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NAM Terratech High Mobility Assault Armorsuit – “Slayer”

The Na-M12-01a High Mobility Assault Assault Armorsuit “Slayer” was developed in YE 41 by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions for the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. Intended to replace the AIR2 Lancer but to also directly engage and interdict other power armor, the Slayer utilizes a trio of modular backpack units to fit itself to the mission it is needed to perform.

About the Armor

The Slayer Armorsuit is a mass production model of powered armor intended to be used by Nepleslian Space Marines, relatively lightly armed compared to other Nepleslian units such as the Hostile or Aggressor. Developed for all-terrain use, the Slayer is capable of fighting on the ground and in space: it combines good agility with sturdy armor and a focused weapons array. The Slayer's most unique feature is its ability to utilize the three NAM WIND Equipment Packs that were developed alongside it; these WIND Packs increase the Slayer's somewhat limited firepower and improve the armor's mobility.

Statistics & Performance


The Slayer seems slightly different compared to other Nepleslian armors at first glance: it's lighter and less bulky due to externalizing many additional weapons that would otherwise go into its frame. Its also, on further inspection, just as boxy and functional looking as any of its siblings. Obviously coming from the same design lineage as the Hostile and Aggressor, the Slayer marries their functional lines and heavy shapes with the necessary physical requirements of its purpose; the most notable concession is how “rounded” everything about the armor is, given its need to be somewhat aerodynamic. The armorsuit is notably asymmetrical, with a shield and three-barreled gun on the left arm, while only a close in weapons systems adorns its right arm.

Both arms are fairly large, with additional armor and nanomuscle to improve the strength of them; the forearms are especially bulky. The left bulges out with the armor plating covered the plasma chaingun there, while the right has the spike and propulsion mechanism of the pilebunker it mounts The Slayer's chest is similarly bulky to contain the pilot and necessary systems. Where there isn't armor or machinery, the black fibers of the nanomuscle can be seen in gaps.

The head of the Slayer is roughly a semi-circle, with the front taken up by the large cross-shaped Monoeye track which serves as the unit's primary sensor. This track is essentially a large black space on which the primary Monoeye sensor sits and moves, following the eye movements of the pilot. In addition to this, the Slayer's body has the telltale etched lines of the OmniEye system along the shoulder armor, front of the chest, and lower legs.

The rear of the armor is mostly bare and flat, containing the attachment points for the WIND packs. The only main protusion on the rear is the thruster of the internal propulsion unit, which is on the back of the waist along the armor's centerline. Both of the armor's legs contain minimissile cells in the calves, then thrusters for propulsion lower down.

Each WIND Pack, when equipped, changes the appearance of the armor: the Scirocco adds a pair of rigid airfoil wings ending in vertical winglets, each wing with a pylon holding a pair of missiles while the backpack portion has two flexible thrusters for propulsion; the Mistral Pack adds a larger backpack with a single addition thruster pointed downwards, a left shoulder pod containing more missiles, and a right shoulder pod with a chaingun; the Ostro simply adds a backpack that serves mostly as a mounting point for the two mass drivers that fold above the shoulder, and the two that fold under the arms.


The Slayer was developed in mid YE 41 after a design study in YE 40 in the face of looming war with the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. Faced with the prospect of facing a peer enemy who unlike the SMX and NMX or even the Nepleslian Reds would deploy individual units with a focus on quality rather than quantity or subterfuge, it was thought that there would be a need for a unit. In a way, this design study called for an armorsuit with a similar role to Yamatai's Sarah M7 Samurai Power Armor or Ke-M3 Series "Kylie" Anti-Armor Power Armor.

The Slayer was the winning design concept out of that study, and came from a surprising source: a marine corporal named Menelik Berhane put forwards a rough outline for a Power Armor intended to compliment the existing quartet of Nepleslian armorsuits. Of course, being only an amateur engineer at best who had some good ideas, it was up to a team from NAM Aerotech to take rough parameters and performance outlines and make them into a working model. The result of this process was the finished -1a model of the Slayer.

