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Dominion-Class Starship: MG.S.S Imperium

The MG.S.S Imperium, a Dominion-Class Starship, serves as the Mining Guild's Corporate Command ship. It plays a central role in the Guild's space operations and leadership structure. Developed in mid-YE 46


The Dominion-Class Command ship was the brainchild of the Thinkers Group, an elite team of innovators within the Mining Guild, co-founded by Aeta Kurosaki and Lady Nyx Pine. As the Mining Guild expanded its operations beyond its homeland, the New Dusk Conclave, into six systems, the need for a centralized, secure command structure became apparent. This realization spurred the Thinkers Group to design a vessel capable of overseeing these distant mining operations efficiently.

By YE 46, as the Mining Guild grew rapidly in both size and scope, Aeta and Nyx began drafting plans for a state-of-the-art command ship. The timing of this project aligned with the Guild’s increased focus on defense, following the recent development of the Ironhold-Class Orbital Defense Platform. A few days after the Ironhold decision, Aeta and Nyx presented their concept for the Dominion-class Command Ship during a board meeting with the division heads, seeking the approval of Astrid Kurosaki, the Guild’s CEO.

This ship, eventually named the MG.S.S Imperium, was not only envisioned as a command center but also as a potential replacement headquarters for the Mining Guild in the event of a catastrophic attack on the Sanctum System. Specifically, they considered threats from formidable enemies like the Mishhuvurthyar or other national-level dangers that could force the Guild to evacuate.

The MG.S.S Imperium was designed with several critical features in mind. The ship was equipped with advanced communication systems to facilitate seamless interaction between Mining Guild branches, even in systems with time delays. This was essential for coordinating operations across vast distances and maintaining the Guild’s efficiency the ship would include a dedicated research level to support the Guild’s ongoing technological advancements. This level would allow researchers to continue their work even while mobile, ensuring the Guild's innovation pipeline remained uninterrupted.

The ship was also designed to accommodate the Guild’s crew, employees, and high-level executives in the event of an evacuation. This meant having comfortable quarters and amenities for long-term residence, should the need arise for corporate leadership to relocate to the command ship for safety. With these capabilities, the MG.S.S Imperium was positioned as both a secure leadership hub and a safeguard against external threats, ensuring that the Mining Guild could maintain control over its operations, even in the most challenging circumstances.


The MG.S.S Imperium, a Dominion-Class Command Ship, is a massive and imposing vessel, designed to be the nerve center of the Mining Guild's corporate operations across multiple star systems. This ship represents a perfect fusion of functionality, security, and innovation, offering numerous features that set it apart from other starships in its class.

Here are the key aspects that make the MG.S.S Imperium special:

Command and Control Hub

The ship’s bridge is outfitted with the latest in neural interface technology, allowing seamless, real-time decision-making. The command center allows the Mining Guild’s top executives to oversee operations across all six systems where the Guild has a presence. It can coordinate mining, defense, and logistics, giving the Guild an unparalleled level of control and efficiency.

The MG.S.S Imperium integrates cutting-edge holographic displays, providing interactive, 3D tactical maps and operational readouts of Mining Guild sites. The system allows leadership to manage remote mining operations, defense platforms, and ships across vast distances with precise clarity.

Unmatched Communications System

One of the ship’s key features is its quantum entanglement-based communication system, which enables instantaneous communication with other Mining Guild branches across multiple star systems, eliminating time delays between systems. This ensures real-time coordination of operations, a critical advantage for managing the Guild's mining assets.

The ship boasts advanced encryption protocols, preventing data breaches and ensuring secure corporate communications. Given the sensitive nature of the Mining Guild’s trade secrets, this level of protection is invaluable.

Mobile Research and Development Center

The MG.S.S Imperium has an entire deck dedicated to R&D, complete with laboratories for material sciences, robotics, AI development, and advanced engineering. This allows the Guild's Thinkers Group and engineers to conduct research even when the ship is traveling through different systems, ensuring innovation never halts.

