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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Na-S/Ca-02 Rok’Veru-Class Carrier


About the Ship

The Rok’Veru-class is a massive vessel intended for very limited production within the SMoDIN’s navy, as an upgraded alternative to the Na-AC-02a Shaika Assault Carrier. The Rok’Veru is substantially larger and more survivable than its predecessor, and capable of providing far more support to deployed personnel, both in fire and materiel.

The ship has been designed as a mobile base of operations for an entire Division of 250,000 SMoDIN marines, and has dimensions to match.

The Rok’Veru-class retains the manufacturing capabilities of the Shaika, but has forgone the massive cloning banks. These were seen as adversely affecting troop survivability as they began to believe that getting killed was not permanent or consequential. Unfortunately, this led to large numbers of soldiers experiencing the degenerative mental side effects of repeated CC backups, as well as being the costs associated with rebuilding every soldier and armor being astronomical.

The ship also utilizes more “smart” technology than the spartan Shaika, and has made strides to vastly improve efficiency of deployment and operation. It is, of course, still a Nepleslian ship, and therefore very well armed and very well armored.

Named after one of the first worlds of the Nepleslian Core to fall during the NMX invasion, it is recommended that ships of this class be named after other member worlds of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.




Class Carrier
Designer NAM AeroTech
Manufacturer Nepleslian Arms and Munitions
Production Very limited
Fielded By Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia


Note: Numbers given here are the maximum, and may be less depending on mission

Command Staff 250
Crew Up to 10,000
Marine Complement 250,000
Command Structure

The Ship is commanded by a Naval officer of rank Rear Admiral or higher. Answering directly to him are his XO (often a Captain (NSN)) and a Marine Corps attaché, a Marine officer responsible for coordinating between the two branches, who reports to both the Navy and Marine COs on the vessel.

There are two Combat Information Centers, Ship and Operational, each staffed by about 60 personnel depending on necessity. Marine and Navy personnel man these.


Length 3569 meters
Width 1008 meters
Height 520 meters
Decks 20

RP Information

Max Speed .375c
Structural Points 50
Shield Points 20 (two redundant shields)

Inside the Ship


All compartments have airproof bulkhead doors in case of a hull breach.


There is at least one armory on every deck of the ship, although not all contain the same armaments. Most armories feature several dozen personal weapons, usually assault rifles or submachine guns, as well as some body armor to repel boarding operations. All airlocks, however, have a nearby armory and guardpost with light powered armor and heavier weapons.

There are three central armories, each located right next to one of the hangars. These are gigantic rooms with thousands of Marine power armors and a staggering collection of weapons. These armories also have dedicated workshops and repair stations, with dozens of technicians.

Assembly Areas

These are massive auditoriums meant to be large enough to for an officer to address a full Squadron of marines (5,000 personnel) for mission briefings and rallies. They are very large rooms with comfortable stadium seats and a huge volumetric display covering the wall behind the stage. The rooms have faux-marble walls and dark green carpets. When not required, some are used as movie theaters.

There are sixteen of these rooms present throughout the ship, eight on each side, most right across from the Marine barracks. Half are located on deck 6, and half on deck 14.



The marine barracks are substantially larger than the navy’s although in many ways less luxurious. Due to the huge complement of these soldiers, their barracks have quadruple-stacked beds, and every single wall is covered with personal lockers. They are huge, and oftentimes, very loud, and very smelly. Each barracks also has two attached bathrooms with a dozen showers and twice as many chemical toilets.

The barracks have white walls and ceilings with dark green carpets.

Each of these rooms houses about 500 marines, and are spread along the outermost areas of the ship along the sides.

These are much smaller rooms than the Marine barracks, housing only about 150 personnel each, with beds only double-bunked. However, because the Rok’Veru requires constant staffing, these rooms are more often than not fully occupied by one shift of personnel while another is out working, switching off as needed.

These rooms have white walls with light blue carpets.

