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NSS Condor D3 Salvage Team

This article is about a team of D3 and their D4 recruited by the NSS Condor for salvage operations.


Founded long before YE 47.1 the group has been in operation before YE 01. Being a part of the NSS Condor is simply their newest assignment. Before this, they simply traveled as a group through different sectors of the galaxy as a explorer team, learning about the factions and species of each. It was only recently that they decided to lend their aid to an organization in the Kikyo Sector.


The following chart lists members of the group:

1) 2)

Image Name Occupation Notes
D3-1 Engineering/Mechanic General Starship/Structural
D3-2 Engineering/Mechanic Drive/Engine Systems
D3-3 Engineering/Mechanic Communications/Sensors
D3-4 Engineering/Mechanic Atmospherics/Life Support
D3-5 Engineering/Mechanic Gravity Systems
D3-6 Engineering/Mechanic Robotics/Cybernetics
D3-7 Engineering/Mechanic Weapons/Offensive systems
D3-8 Engineering/Mechanic Shield/Defensive Systems
D3-9 Power systems/Security (Iron Guard) Carries one dose of D3 combat Drug β€œD3termination”
Iris (D4) Security(Iron Guard/Honorary First born)


Each D3 is equipped with a pistol of an unknown make. In addition to the pistol, they carry parts (again of an unknown make) meant to make either a rifle or shotgun, but it requires the disassembly of the pistol to make. For close combat, they appear to have everything from knives to spears and shields.

Similar to the pistols, Iris appears to have a rifle with parts to partially make a machine gun and a grenade launcher. But there appears to be missing parts from making complete weapons. For close-combat, she has a short sword, a shield, and a pair of cestus. She also possesses a lens apparatus.

For their occupational tools, the group possesses spanners, wrenches, screwdrivers, hammers, measuring tools, and other such gear. Like everything else this group possesses, they were clearly made outside of the Kikyo Sector.

The group all together has access to the following:

The group also has a personal Terrene Assault Transport that was clearly repaired and refit from a scrapyard.

OOC Notes

Sosina created this article on 2025/01/08 09:59.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.


groups/condor_s_salvor_d3_team.txt Β· Last modified: 2025/01/09 19:44 by demibear