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Weâm Yanuto (Open Area)

Large open areas on the Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station) have a simulated sky. Creating a realistic sky with clouds and a sun. The sun moves across the sky in accordance with the normal cycle of the Otâgolisoy (Birth world). It supplies both visible and ultra-violet light. The evening sky is typically the night sky of homeworld, but some areas opt to use the local sky. During the night cycle ground lights are used to provide illumination for those out walking around.

These areas also have a series of nozzles in the ceiling area to allow the creation of realistic rain. With the simulated sky supplying clouds and the occasional lightning the system can create a light drizzle, or a good soaking down pour. The system is not just for aesthetics, it also helps to clean the areas, washing away dust and dirt from structures and paths.

The open areas are also equipped with large air handlers that can be used to create variable air movement. Gentle breezes are the norm, but blustery days are not unheard of.

faction/hidden_sun_clan/ships/open_area.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:22 by