Navy barracks are distributed throughout the ship based on what needs staffing. There are a number around Engineering, mess areas, the hangars, and the bridge.


The command center for the entire ship, this room takes up two decks. The top deck is the actual “bridge”, where the commanding officer oversees the vessel’s operation from a command dais, which has a large chair with a neural interface that allows the captain to obtain information and issue commands very quickly. Arranged in a circle around him are the various command stations. These are all suspended on a Transparent Durandium catwalk structure above the Ship CIC, which takes up the bottom floor.

Navigation is in the fore of the bridge, with communications on the port and weapons on the starboard. There is a large reinforced door in the aft of the bridge, with power management and electronic warfare on either side. Each station is generally manned by five men, four of whom are “grunts”, with one supervisor.

The bridge is a large dome, with the walls and ceiling being covered by a volumetric display that wraps around the room completely, displaying any imagery requested by the captain, oftentimes simply the realtime footage of the space outside the ship. Volumetric holograms can also be called up when needed. These are usually just data displays, but with the neural jack in the command chair, the CO can will just about anything into existence.

The bridge is located on decks 11 and 12, about 1 km aft of the vessel’s bow.


With over 260,000 Nepleslian personnel, there are bound to be some troublemakers that require discipline. As such, the Military Police have two large brigs, one in the bow, and one in the stern. Each has its own small barracks for 100 MPs, and 50 cells, as well as a sizable “drunk tank”. There are also two Maximum Security cells for exceptionally dangerous individuals, which can be locked down into stasis.

Captain’s Suite

The Captain’s suite on a Rok’Veru-class ship is a very large and luxurious apartment, located 50 meters aft of the bridge, and connected by a long hallway. The first room is a large office, behind which is a spacious bedroom and private bathroom. Furnishings are decided by the CO, with a sizable stipend for procurement. The Marine CO has an almost identical room, just after of the Operational CIC.

The XO and Marine attaché have very similar accomodation, on either side of the hallway leading from the bridge to the suite, although they are much smaller.

Combat Information Center


The Operational CIC’s primary concern is whatever the Marines happen to be doing. It tracks data from across an entire planet, and coordinates entire ground campaigns for the armored infantry. It is also responsible for routing requests for ship-borne aid and fire support to appropriate areas of the ship, or supporting naval elements.

The room is several dozen computer consoles arranged in a circle around a massive holographic display of the Area of Operations. Under the room are a number of very powerful computer banks, and two Drei AI are tasked solely to the Operational CIC’s command. It is located almost in the middle the ship on deck 12.


The Ship CIC is responsible for running the vessel, and is almost always fully manned whether the Rok’Veru is in combat or not, acting more as an administration center. However, when the ship is engaged in combat, the ship CIC is responsible for administering damage control and casualties. It also can serve as a communications hub for naval operations.

It is located in the bridge, and has a layout very similar to the Operational CIC, and is located directly below the bridge.


Engineering is a massive part of the ship, with its own barracks and a massive complement of personnel. It is a huge block that takes up 3 decks (8, 9, and 10) from the rear of the ship to about 2/3 of the way to the front, as well as almost the entire 20 aft meters of every other deck. Engineering is home to the two dozen massive NAM-built fusion generators that power the Rok’Veru, set up in a two-by-twelve bank that runs the length of the engineering block.

The generators are sectioned into twelve huge compartments with two generators each, and separated by armored bulkheads. Catwalks run throughout the room, and anti-grav platforms are available for more precise work.

At the very front of the engineering block is a massive chamber housing two over-charged CDD drives that provide the ship’s FTL capabilities.

The deck above the generator bank houses a number of break rooms for engineers as well as workshops and a command room for the chief engineer to monitor everything in detail. The sublight thrusters that take up the majority of ship’s rear also have substantial work space and maintenance equipment.


