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Na-F/A-6(b) "Sabre" Multirole Fighter/interceptor

The Na-F/A-6(b) “Sabre” is a multi-role endo-/exo-atmospheric fighter/interceptor that began design in YE 37 and was finished and began being fielded by the Nepleslian Star Navy in YE 40. This version of the Na-F/A-6 is simplified compared to its sister design, the F/A-6x(a) "Scythe.

About the Sabre

Commissioned by NAM and the NSN in YE 371) but not finished until YE 40, the F/A-6(b) “Sabre” is a multirole fighter/interceptor, intended for anti-fighter roles whilst retaining a considerable measure of anti-starship capability. Boasting the latest generation in military aerospace technologies, the “Sabre” is a fast and highly capable aerospace-superiority starfighter intended for both exo- and endo-atmospheric use. She's faster and more durable than her stealthy counterapart, though she carries fewer advanced weapons. In terms of its rivals, it far excels in the missile catagory.

Key Features

  • VTOL/STOL capability
  • Anti-starship weaponry
  • Capable both in missile engagements and in dogfighting
  • Two-stage spacial/planetary propulsion system
  • Highly maneuverable
  • Folding wings for storage on starships


The history of the Sabre is largely linked to its sister craft, the Na-YF/A-6X(A) "Scythe" Stealth Fighter/Interceptor. However, due to problems with simplifying the systems of the Scythe down for a mass production model, the Sabre was not ready for field testing until YE 40 when the first model was shipped to Aquila Flight for live testing and evaluation.


The Sabre is visually similar to the Na-YF/A-6X(A) "Scythe" Stealth Fighter/Interceptor. However, generally its factory fresh color scheme is different, with green instead of blue.

On the underside of the airframe there is a large pair of doors covering the main weapons bay and two smaller doors covering the flank weapons bays. These doors open when the weapon systems in the underside pylons are keyed for firing. When opening, the doors swivel outwards and open to make sure the payload can clear the weapons bay without an issue.

Inside the main weapons bay, There are six permanent hardpoint rails mounted to the roof, these hardpoints are connected to missile ejector systems which help missiles or other types of payload exit the bay safely. Inside the flank weapons bays there are only two hardpoint rails, which are also connected to missile ejector systems.

Statistical Information

Here are the basic statistics for the Na-F/A-6(b) “Sabre”

  • Crew: 1 (Pilot and ACE AI)
  • Maximum Capacity: 1 Pilot and ACE AI, plus one passenger (This will result in the cockpit being extremely cramped and hard to work in.)
  • Length: 21.5 meters (~70.5 feet)
    • Wingspan: 19.58 meters 2) (~64.24 feet)
  • Height: 3.90 meters3) (~12.80 feet)


  • Air speed, Cruising: Mach 3.2 (1.0982 km/s)
  • Air speed, Maximum: Mach 4.5 (1.5435 km/s)
  • Sublight (Engines): .382c
  • Sublight (Boost): .400c4)
  • Range: Unlimited (10-day supply of nutrient-enriched solution)

Maneuverability Characteristics

In a vacuum, the Sabre is capable of changing direction and orientation almost instantly. In the atmosphere, it is more limited in maneuverability by atmospheric friction. The computer will automatically limit the Sabre to maneuvers of less than 10Gs when in the atmosphere. The Sabre is capable of hovering and movement in all directions in the atmosphere because of its thrust vectoring/VTOL engines.

Durability and Maintenance

  • Service Lifespan: 30 years
  • Refit Cycle: 1 year

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.


Encased within a protective layer of armor, the Sabre's cockpit is lined with miniaturized arrays of sensors which feed data directly to the Neural Control System mentioned below, providing tactical information directly to the pilot's brain via wireless uplink. Additionally, a panoramic Volumetric HUD system (along with the accompanying “traditional” instruments) is also provided, in order to help ease pilots into the transition - or allow them to fall back to something familiar in situations of stress. As far as main controls go, there are rudder pedals, as well as a HOTAS stick and throttle setup.

In case of emergencies, the pilot can eject using a manual or electronic ejection system, which blows the cockpit out of the craft with small explosive bolts and takes the pilot with it. In atmosphere, booster jets and a parachute can be used to carry the pod to safety, and even steer to a minor degree. Within the pod is carried a survival kit.

Weapons Systems

Unlike the Na-YF/A-6X(A) "Scythe" Stealth Fighter/Interceptor, the Sabre does not have complicated communication equipment. Instead, the space left over after the removal of said equipment was converted into internal weapons bays (and as detailed earlier in the article); One large bay on the underside of the craft and one smaller bay on each flank of the craft. The largest bay holds 6 hardpoint rails, and each smaller bay holds 2.

