending time with his family D3 has gained a Name Yoshimi, and Several Nicknames, Scrappy, and Yosh or Mi for the short version of her given name.

Skills Learned

Optional section. D3 has the following notable skills:

  • Engineering: Having learned Engineering in her past D3 is decently proficient in designing and building machines and other tech
  • Fighting: Training with a variety of melee weapons and older forms of ranged weapons to small arms in her past, D3 is reasonably proficient in their use.
  • Starship Operations: Thanks to her training in the past D3 has Basic proficiency with the operation of a starship, from sensors to weapons system, though she is more knowledgeable about her own species tech
  • Technology Operation: Her background also included training with many different technological systems and devices however she is far more familiar with her species Tech then anything else.
  • Vehicles: Training in her past had gained D3 proficiency in many vehicles types and how to handle, drive, and operate such vehicles.
  • Maintenance and Repair: Further training with machines and technology has ensured that D3 is capable with repairing and maintaining such equipment though she is far more familiar with her Species then then others
  • Rapid learning: D3 has show an ability to rapidly take in information and learn it, such as quickly reading through the information for a Wayfarer-Class Shuttle, and quickly there after going through the same model in a junkyard and Identifying not only key missing components, but making a full check of the ships and systems already able to locate where many should be as well as knowing what should be inside the ship from the document without referencing it during her inspection

Social Connections

D3 name is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

D3 has the following:

  • Jacket (unknown make)
  • Shirt (Unknown make)
  • Pants (Unknown make)
  • Scarf (Unknown make)
  • Bandana (Unknown make)
  • Ceremonial Spear? (Unknown make)
  • “Trouble Bubble” Owners Manual (unable to read language inside book… yes a physical book, Images inside indicate some form of craft)
  • Boots (Unknown make)
  • Gun parts? (unassembled looks like enough parts to make a shotgun.. or a rifle.. or a handgun but only one at a time not all three at once)
  • solid block of metal
  • set of hand made signs with different words or phrases on them
  • 2 Honeycomb Fabricator's for all her fabricating needs! (1000 KS each)
  • Tools and repair equipment from her time working on Thad's range repairing the ship

D3 currently has 1000 KS.

Through the help of Thad, she had acquired a Wayfarer-Class Shuttle from a junkyard and managed to fully refurbish it and rearm and equip it with a few modifications. Other then it's standard loadout it has and upgraded Generator letting it output power in excess of it's size, easily enough for a ship twice it's size, with reinforced systems and power distribution Architecture to handle the new increase in power, this was a upgrade D3 wanted for the ship to make it useful as a tug, it also has powerful magnetic clamps for the same task And the final change is the Dual Machine Gun, 35mm, Type 30's added to the ship for additional offensive kick, with quite large ammunition reserves

OOC Information

In the case Sosina becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? NO
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? NO
Character Data
Character NameD3
Character OwnerSosina
Character StatusActive Player Character
Approval Thread…

characters/independent/d3.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/26 09:45 by sosina