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The Nagamaki is a large, two-place fighter craft released in YE 45, with a more supportive mission profile than direct combat. Its large size, heavy sensor package, and powerful Electronic Warfare capabilities allow it to act as both a scout and a force multiplier.


Designed as a supplement to, rather than a competitor for, the Next Gen Fighter Program, the OI-V5-1A Nagamaki was envisioned as a support fighter rather than necessarily a direct combatant, although it has the capability to defend itself. With the roles of stealthy quick strike and space superiority taken by the Mozu and Kawarime respectively, Origin sought to fulfill a different role rather than compete directly. The Nagamaki was additionally designed to take advantage of new materials that had been created recently, as well as additional upgrades to Origin's existing systems, and to integrate more fully into the modern Yamataian battlefield electronics systems.

Ultimately becoming a joint venture between Yugumo Corporation, Ketsurui Fleet Yards, and Origin Industries, the Nagamaki retains its identity as an Origin starcraft, but integrates with the Star Army of Yamatai's fleets and maintenance schema better than previous Origin designs.


The Nagamaki is a large, heavy duty starfighter whose primary purpose is to project power for a fleet, whether via long range scouting and sensors, or via information and electronic control on a battlefield. Utilizing computing, sensor, and electronic warfare power normally reserved for larger warships, the Nagamaki can serve as a vital node on the battlefield, extending the range of influence of capital ships while keeping them further from the fight, or helping out the smaller craft in its vicinity with its superior sensor and computing power.

Mission Specialization

What are good uses of this ship?


The Nagamaki has a roughly tubular main body, which is flanked on either side by boxy engine nacelles that also hold portions of its extensive avionics package. protruding from these angled boxy sections are a pair of cranked-delta wings, which have long, narrow gun pods protruding front and rear at roughly their midpoint. Angling upwards and inwards from these pods are a pair of support 'wings' which connect to and hold up the main sensor and communication projection dome, which consists of a thick, flat disc that is packed full of electronics. The front of the Nagamaki has a comparatively narrow cockpit protruding from the main cylinder, which sits atop a second, squashed cylinder, that terminates in a bulbous, rounded nose that houses even more avionics, sensors, and other electronic gear. There are three turrets on the Nagamaki, one on the underside of the nose, and one each top and bottom of the main engine toward the rear of the craft.

3/4 view Side view
Top view Bottom view
Front view Rear view

Statistics and Performance

The Nagamaki is a fighter craft made for the Star Army of Yamatai. Being generally larger and heavier than its peers, the Nagamaki is more of a support fighter than a direct combatant, though it can hold its own against most enemies if need be. The following systems and components allow it to do so.

General Statistics for the Nagamaki
Year Introduced YE 45
Class/Nomenclature OI-V5-1A
Alternative Nomenclature Often simply called the 'Naga'
Designers Origin Industries Fleet Yards, Yugumo Corporation, Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Manufacturer Origin Industries
Fielded By Star Army of Yamatai, Second Expeditionary Fleet
Range The Nagamaki carries roughly two months worth of fuel. It can carry up to two weeks of supplies for the Pilot and EWO, or a month for just a pilot.
Maintenance Cycle After every combat mission, or once every two months
Lifespan 10+ years with regular maintenance


Crew: 2 operators are recommended, only 1 is required.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 2 humanoids, or up to two Separa'Shan or Kodians. About 6 humanoids can fit aboard in an emergency, but the cockpit would be cramped.


Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for a guide to damage ratings to include.


The Nagamaki is a large fighter with a relatively roomy two-seat cockpit, in order to accommodate species that are larger than a standard humanoid. It is neither luxurious nor spartan, containing everything its pilot and copilot need to perform their missions.


The Nagamaki's large cockpit is covered by a layered Transparent Durandium canopy which is reinforced by Ceresium framework. Between the layers of Transparent Durandium is a variable opacity film which darkens based on the amount of power applied to it.

Pilot Seats

The Pilot seats are adjustable reclined, cushioned seats which have a semi-wraparound design that keeps the pilot snugly in place, but allows the pilot's arms and feet to move freely and control the ship. It contains a harness which holds the pilot firmly in place, but comfortably, allowing them to safely control the ship, even in zero-gee. The seats are mounted to an active dampening system which helps reduce the effect of inertial forces. These seats are also equipped with a SPINE interface.

Due to the amount of space in a Nagamaki's cockpit, a typical humanoid can recline the pilot's seat nearly flat, into a comfortable laying position, and a foot rest may be deployed to support one's feet, so that rest can be had on longer missions. Additionally, the headrest may be adjusted to act as an effective pillow to further facilitate this.

For Kodians pilots, a larger version of the pilot's seat is installed, however, it is incapable of reclining more than a few degrees backward, as there simply isn't enough room.

For Separa'Shan pilots, instead of a traditional chair, there is a cushioned backrest with a harness and adjustable armrests (Which house the optional control sticks) which is supported by a padded post that also houses the active dampening. This setup allows a Separa pilot to be firmly secured while allowing greater comfort for their tails, without sacrificing the active dampening properties. A SPINE interface is included in case the pilot has been enhanced with compatible equipment.