Intended to augment and ultimately replace the remaining stocks of AIR2 Lancers still in service, the Slayer first entered production in the middle of YE 41, sent out to equip marine units and serve as a high speed combat armor that could change its functionality with a bit of time in an armory or hangar into a close combat or fire support machine. Production of the unit is so far proceeding well, given the large amount of parts commonality it shares with the M-Series.

List of Models

The Slayer has been produced in several subtypes to fit the various species of Nepleslia

Model Number Production Dates Notes
Na-M11-1a YE 41-present Original Model, intended for pure humanoid body types
Ke-M11-1w YE 41-present Winged Variant, for Lorath and Elysians


Almost all of the advantages of the Slayer are related to its intended combat role.

  • Flexible Armament
  • Good Armor - The Slayer is a Nepleslian Powered Armor, and that means that it is well armored, both against physical attacks and against electronic warfare.
  • Good Mobility - The Slayer is fast for a PA, capable of reaching 240 kph speeds when hovering. Beyond that, the Slayer is intended for close quarters battle and assault an enemy who may be dug in, and as such is flexible and maneuverable as well as fast.


Likewise, all its drawbacks come from the same place.


The Slayer is intended as a flexible anti-power armor armorsuit, equipped with a Compact Gravimetric Drive that propels it by distorting and compressing gravitional fields; the armor is also equipped with a Dual Hyperspace-Tap Drive to assist the gravimetric drive and give it legs.

When combined with the armor's own nanomuscular assist systems, a user wearing the Slayer can walk on virtually any surface, hover over relatively flat ground at blazing fast speed, or simply run or float faster than they could on their own.

  • Ground Movement
    • Running Speed: 40 Kilometers per hour give or take, depending on the ability of the user.
    • Hovering Speed: 130 Kilometers per hour 1)
  • Flight (With Dual Hyperspace-Tap Drives active)
    • Maximum atmospheric speed (for earth-like worlds): 2222 kph (1381 mph), Mach 1.8 at sea level
    • Maximum space speed: .365c (Maximum Acceleration of 12 G)
  • Flight (Gravimetric Drives)
    • Max STL in atmosphere: 120 kph (74 mph)
    • Max STL in space: .365c (instantaneous acceleration)

Armor Size

The Slayer is a bulky, heavy armor suit that completely encases the user's body without fitting to their form. While still capable of entering human habitation and performing hand dexterity tasks, it is not small enough to sit in seats intended for unarmored humans.

The sizes listed here are generally for a Slayer worn by a Nepleslian male of average height of 1.8 meters 2). A Slayer worn by such a person would stand around 2.1 meters tall; it would have a width of 97cm from shoulder to shoulder and a length of 70cm from front to back. The Slayer can be adjusted to fit pilots of multiple heights, with the maximum theoretical height of a pilot topping out at roughly 8 feet 3) tall and the minimum height bottoming out at 4'5“ 4). The Slayer adds 25cm 5) to a pilot's height when worn.

The Slayer weighs less than other NAM Armorsuits without the Wind Packs, clocking in at around 1.8 Tons.

Average Height 2.1 meters 6)
Width 97cm 7) at shoulders
Length 70cm8) front to back
Mass 1.8 Tons

Damage Capacity Stats

For Damage Rating (Version 3):

  • Tier 5: Medium Anti-Armor

Getting In and Out

The Slayer can be entered by climbing into the armor when the front chest piece is opened, exposing the internal cavity of the armor. The Armor then closes over the pilot and scans their biometric data to match it to the registered user. Once accepted, the armor fully adjusts to the pilot's physique and secures them within it, booting up all systems to allow the pilot full control. The armor's helmet can then be pulled on.

Controlling the Armor

The Slayer is operated by a single humanoid pilot who can fit in the armorsuit. In operation, the pilot guides the armorsuit through the use of a neural probe system supported by physical controls for movement while data is fed to the pilot by way of a helmet mounted display visor.

