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Coyote Light Tank

The Coyote Light Tank was originally created by members of the Bernese Red Rebellion. It was fielded during the New Bernese conflict against Nepleslian Space Marine Corps and corporate funded government militias until the ceasefire in late YE 41 and subsequent peace talks between the BRR and DIoN representatives. Following the departure of NSN personnel and the marginal forces of the 3rd Assault Fleet, the 'Coyote' was one of many salvaged or recovered BRR technologies or platforms taken to retrofit by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions personnel embedded with the 3rd Assault Fleet.

About the Coyote

The Coyote is a light and maneuverable modular weapons platform developed around the idea of tactical diversity in the form of multiple interchangeable weapons systems ranging from auto loading dual cannons capable of rapid high explosive fire, a powerful anti-armor and hard target destroying plasma cannon that can melt through armor, or a devastating main cannon capable of putting holes into tanks and lighter starships.

Key Features

  • Light and maneuverable.
  • Multiple interchangeable weapons systems.


Before it was improved to become the Coyote, it was originally developed and fielded by the forces of the BRR as the “Mod-38”(Modular weapons platform, YE-38). The Mod-38 was a key cavalry tank that asserted the BRRs superiority over the militia forces of New Bernese. Acting in groups where they could locate and flank armor columns in quick succession, they easily out maneuvered the mass-produced Origin-bought tanks, destroying them from their flanks with powerful plasma and 105mm cannon rounds. This allowed their lighter armed counterparts to rapidly devastate lighter vehicles and infantry with rapid-fire high explosive rounds. For a time, militia intelligence surmised that the Mod-38 was, in fact, several completely different tank variants. This lasted until the BRR came up against the mechanized NSMC 309th and their heavier, more advanced, and more capable Maximus main battle tanks.

In the closing stages of the war's peace talks, the BRR leadership agreed to a partial disarming in regards to their devastating armor and air force in return for continued autonomy and the start of good-faith relation with the DIoN. Thousands of Mod-38's, other tanks, and equipment were turned over to the militia and DIoN officials.

Afterwards, NAM personnel embedded in the 3rd Assault Fleet began examining and drawing up plans to improve upon the rather impressive design and field it for Nepleslian interests forthcoming, such as the upcoming hostilities between the Imperium and the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia.

The reworked and approved upon design was renamed by NAM as the Coyote.


The Coyote shares the aesthetic and design of many tanks with rough angled armor and edges with a large bipolar turret and fat body. The only difference, however, is the turrets profile depending on which armament it is currently equipped, with some barrel profiles being larger or longer.

Statistical Information

  • Crew: 3 (One driver, One gunner, One commander)
  • Maximum Capacity: 3
  • Width: 4.30m
  • Height: 2.7m
  • Length: 10.2m


  • Ground speed: 115 KPH (71 mph) on favorable terrain.
  • Range: 265 miles (426 km)
  • Lifespan: 8 years.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Front armor: T-8 Medium Mecha
  • Side armor T-7 Light Mecha
  • Rear armor And Tracks T-6 Heavy Armor.


The Coyotes interior is made of a single compartment for the crew that holds a lower drivers section, and side to side gunner and commander benches. The driver contains controls and apparatus for control of the Coyote, as well as a forward-facing M115 SPAID to fire ahead of the tank. Screens containing various camera views on all sides of the tank can be called up, as well as navigational equipment like interacting maps and on-call information.

The Commanders' bench contains various optics to view in various enhancement settings ranging from increased view distance, IR and night visions, and can call on statistical and tactical information on a number of nearby screens in reach.

The Gunners' bench contains a targeting gunners site on a large interactive screen that can cycle between many of the same modes the Commanders' optics can but with significant range-finding activity. The turret controls and weapon controls are found here in the form of two joysticks with various use buttons on them for weapons and fast target and view mode switching. The gunner also controls the loading of the weapon here in the form of the autoloader when available.