Control System

The Nagamaki can be controlled in several ways, from SPINE, Physical controls, and even Neural scanning systems such as those found in the Type 41 Helmet or Origin Armored Pilot Suit.

The manual controls on a Nagamaki consist of a Dual-yoke system which allows for the ship's maneuverability to be taken full advantage of. Controls can be tilted forward, backward, and to either side, and diagonally, as well as pressed inward, pulled upward, pushed forward, slid back, and slid diagonally in every direction. Each stick has three multi-position weapon selectors, an index-finger trigger, and two thumb buttons, the triggers controlling the primary weapons, the thumb buttons controlling the mounted weapons. At the Pilot's feet are a set of rudder pedals which help control the ship even further, as well as control the nose wheel for maneuvering on the ground. There is a full volumetric system in the cockpit, allowing for customizable displays and ease of input. If another control system is in use, the manual controls may be stowed out of the way by tucking into sockets that keep the cockpit cleaner.

Ship Systems

The Nagamaki is a complex craft, with numerous systems fitted inside its hull in order to allow it to perform its primary tasks.

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Nagamaki utilizes a primarily Yama-Dura hull structure with armor composed of Endurium and Ceresium. All windows and viewports utilize Transparent Durandium.

OI-V5-1A Hull and Frame Assembly
Primary SpaceFrame Forcefield Reinforced Yama-Dura Major Truss
Secondary SpaceFrame Ceresium Secondary Truss and support structures
Outer Plates Endurium mounted to Yamataium Plate with Omnihue coating
Lining Chondrex Lining

The Nagamaki has an array of six Relay Deflectors which strengthen and modulate the effects of its CFS and shielding systems.

Computers and Electronics

The Nagamaki is notable for having numerous powerful, redundant computer systems running in tandem to allow it to fulfill its mission profiles. Some of the sensors and other hardware are shared between systems, however, every system has at the very least double redundancy.

Sensor Dome

The Nagamaki carries a relatively large, powerful sensor dome, which houses its starship-grade sensor package. This dome increases the maximum available output for sensors, communications, and electronic warfare purposes. This dome is capable of being removed and swapped as a single assembly in case it takes damage, so that the craft can be repaired more quickly.

Emergency Systems

The Nagamaki features several systems and items in order to facilitate pilot survival in case of emergency.

Life Support Systems

The Nagamaki utilizes Star Army Standard Life Support Systems to support its pilots, as well as for maintenance commonality with other Star Army of Yamatai craft.

Crew sustainment lockers

As part of the life support systems, as well as to support longer duration missions, sustainment lockers are provided in both sections of the cockpit for crew convenience.

Propulsion and Power

The Nagamaki uses five HFT engine/reactor units, four of which are CRUSH sized and one primary which is SLAM sized. The Nagamaki stores enough fuel for approximately two months of normal operations. These units provide both propulsion and power, and are also redundantly connected to the Vernier thrusters, of which there are eight- four in the nose, and four housed at the rear of the wing gun pods. The Nagamaki's five primary thrusters are augmented by Aetherburner assemblies, which can temporarily boost thrust and increase max acceleration and top speed significantly.

Additionally, the Nagamaki utilizes a Combined Field System which is supplemented by the effects of its Relay Deflectors.

Shield Systems

As with most Star Army of Yamatai vessels, the Nagamaki primarily uses Combined Field System shields as defensive measures. In addition, the Nagamaki uses a traditional shield system, mostly for navigational duties, but also as an additional layer of defense. For maximum defense, the Scimitar runs three kinds of shielding. Each shield is generated from its own pod on either side of the ship, aside from the navigational shielding, which is contained in the nose of the ship. The two shield systems in the pods work in tandem, allowing the ship to survive many types of weapons. All three types of shielding are strengthened and modulated by the Relay Deflectors

Weapons Systems

The The Nagamaki is used exclusively by the Star Army of Yamatai.

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2023/03/18 08:20.

This was approved by Andrew on 2023/04/2023).

Only to escape atmosphere, the ship cannot maneuver above its usable speed
One Torpedo per Exterior Hardpoint
3) , 8) , 9)
One Missile per Exterior Hardpoint
4) , 5) , 15) , 20)
One Pod per Exterior Hardpoint
6) , 7)
Two Missiles per Exterior Hardpoint
10) , 14)
One Drone per Exterior Hardpoint
One Drone per Two Exterior Hardpoints
12) , 13)
One Tube per Two Exterior Hardpoints
One Unit per Exterior Hardpoint
One Rack per Exterior Hardpoint, 144 per Rack
One Rack per Exterior Hardpoint, 2 per Rack
One Rack per Exterior Hardpoint, 25 per Rack
One per two hardpoints, but the centerline drone will block the rear set of hardpoints
Drones can be fully stocked with varying loads