Non-invasive Neural Probe

The Slayer is controlled using a non invasive neural probe built into the inner layer of the armor. All movements used by the armor are detected using short range nerve activity detectors which scan the pilot's brain patterns, which are combined with force amplification and negative haptic feedback to move the armor. In short, the pilot doesn't think about moving in the armor, he just wills himself to move and the armor moves; if he wants to fly the armor will fly, and so on.

Display Visor HUD-03a

The Slayer's visor is held in the helmet, directly in front of the pilot's field of vision. The visor itself consists of a high-definition display supplemented by short range volumetric imaging software, with the HUD displaying battlefield data typical to all other NAM armors.

The battlefield data displayed includes, but is not limited to: readouts of the pilot's life signs; indicators for squad members in close proximity; status reports of the armor's own status; communications; and ammo.



The Slayer's default armament is fairly light all things considered, compared to other Nepleslian armorsuits. The primary ranged weapon is a Plasma Chaingun Turret fixed to the left forearm, supplemented by a Pulse Laser Array and two Rapid Launcher Systems. Close in capabilities is supplied by a pair of knives carried by the armor,a pilebunker that is mounted to the right forearm, and an optionally carried melee weapon. Additionally, the Slayer's hands, feet, knees, and elbows are reinforced to be used in close combat.

Integrated Weapons:

  • 1x Plasma Chaingun Turret, mounted to the left forearm and locked forwards
    • Purpose: Anti-Armor
    • Secondary Purpose: Suppressing Fire.
    • Damage: Tier 5, Medium Anti-Armor
    • Range: 3 KM in Atmosphere, 2500 KM in Space
    • Rate of Fire: 300rpm
    • Payload: Unlimited while connected to the armor.
  • 1x NAM Armor Pilebunker, mounted to the right forearm.
    • Purpose: Power Armor pilot killing
    • Secondary Purpose: Power Armor pilot disabling
    • Damage: Tier 5, Medium Anti-Armor
    • Range: Melee
    • Rate of Fire: 20 rounds per minute
    • Payload: Unlimited
  • 1 Pulse Laser Array built into the space between the head and the shoulders.
    • Purpose: Knocking out incoming enemy warheads
    • Secondary Purpose: Killing unarmored targets
    • Damage: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel
    • Range: 1000m in Atmosphere, 3000m in space.
    • Rate of Fire: Constant
    • Payload: Unlimited

Standard Handheld Weapons:

  • 2 NAM HEAT-01a Knife stored in waist holsters, hand carried in use
    • Purpose: Personal Defense
    • Secondary Purpose: Utility
    • Damage: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel versus unarmored personnel; Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor versus armored targets
    • Reach: 40cm
    • Purpose: Close Quarters Battle
    • Secondary Purpose: Intimidation
    • Damage: Varies depending on weapon

(2) NAM Rapid Launcher Missile System: There are two Rapid Launch Systems integrated into the Slayer's calves, each capable of carrying a limited number of missiles. There are a total of four cells per launcher: Each cell can carry 6 Darts, or 9 TRACERS, or 4 ARROWS, or 3 BOLTS.

  • Number of Cells per Launcher: 4
  • Missile Launch Rate: All cells can be fired simultaneously, or at any rate chosen by the operator.
  • Missile Load per Cell:
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Shields, Anti-Sensors
      • Secondary Purpose: Disabling small-grade electronics
      • Damage: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel; Tier 5, Medium Anti-Armor to armor-class shields
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 9)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Location: Torso
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
      • Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 10)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
      • Damage: Tier 6 Heavy Anti-Armor
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 11)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Primary Purpose: Missile Beacon
      • Secondary: Countermeasure, Distraction
      • Damage: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel
      • Signal Range: 10 Kilometers LOS, varies depending on atmospheric conditions and electromagnetic interference.
      • Range: 10km
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 12)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.

Primary Weapons

The Slayer can use almost any Nepleslian Armorsuit Weapon, including but not limited to:

The Slayer is only capable of carrying a single handheld weapon at a time- most often, it uses the handheld weapon that is recommended for use with the equipped WIND Pack it is using.

Additional ammo is carried on behind the Slayer's shield.