It also has 6 external rails, 3 on the underside of each wing.

Internal weapons


  • x2 Gimballed OI-V9-W3600 Heavy Pulse Laser Vulcans (Nose-mounted, 15 degrees of gimballing)
    • Purpose: Anti-Fighter, Anti-Armor
    • Damage: Tier 7
    • Range (Planetary): ~2.8 miles (4,500 meters)
    • Range (Space): ~87,000 miles (140,000 kilometers)
  • Rate of Fire: 15 pulses/second
    • Payload Effectively unlimited6)


    • Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Fighter
    • Damage: Tier 4-5 7)
    • Area of Effect: 10-20 meters8)
    • Range (Planetary): ~100 miles (160 kilometers)
    • Range (Space): Effectively unlimited.
    • Purpose: Close-In Point-Defense , Anti-Missile
    • Damage: Tier 4
    • Range (Planetary): ~3.11 miles (5,000 meters)
    • Range (Space): ~31,000 miles (50,000 kilometers)
  • Rate of Fire: 20 pulses/second


  • x1 Hyperspace-Tap Flare Launcher (Retractable; located on the ventral surface of the fuselage)
    • Purpose: Anti-Missile
    • Damage: Tier 3
  • Range: 5,000 meters (~3.107 miles)
    • Rate of Fire: 5×3 charges/second9)
    • Payload 75 charges, self-replenishing
  • x3 Anti-Radar Chaff Projectors (Retractable; located on the dorsal and ventral surfaces near the aft of the fuselage)
    • Purpose: Anti-Missile
  • Range: 325 meters (~0.202 miles)
    • Rate of Fire: 2 charges/second10)
    • Payload 12 charges11)

Internal (Hardpoint) Weaponry

The internal hardpoints on the Sabre are distributed throughout 3 internal weapons bays. The differing sizes of these bays means that they can only fit select types of weapons.

Main bay

The main bay can be loaded one of three ways:

In the first configuration, each hardpoint in the main bay (6 total) can hold either an Eel, Marlin, or Pufferfish missile.

In the second configuration, Baby Torpedoes can be mounted in the main weapon bay. Because of their size only 4 can be mounted total in the weapons bay.

In the third configuration, "Narwhale" Anti-Capital Ship Torpedoes can be mounted in the main weapon bay. Because of their size only 2 can be mounted total in the weapons bay.

Flank bays

Each hardpoint in the flank bays bay (2 in each flank bay) can hold either an Eel, Marlin, or Pufferfish missile.

External (Hardpoint) Weaponry

As mentioned above, the Na-F/A-6(b) is outfitted with six under-wing hardpoints; each is capable of equipping one of the following configurations:

    • Purpose: Anti-Power Armor, Anti-Fighter
    • Damage: Tier 4-512)
    • Area of Effect: 10-20 meters13)
    • Range (Planetary) 15 miles (24.14016 km)
    • Range (Space): Effectively unlimited.
  • x2 Eel, Marlin, or Pufferfish missiles.
    • Purpose: Anti-Power Armor, Anti-Fighter
    • Damage: Tier 5-8 with various effects
    • Area of Effect: Varies
    • Range (Planetary): Varies
    • Range (Space): Varies
    • Purpose: Anti-Fighter, anti mecha
    • Damage: Tier 8
    • Area of Effect: Large
    • Range (Planetary): 140 kilometers
    • Range (Space): 100,000 kilometers

Onboard Systems Descriptions

The following are descriptions of the systems found on the Sabre. All of the critical systems, such as electronics and propulsion, are EMP hardened, but can still be scrambled by especially powerful EMPs from large nuclear blasts.


The F/A-6(b) features a miniaturized second-generation Hyperspace-Tap Reactor - with markedly-improved performance over the original model - as its primary source of power generation. Featuring an output comparable to that of an equally-sized Aether Reactor, this reactor system provides more than enough power to meet the impressive energy requirements of the Sabre, even when under a full load.

NAM "Kraken" - Neural Control System

In a bold move away from the current neural technologies employed onboard vessels of the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, data analysis on recovered Ayana-Class Escorts (and more importantly NovaCorp's Superconductive Quantum Interface Device (SQUID) technology) has given NAM a means for stepping up their (proverbial) game - as demonstrated by the “Kraken” Neural Control System.