The labs are equipped with AI-assisted research tools, allowing scientists to simulate and test new technologies in real-time, from upgraded mining systems to advanced starship components.

Sophisticated Defense Capabilities

Though it is primarily a command and corporate ship, the MG.S.S Imperium is heavily fortified. It is equipped with point-defense turrets, anti-ship missiles, and advanced shield generators, making it capable of withstanding assaults from pirates or even larger scale attacks. To safeguard the ship from internal threats, the ship has dedicated hangar bays for Tyr MK1 Power Armors, used by the Mining Guild’s Night Guard. These armors can be deployed in case of boarding attempts or for offensive action if necessary.

Command Ship for Evacuation Scenarios

Designed with contingency planning in mind, the ship is prepared to serve as a mobile headquarters in the event of a catastrophic attack on the Sanctum System, such as an invasion by the Mishhuvurthyar. It has the ability to house the Guild's top executives and staff for extended periods, with luxury and functional quarters for hundreds of personnel. The ship features reinforced bulkheads, internal shielding, and multiple escape shuttles for emergency evacuation, ensuring the safety of key Guild personnel in extreme situations.

Integrated Logistics and Storage

The ship serves as the flagship for the Mining Guild’s command fleet, coordinating with smaller escort and logistics vessels. It also has the ability to carry a limited fleet of mining drones, repair ships, and resource haulers, ensuring it can directly oversee mining operations while traveling through different star systems. In addition to command functions, the MG.S.S Imperium is designed to store a significant amount of cargo, including minerals, fuel, and rare resources from distant mining sites, allowing for efficient transport of valuable materials.

Employee and Executive Accommodations

As a corporate command ship, the MG.S.S Imperium features accommodations for executives, including private suites, conference rooms, and entertainment facilities. These quarters ensure that leadership is comfortable and well-equipped, even during extended space missions. The ship also provides spacious quarters for the crew, with a focus on long-term comfort. There are recreational areas, mess halls, and fitness centers, designed to keep the crew’s morale high during long journeys.

Advanced AI Management

The ship is run by an advanced AI capable of handling critical operations such as navigation, security protocols, and data analysis. This AI system can assist the Guild’s leadership with strategic decisions, managing ship functions autonomously when necessary.

Stealth and Reconnaissance

While it is primarily a command vessel, the MG.S.S Imperium is outfitted with cloaking systems for stealthy travel when needed. This is particularly useful when the ship must travel undetected to avoid pirate attacks or hostile forces. Recon Drone Deployment: The ship can also deploy a series of recon drones to survey mining sites, enemy territories, or areas of interest, sending back critical data to the command center in real-time.

Redundancy and Durability

The Dominion-Class Command Ship is built with a modular design, allowing for quick repairs and upgrades. In the event of an attack or damage, key systems can be swapped out, and entire sections of the ship can be replaced without impacting its overall operations. The MG.S.S Imperium is covered in Ultrite alloy armor, a composite that includes [wp>Titanium]], Tungsten, and Iridium, making it resistant to energy and ballistic weaponry. Coupled with its advanced shielding system, it is built to survive direct confrontations with enemy warships.

The MG.S.S Imperium is more than just a command ship—it's a mobile fortress, research center, and lifeline for the Mining Guild’s far-reaching operations. Its combination of technology, strategic defenses, and operational efficiency makes it a vital asset in maintaining the Guild's dominance across six systems.

Mission Specialization

The MG.S.S Imperium is a highly versatile starship, designed to fulfill several key roles within the Mining Guild’s operations. Here are two primary specializations where the ship excels:

Specialization 1: Corporate Command and Operations Coordination

The MG.S.S Imperium functions as the central command hub for the Mining Guild’s widespread operations across six systems. Its advanced communications, tactical oversight, and ability to serve as a mobile corporate headquarters make it invaluable for:

Coordinating Mining Operations: The ship’s real-time communication systems allow it to oversee the Mining Guild’s various mining stations, ensuring production efficiency and resource management. With its ability to integrate holographic tactical displays and data from multiple sites, it can track, manage, and adjust mining activities on the fly.