WIND Packs

The true strength of the Slayer comes in its ability to equip the newly developed NAM WIND Equipment Packs, which were developed specifically for the Slayer. Each Wind Pack gives the Slayer a unique set of capabilities, allowing it to fight and function in a number of different situations and environments, as well as in a number of varying styles. There are three different WIND Packs: the Sirocco, the Mistral, and the Ostro.

Each WIND Pack incorporates a second shield on the right side, a mirror of the one on the left side but unable to carry extra weaponry inside.

Sirocco Pack

If any one WIND Pack is considered the standard for the Slayer, it would be the Sirocco. Also the lightest armed of the packs, the Sirocco adds in a balanced armament while increasing the mobility of the Slayer.

Size Changes
Width Increase +60.96cm13)
Length Increase +36.5cm 14)
Mass Increase +0.25 Tons
Mobility Increase
  • Flight
    • Atmospheric speed increase (for earth-like worlds): +1482 kph (921 mph), Mach 1.2 at sea level
    • Maximum space speed: + 0.010c
Added Armament

The Scirocco pack mounts a number of additional missile systems to improve the high speed dogfight capabilities of the Slayer. This leaves the Slayer reliant on the weapons it carries, as the missile systems are generally limited.

  • (4) NAM 'Fang' Multipurpose Guided Missile MGM-01a, each mounted to a two-missile pylon under each airfoil.
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Vehicle
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shield
    • Damage: Varies depending on Warhead
    • Range: 25km in atmosphere, 100,000m(controlled) in space

(1) NAM Extended Rack Missile System: The Scirocco incorporates an Extended Rack system, with three cells integrated into the front of each airfoil for a total of six. Each cell can carry 6 Darts, or 9 TRACERS, or 4 ARROWS, or 3 BOLTS.

  • Number of Cells per Launcher: 6
  • Missile Launch Rate: All cells can be fired simultaneously, or at any rate chosen by the operator.
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-Shields, Anti-Sensors
    • Secondary Purpose: Disabling small-grade electronics
    • Damage: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel; Tier 5, Medium Anti-Armor to armor-class shields
    • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
    • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 15)
    • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
  • OR
    • Location: Torso
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
    • Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor
    • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
    • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 16)
    • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
  • OR
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
    • Damage: Tier 6 Heavy Anti-Armor
    • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
    • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 17)
    • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
  • OR
    • Primary Purpose: Missile Beacon
    • Secondary: Countermeasure, Distraction
    • Damage: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel
    • Signal Range: 10 Kilometers LOS, varies depending on atmospheric conditions and electromagnetic interference.
    • Range: 10km
    • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 18)
    • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.

Mistral Pack

While the Sirocco is lightly armed and increases the speed of the Slayer, the Mistral pack is different. It incorporates additional engines, yes, but the primary purpose of the Mistral is to improve the close combat capabilities of the Slayer.

Size Changes
Width Increase N/A
Length Increase +92cm 19)
Mass Increase +0.4 Tons
Mobility Increase
  • Ground Speed
    • Hovering Speed Increase: 70 kilometers per hour
Added Systems

The Mistral pack carries 6 Vila Shield and Sensor Drones. These drones are used to provide additional sensor information, as well as generate barrier shields to protect the Slayer.

Added Armament

The Mistral pack adds a ground focused armament to the Slayer, complimenting the armorsuit's fixed arms with a chaingun and an additional minimissile pod.

  • (1) 12.7mm Medium Chain Gun, mounted on a turret over the right shoulder with a 120 degree field of fire.
    • Purpose: Anti-Armor
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-swarm
    • Damage: Varies, depending on ammuniton
    • Range: 2 KM in Atmosphere, Nearly Unlimited in Space
    • Rate of Fire: 750 rpm
    • Payload: 800 round drum

(1) NAM Rapid Launcher Missile System: The Mistral pack adds a third Rapid Launcher System to the Slayer, this one in a pod that fits over the left shoulder with four cells. Each cell can carry 6 Darts, or 9 TRACERS, or 4 ARROWS, or 3 BOLTS.