For longer deployments, it can get very cagey for the hundreds of thousands of personnel onboard a Rok’Veru, and they often require some sort of distraction to keep from breaking out into too many fistfights. As such, there are a number of corporate establishments allowed to open their doors, usually Neppy’s, convenience stores, and several popular bar chains. However, name and menu are the only things these have in common with their counterparts on the outside, and they are mostly run by volunteer marines to maintain operational readiness. Access is kept somewhat controlled, and these are shut down completely at least 24 hours prior to any major combat operation.

All of these are located on 300-meter concourses on both sides of the ship on decks 5 and 15, towards the front of the ship.


Two of the three fabrication bays are located just above the two aft hangars, with the third above the Bow hangar. These are responsible for replacing the huge amounts of armor, weaponry, and other material required to sustain a major military operation. To do this, they use massive nano-foundries using NAM Nano-Constructor System tech.


There are a lot of hallways on a ship as large as the Rok’Veru-class. All have white walls and dark green floors. There are a number of volumetric systems set up in these halls, however, and their lighting generally matches the time of day in Funky City. The walls are set up to show either the space outside or important messages or announcements. The floors can also be used to show paths to different areas for personnel. During battle maneuvers, the floor illuminates paths towards battle stations and hangars for personnel.


The Rok’Veru-class has three massive hangars. Two lay towards the aft of the ship on either side, and the last is on the bow, facing forward. The bow hangar is the largest, capable of docking large shuttles and maintaining a fleet of about 200 fighters and bombers, held in racks on the walls, as well as a sizable drone complement. There is also a sizable and prehensile docking apparatus allowing the Rok’Veru to dock larger vessels that are unable to fully fit within the hangar. There is a sizable repair station in the rear, capable of patching up most damage, at least for a while. The bow hangar is generally not used for PA purposes except during full-scale invasion operations, when getting as many marines as possible out of the ship is the primary objective. It is generally used to launch air support, and can be quite a pain to try and maneuver marines through.

The two aft hangars, however, have far less in the way of fighters, and are almost solely devoted to the Marine complement and their transports. These are more less fully conjoined with massive armories, and even have staging areas for marines about to make their drops. These can also be used to drop prefab command posts, fortifications, and medical centers.

The hangars are wide open, and are recommended to be secured with their 2-foot thick leptonium “shutters”, that are to be closed in the event of combat or FTL transit. However, the hangars do have breathable atmosphere thanks to their shields, and there are two reinforced, redundant systems solely for the hangars. Each hangar is administered by a Drei AI, in conjunction with a crew chief.

Jump Rooms

These are very popular among rapidly-deploying marines, but are impractical for deploying an entire force. They consist of a gravitic “catapult” capable of launching marines out of the ship at well above the speed of sound out of a large tube. A powerful temporary shield is also provided to armors using this system to help ensure against getting shot down and being able to pass through a planet’s atmosphere. During invasions, this system is generally used by Special Forces and Reconnaissance troops, or for high-priority reinforcements to ground units. These can also be used to send down supplies and heavy weaponry. There are 100 tubes along the bottom of the ship, and 100 more on each side, just fore of the hangars.


There are a number of medical facilities on the Rok’Veru-class, with about 200 simple infirmaries with one to two medics, and six full-scale pavilions for severely wounded servicemen. The regular infirmaries generally have five comfortable memory-foam beds set up at any given time, but have at least twenty smaller ones that can be set up if need be. These generally deal with ill soldiers or relatively minor injuries. They are all painted sterile white.

The Pavilions, on the other hand, are state-of-the-art hospitals in their own right, with several hundred beds. These are located just under the ends and midpoints of the ship’s maglev tram lines. These facilities hold several dozen medics and doctors, and very advanced surgical equipment. In addition, there are ten beds in each set aside for quarantine purposes.