Unlike the Scythe however, the Sabre relies more on its physical controls than it does on the Kraken interface. This is to make it easier to fly and adapt to, although the Scythe can be reconfigured to allow its Kraken system to control the plane the same as in the Scythe. The Kraken interface is used, instead, to operate and control systems such as sensors, weapons locking, engines, countermeasures, landing gear and more.

Life Support

The life support system within the Scythe provides up to 10 days of a highly-nutritious - yet horrifically bland - solution; additionally, the environmental systems within the cockpit pod are effectively self-reliant in terms of supplying a breathable atmosphere as long as said pod is within the hull of the ship and connected to the dedicated power systems. An ejected pod can support one unarmored occupant for 24 hours.


The Sabre is outfitted with a fairly complex computer, compatible with an Advanced Command Executive (ACE) AI (and optional JANE(JOHN) AI integrated personality matrix). This helps to keep the fighter competitive when a pilot is not using the Kraken to control the plane with their mind.The AI is capable of performing a plethora of complicated secondary tasks simultaneously (such as electronic warfare, secondary weapon management, and countermeasure utilization.


Similar to practically every other vehicle employed by the Star Military, the F/A-6(b) makes use of the Monoeyes as its primary detection system. Like the monoeyes on the Na-YF/A-6X(A) "Scythe" Stealth Fighter/Interceptor, they are retractable. The monoeyes are mounted on the following locations:

  • On the dorsal (upper) surface near the front of the fuselage, in a retractable housing between the starfighter's two dorsal HPLV firing ports; it's protected by a modest layer of armor. Mounted in a ball socket.
  • On the ventral (lower) surface near the front of the fuselage, in a retractable housing just behind the starfighter's two ventral HPLV firing ports; it's protected by a modest layer of armor. Also mounted in a ball socket.
  • On the dorsal (upper) surface of the fuselage, in a retractable housing between the starfighter's wings; it's protected by a modest layer of armor. Mounted in a ball socket as well.
  • On the ventral (lower) surface of the fuselage, in a retractable housing between the starfighter's wings; it's protected by a modest layer of armor. Mounted in a ball socket, shockingly enough.

Like the Na-YF/A-6X(A) "Scythe" Stealth Fighter/Interceptor the Sabre also mounts an advnanced sensor system to enhance the vehicle's overall sensor capabilities and provide an additional field of view to the pilot.


The Sabere uses a Na-M/V-E3600 Brainspammer ECM system to help it hide without needing fancy, expensive, and maintenance intensive stealth engines and stealth coatings.


The Sabre includes three large and powerful Dual-Stage Hyperspace-Tap Drives, two of which can be vectored for more “traditional” VTOL usage. When all of these drives are used in combination, they enable the F/A-6(b) to achieve impressive velocities and maneuverability in both vacuum and in-atmosphere operations.

The Sabre, like the Scythe, also features tiny multi-directional thrusters, placed about the hull in strategic locations, are a built-in redundancy (in the event of catastrophic battle damage) that also provides a slight (but noticeable) increase in overall maneuverability, in addition to an auxiliary VTOL propulsion system. In addition to these, it has a Gravitic propulsion system.


The Sabre's FTL functionality is provided by a relatively simple Continuum Distortion Drive of Nepleslian design.


The Sabre uses a simpler and more time tested method of shielding. Four small shield devices provide protection to the ship’s hull, which are placed in groups of two, one group just behind the cockpit and one group on the ventral surface of the fuselage.


The Scythe mounts fairly modern anti-missile defenses, the AEGIS.

Standard Equipment

The Sabre has a Nepleslian Military Survival Kit, located just below and behind the pilot's seat. In case of ejection, this is carried with the ejection block, but is accessible from the cockpit in case of a crash and can be accessed by pulling the pilot's seat out of the way utilizing a hard-to-jam mechanism.

This kit has been modified to be easier to carry by normal pilots, utilizing long lasting and rugged versions of the technology found in gravity belts. These systems are EMP hardened.

OOC Notes

Alex Hart created this article on 2019/01/31 19:14.

Approved by Madi Harper on 27 February 2019, @0854

And beginning development in the same year
12 meters, wings folded for storage
Landing gear retracted.
Operable for up to 15 minutes prior to emergency shutdown.
Remember, no matter what its tier is, fighters are often more fragile than most other things at their tier.
As long as the weapon's power supply is uninterrupted.
7) , 12)
Dependent on warhead type; per mini-missile (16 per launcher).
Dependent on warhead type.
(5 bursts of 3 charges) per second
10) , 11)
Per launcher.
Depending on warhead type

faction/nepleslia/small_craft/sabre.1701234529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:01 (external edit)