  • Number of Cells per Launcher: 4
  • Missile Launch Rate: All cells can be fired simultaneously, or at any rate chosen by the operator.
  • Missile Load per Cell:
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Shields, Anti-Sensors
      • Secondary Purpose: Disabling small-grade electronics
      • Damage: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel; Tier 5, Medium Anti-Armor to armor-class shields
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 20)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Location: Torso
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
      • Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 21)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
      • Damage: Tier 6 Heavy Anti-Armor
      • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 22)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.
    • OR
      • Primary Purpose: Missile Beacon
      • Secondary: Countermeasure, Distraction
      • Damage: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel
      • Signal Range: 10 Kilometers LOS, varies depending on atmospheric conditions and electromagnetic interference.
      • Range: 10km
      • Muzzle Velocity: .85c 23)
      • Propellant Reserves: 5 seconds worth.

Ostro Pack

The Ostro is the third and final WIND Pack- like the Sirocco and the Mistral, it has its own focus. Where the Sirocco is more for general purpose, and the Mistral intended for close combat, the Ostro is intended for long range combat.

Size Changes
Width Increase N/A
Length Increase +92cm 24)
Mass Increase +0.6 Tons
Added Armament

The Ostro adds four weapons to the Slayer, each intended for relatively long to mid range fire support and target destruction: Two small mass drivers over the shoulders, and 2 variable speed plasma cannons underneath each arm.

  • (2) NAM "Terrier" Light Mass Driver LMD-01a, each mounted on a shoulder turret with a 120 degree field of fire.
    • Purpose: Anti-Armor
    • Secondary Purpose: Sniping
    • Damage: Varies, depending on ammunition
    • Range: 3,000 meters in atmosphere, 5,000 meters in space.
    • Rate of Fire: 30 Rounds per Minute
    • Payload: 20 rounds in a helical magazine
  • (2) NAM Variable Speed Plasma Rifle VSPR-01a, each on a movable mount that brings it up under the left and right arm.
    • Purpose: Anti-Armor
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle
    • Damage(Lance): Tier 5, Medium Anti-Armor
    • Damage(Burst): Tier 8, Medium Anti-Mecha
    • Range(Lance): 3km in Atmosphere, 2500km in Space
    • Range(Burst): 1.5km in atmosphere, 100km in space
    • Rate of Fire: 60 lances per minute or 6 bursts per minute
    • Payload: Unlimited


Intended to be able to survive incoming firepower akin to what it could dish out, at least long enough to retreat and get the pilot to safety, the Slayer is constructed using a number of tested and tried material components. The Armor is intended to be sturdy and heavily armored, yet still mobile enough to perform its duties.

The first later of the armor is made of Durandium Alloy, due to its light weight and hardness, fixed atop the frame's boron-ceramic internal frame which provide stability and durability. On top of the Durandium are layers of Nerimium and Leptonium alloys fixed over the unit.

The Slayer has an anti-radiation layer, a polymer based lightweight anti-radiation layer that would take the place of an otherwise heavy lead layer.

Physical Shield

To compensate for its lack of armament or backpack that can be used for storage, the Slayer incorporates a physical shield to its left side. This shield is on a flexible mount on the armor's left side. This mount is a pair of two metal rods, one longer than the other and connected by a rugged joint; the long end is connected by another joint to the Slayer's shoulder and the short end to the shield. The flexible mount allows the shield to be positioned in a 180 degree arc that covers the left side of the armorsuit.

The shield is constructed of a boron-cermaic internal frame, atop which is layered nerimium and leptonium to provide good protection about physical and energy attacks. In addition to protecting the armorsuit from attacks, the shield acts as storage for weapons and ammunition, with an internal storage cell for a H.E.A.T Weapon and ammunition storage slots on the underside of the shield for magazines and battery packs.

The shield is roughly an 8 sided polygon that grows thicker in the middle running down its spine; the upper quarter is wider and made up of five sides forming a rough near hexagon, while the remaining three quarters are made up of a long three sided shape that connects to the upper portion of the shield where the bottom side of the hexagon would be. The top portion of the shield features three spikes made of nerimium to both ward off melee strikes and to be used as a makeshift weapon if necessary.

