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EM-J2-M3401 Basic Muscle Structure

Emrys Industries A TC Company

The EM-J2-M3401 is the standard muscular system for all EM-J2 Series Servitor Android, it became available in YE 34.


Manufacturer: Emrys Industries Nomenclature: EM-J2 E3401 Type: Synthetic Muscle Class: Electronic Designer: Tamahagane Corporation R&D

About the J2-M3401

The EM-J2 Series muscles are composed of advanced water impermeable Electroactive polymers. They are arranged in bundles that resemble striated muscle tissue. Each bundle has a feedback sensor which is connected to the EM-J2 Series neural network. The synthetic muscles are secured to the bones with Ionic Adhesive

The J2-M3401 gives the android the ability to carry 125 kilograms of weight in 1G (275 lbs).

corp/emrys/em_j2_m3401.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:57 by