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Neshaten Small Escort Bridge

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The small escort bridge is what happens when you marry a Neshaten Small Assault Bridge and a fire control center. The particular style of a bridge was created in an effort to centralize some functionality of escort ships and even some destroyers.

The bridge came about mostly due to the need of such a bridge, as the original assault bridge wouldn't serve the functions needed on escort class vessels. The escort bridge varies in size, so the classification of it being 'small' is a misnomer by most. The bridge is comprised of two levels, the first being the primary bridge and the second being the fire control center.

Level One, Bridge

level One holds the bridge of the component, this component is roughly the same size as that of the original assault bridge, but was designed to be circular. Like with the assault bridge, the captains chair is on a raised platform, but so to is the XO's chair which sits alongside it. The floor is made out of a tough, transparent glass, which allows bridge crew to see below into the fire control station - although it also allows the crew below to see above as well.

Helm-control is located toward the front with a dedicated science control to the left of it. The sides have a ladder that leads down into the fire-control center, while the rear of the bridge has the main entrance along with an operations and systems station.

Located alongside the stairwells are armory lockers for storing weapons, along with medical kits. There is also a maintenance hatch hidden behind the captain's chair that can be accessed by removing the stairway. There are also two additional bridge stations in the event the ship gets more crew, unlike the assault bridge though, the weapons station was moved into the combined fire control center. This means that the person manning weapons control is technically in-charge of the fire control center.

Level Two, Fire Control

The fire control station is a unique component of the escort bridge because it gives not only the bridge crew, but also the crew onboard the ship the ability to manually operates practically any of the ships turrets with the exception of it's forward firing turrets which are reserved for the aviator or shipmaster.

There are eight fire control stations, all of which are equiped with the Interactive Display Terminals.

Unlike the bridge above, the fire contro lcenter is circular in design with the main weapons station taking up the center similiar to how the shipmaster has his or her captains chair in the center of the bridge. This allows the weapons officer to monitor activity more easily around his or her workplace.

Fire control can be entered by an entrance in the rear or by the ladder that leads up into the bridge.

wip_2023_or_older/faction/neshaten/components/small_escort_bridge.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 13:47 by wes