Self Repair Functionality

The Slayer includes robust self repair capabilities in the form of the Nano Constructor System. The NCS system is capable of making field repairs to the armor and its systems, but this is only a stop gap to improve and extend operational time. It is not a replacement for actual repairs. The main function of the NCS within the armorsuit is to repair internal systems and maintain their operational efficiency in the wear and tear of combat and day to day use. This reduces the logistics imprint of the armorsuit, thereby extending its time in the field.

Life Support

The Slayer uses the same life support system utilized on the other M-Series Armorsuits. This consists of an inner layer where the pilot is surrounded by gel-filled cushions; with atmosphere pumped into the interior of the armor from backpack storage. The armor features all the plumbing neccessary to handle the pilot's waste, along with an auto-injector, joint lock system to protect from impacts and falls, an auto-tourniquet system to prevent blood loss, and heating pads placed strategically to keep the pilot warm.

If the armor is badly damaged and the pilot can not escape in time, the armor's Medical Emergency Cryofreezer automatically beheads the pilot and freezes their head, jettisoning it backwards in a neat case to preserve the pilot's brain and genetic materials to be placed in a cloned body if their cerebral chip is malfunctioning.


The Slayer has a built in Compact Gravimetric Drive that allows it to float, hover, walk up walls, and defy gravity with general ease. Generally, except in cases of stealth operations, the Gravimetric Drive is kept online at all times to protect against scalar weaponry.

The meat of the Slayer's propulsion and speed comes in the form of its Dual Hyperspace-Tap Drives. This drive is built into the lower torso of the armorsuit, with main two thrusters mounted just behind the waist on moveable mounts; additional thrusters are mounted into the armor's lower legs, namely into the outer sides of the leg, the back of the leg, and into the armor's boot. The DHTD gives the Slayer good mobility and agility, without taking up too much space.

Another supplemental propulsion technology used on the Slayer is the Push/Pull System, a combination of tractor and repulsion field emitters. They work by pulling the Slayer towards objects or pushing it away from them; the two main emitters for the system are built into the Slayer's collar.

Computing, Sensors, Electronic Warfare, & Communications

The Slayer uses the ACE Combat Executive as its primary computer system to assist the pilot in controlling the armor. The Computer handles the more complicated functions of the armor, leaving the pilot to simply fight.

For sensors, the Slayer combines the Monoeye Suite located in its head with an OmniEye Suite complimenting it in numerous locations across the body. The Monoeye acts as a broad range sensor system, capable of focusing on a single target for targeting purposes; the OmniEye adds in all around passive and active sensors.

The sensors includes:

  • Passive Monoeye LIDAR
  • Active Monoeye Subspace emitters and receivers
  • Passive Electromagnetic detectors
  • Passive & Active Gravimetric sensors
  • Active OmniEye Radar and LIDAR
  • Passive Aetheric detectors
  • A passive Threat Acquisition Detector, which detects when the user has been targeted by an active sensor system

The Slayer also incorporates the Na-M/V-E4100 Black Veil Electronic Warfare Suite ECM suite, which combines active and passive sensor jamming with a robust cyberwarfare package.

Communications are handled by the armorsuit's AI using the Chatterbox communications array, and transmitted using a hardened antenna and the Monoeye's subspace emitters.

The Slayer is capable of communicating using

  • Encrypted long and short wave radio
  • Direction Laser Communication
  • Audio/Visual Subspace Communications.

The combined range of the communications suite is roughly 1,000,000 km.

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/08/17 17:20.

Approved here By Charmaylarg.

80 mph
6 feet, 1 inches
2.8 meters
1.3 meters
0.8 feet
7 feet
9) , 10) , 11) , 12) , 15) , 16) , 17) , 18) , 20) , 21) , 22) , 23)
constant boosting makes the round lose fuel quickly
2 ft
1.2 ft
19) , 24)
3 ft

faction/nepleslia/equipment/slayer.1703161441.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:24 by