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The following article is about a character from a 'television show'


General Information Physical Characteristics
Species: Cat Height: 7 inches (at the shoulder)
Gender: Male Weight: 18 lbs
Age: 4.3 years Eyes: Green
fur: Muko has short green fur with brown patches around the face and ears

Muko is an NPC played by snake311

Physical Characteristics

Description: Muko is tubby cat. His Wasabi green fur makes him stand out from other cats. fur Color and Style: He has short and smooth fur. It is mostly green as pictured above. He also has brown markings on his face, tail, and paws. Distinguishing Features: Oddly colored fur, chubby appearance.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Muko is a very lazy cat. Although he is very friendly he often puts finding food and a good place to sleep a higher priority than maintaining a lasting friendship. Likes: Food, Sushi, Spicy things, Warm blankets. Dislikes: Work or strenuous activity, Getting wet, Robo-Catchers, The Jellyfish. Goals: To find a home with loving owners that feed him a lot of good food and to make good friends!


Muko is a character of the children's show Yami NekoNeko, which has recently become popular in Yamatai.

Muko was once the pet of a famous restaurant's owner. He was pampered, spoiled, and fed all the best sushi but times got tough and the business went bankrupt and the restaurant closed down. His owner could not support him anymore so he was put out on the streets to fend for himself.

characters/fictional/muko.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:53 by