In case of emergency, every station has an emergency escape hatches.

A manual munitions locker is within reach of both the gunner and commander for re-loading the auto-loader.

Weapons Systems

The Coyote comes equipped with several weapons configurations that are listed below. The secondary weapons, however, are not interchangeable and remain regardless of whichever primary cannon is currently installed.

Primary Weapon

The Coyote can equip one of the following weapon options. More details on the weapons are found in Primary Armament Details.

Secondary Weapons

  • x1 M115 SPAID, Located on the frontal armor of the tank and fired by the driver with interlinked 500 round magazine.
  • x4 NAM Light Coil Autocannon Are located on the sides of the turret in two racks of two and are slaved to the main gun.
  • x3 pla-02a systems are located on the sides and front of the turret for light point defense.
  • x4 Nepleslian Miniature Missile Technology two on each side of the turret contain a BOLT antimatter charge each.
  • x4 Smoke grenade launchers on the four corners of the turret ring.
  • x4 Smoke tubes that can deploy a smokescreen behind the tank as it moves. Positioned on either side of the turret facing behind the tank.

Primary Armament Details

The Coyote has three options for the main weaponry. Each has its own advantages and uses. Switching out armaments can take a well-trained pit crew several hours with the use of good facilities to change out the weapons and restock its ammo. In the case of the Lance Cannon, a small-scale generator is installed but is cold until hooked up to the lance leaving it virtually harmless if damaged.

105mm Wolfhound Railgun

A single NAM "Wolfhound" Heavy Multipurpose Railgun HMR-01a upgrades the old 90mm cannon and is mounted on the turret for devastating 105mm destruction with a variable degree of ammunition types to fit any encounter.

The 105mm Wolfhound can easily achieve up to twelve rounds per minute with a competent gunner.

Damage: Variable, Tier 8-9

Dual R-88 Railgun

Originally mounting a combination of two 75mm origin bought rifled cannons, the Coyote received an upgrade to boast dual-mounted ‘R-88 Acesulfulzel’ 88mm Subspace Enhanced Railgun system as a second alternative. An autoloader connected to a 88mm Munitions Cylinder is loaded with six rounds for each barrel for almost any combination of 89mm rounds, excluding high-yield antimatter or nuclear shells. The barrels fire one after the other at a rate of fire reaching almost thirty rounds per minute, but not before needing to reload on the twelfth and final round. Reloading requires a timely session by either the gunner or commander to unlock and re-load each cylinder with six new rounds each.

Damage: Variable, Tier 6-9

NAM Plasma Lance

A down-scaled, but still just as devastating, NAM Plasma Lance Cannon can be mounted on the turret and is connected to two NAM Ultra Compact Fusion Generator in the rear of the tank that power the lance. The plasma lance lacks the ability for a consecutive 20-second firing solution like its starship counterpart, but can still achieve a several second beam depending on the charge time. Otherwise, it is regulated to single fire geists of plasma every ten seconds for a total of six per minute unlike its starship grade cousin.

The fusion generators often roll the tank hot in more than just temperatures. If damaged when actively charging, the Plasma Lance Cannon can possibly go critical and create an explosion that can reach up to a magnitude of 1kt of TNT.

Damage: Tier 12

Onboard Systems Descriptions


A powerful diesel engine in the rear of the tank easily powers and keeps the coyote going for every mile of its range. While extremely loud at first glance, the Coyotes' goal is not to be stealthy or to avoid detection, but to have the power to outmaneuver and outflank any enemy it encounters.

Two NAM Ultra Compact Fusion Generator are also installed in the coyote and can be drawn upon to offset the power requirements of the tank. They cannot be drawn from when actively charging a plasma lance and will slow the tank's movements as a result.

OOC Notes

charmaylarg created this article on 2019/10/23 07:10.

faction/nepleslia/vehicles/coyote_light_tank.1674337805.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:06 (external edit)