Mess Areas

Soldiers need to eat, and with the number of soldiers that a Rok’Veru-class can carry, there needs to be lots of food. As such, there are 25 mess halls capable of seating five hundred soldiers, with massive kitchens to pump out the food required to feed them. Tables are long with benches for seats. The walls are white, although one generally has a large screen for movies or other entertainment, and the floor is dark green tile. Kitchen layout is subject to the head chef’s whim.


The Rok’Veru is over 3.5 kilometers long, which makes it difficult to move around. As such, the ship has a number of useful transportation methods. Most long service corridors have moving walkways, and there are plenty of elevators to move between decks. There is also an enclosed ladder next to every elevator in the case of a power failure. There are also two maglev lines, with two large trams on each, that move back and forth across the ship. These are located on decks 4 and 26. The ends and midpoints of these rails are essentially the hubs for transportation within their area of the ship, and there are 13 stops for each line. The trams are also used to move heavy cargo when necessary.

Ward Room

This is the CO’s dining room, often used to entertain important guests and as an officer’s club. There are four long tables made of hard wood, and the floor is made of marble. Walls are covered by a volumetric display showing whatever the CO wants. A large kitchen with access to some of the best ingredients available serves the ward room, and there is a sizable wet bar for off-hours.

The ward room is just fore of the bridge/ Ship CIC.

Ship Systems


Artificial Intelligence

The Rok’Veru employs at least ten Advanced Command/Combat Executive AI cores in various roles throughout the ship.


The ship has a specialized internal na-c3-m3109 communications suite suitable for coordinating the massive operations the Rok’Veru was designed to serve as a backbone for.


The Rok’Veru class comes equipped with a top-of-the-line ECM suite.

Inertial Dampener

To allow the Rok’Veru to accelerate and decelerate as needed without harming the crew, an inertial dampener has been added.


There are twenty four massive fusion generators that provide most of the power for the Rok’Veru, as well as the two continuum distortion drives.


The ship uses two Combined Barrier System (Nepleslia) generators. One is kept on at all times, with another turning once it breaks. The ship also has a constant dampener field around it to ward off scalar attacks.

Hull and Integrated Systems

Inner Hull

The outermost compartments all have outer walls of about a meter and a half of durandium, with a thin layer of nerimium over that. There is about a meter of space between the inner hull and outer hull.

Outer Hull

The outer hull of the Rok’Veru class is composed of hundreds of large, interlocking plates that fit seamlessly together, making replacement of damaged sections easy. It has two layers, with the outermost being seven meters of nerimium, over about two meters of leptonium. This armor is enough to ward off vast amounts of punishment.


The Rok’Veru’s skeleton is made of Leptonium, allowing it to self-repair much of the damage inflicted on it. Larger supports are hollow, and filled with NCS gel, which can help expedite repairs through patch jobs.


Slower than Light

The carrier uses a massive bank of stern-mounted plasma drives to move through space. It uses its Continuum Distortion Drive’s gravitic effects to slow down or make rapid changes in course if needed.

Faster than Light

The Rok’Veru-class makes use of two CDD drives for all of its FTL needs.



20 NAM Na-LRMS-XX "Curbstomper" Long-Ranged Missile System: These are very powerful missile batteries meant to engage almost any threat, with a variety of munitions.

32 Heavy Plasma Cannons: Super-sized plasma weapons that fire a large beam of super-heated tungsten particles. These are located on the sides of the ship, fifteen per side (and two extra on the very front), and are used for broadsides attacks against other ships or orbital strikes. Their power can be adjusted for more precise attacks.

  • Primary Role: Anti-Starship
  • Secondary Role: Orbital Bombardment
  • Damage: Tier 11, Medium Anti-Starship
  • Rate of Fire: 1 shot every four seconds
  • Payload Unlimited


3,000 NAM Twin Plasma Turret: Small, concealable point-defense turrets meant to swat armor and fighters out of the sky with small but potent blasts of plasma. When not in use, the turrets recess into the hull.

faction/nepleslia/starship_classes/rok_veru-class.1703161458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:24 by