Fleet and Defense Oversight: Acting as the flagship of the Mining Guild’s fleet, the MG.S.S Imperium coordinates mining drones, Miners, resource haulers, and security escorts across different systems. It ensures both logistical support and the defense of mining stations, especially in contested or dangerous territories.

Corporate decision-making: Equipped with executive suites and high-end conference facilities, the ship allows top-level leadership to conduct important business, strategic planning, and negotiations with key stakeholders. Its secure communications and state-of-the-art cybersecurity protocols ensure that corporate secrets remain safe.

Specialization 2: Mobile Research and Innovation Center

The MG.S.S Imperium also serves as a mobile R&D center, specializing in technological advancement and innovation, critical for maintaining the Mining Guild’s competitive edge. Its research labs and AI-integrated systems make it ideal for:

Advanced research and development: With dedicated research levels, the ship can host scientists, engineers, and AI working on cutting-edge technologies, including robotics, materials science, and energy production. These labs allow for on-the-move development, so critical innovations are continuously tested and deployed across Mining Guild facilities.

Field testing of new technologies: The ship’s modular design and on-board laboratories allow for the direct testing of new mining equipment, power armor, and defense systems. Researchers can monitor and adjust new technologies in real-time, deploying them into mining operations or fleet ships from the Imperium itself.

Data collection and analysis: The MG.S.S Imperium’s AI and reconnaissance drones can gather critical data from new or contested mining sites, analyzing resource deposits, environmental conditions, and potential threats. This information is immediately available to the R&D teams on board, enhancing their ability to innovate solutions tailored to specific operational needs.


The MG.S.S Imperium has a commanding and fearsome presence, designed to resemble a fortress in space. Its heavily armored exterior is unmistakable, with thick, interlocking plates of reinforced hull plating that not only provide durability but also give the ship an angular, imposing silhouette. Each layer of its defense is visible, with turret mounts protruding along its surface, ready to unleash a barrage of firepower at any threat. The turrets themselves are sleek and integrated into the hull, making them look like extensions of the ship’s body, rather than standalone systems.

The shield generators are tucked into recessed sections of the ship, their power cores visible as subtle, pulsating lines of energy running along the armor plating, creating an almost organic feel to the defensive systems. Despite its industrial nature, the ship has an elegance to its design, with carefully laid out defensive features that blend functionality with a sleek, intimidating aesthetic.

One of the most striking features is the large, ring-shaped structure at the back of the ship. This ring encircles a significant portion of the vessel, glowing with vibrant red energy conduits that snake across its surface, illuminating the dark expanse of space with a fierce, molten glow. These conduits pulse with energy, giving the impression that the ship is alive with raw power. The ring itself has a slight curvature, making it seem like a protective halo or a generator of some sort, adding to the ship's dynamic appearance.

The central core of the ship features intricate, almost artistic patterns etched into the hull. These designs serve a functional purpose, as part of the ship's heat dissipation system or a way to channel energy more efficiently, but they also add a level of sophistication to the ship’s otherwise utilitarian design. These patterns catch the light from the ship’s engines and energy conduits, creating a visual effect that shifts and changes as the ship maneuvers.

The color scheme of the MG.S.S Imperium is equally imposing, with a combination of matte black and machine red. The matte black serves as a stealthy base color, absorbing light and giving the ship a shadowy, almost predatory appearance in the darkness of space. In contrast, the machine red highlights the ship’s most vital areas—such as the energy conduits and key structural components—creating a sharp contrast that emphasizes the vessel’s immense power. The red glow also evokes a sense of danger and aggression, signaling that the ship is not only a command center but also a formidable war machine.

Statistics and Performance

General notes about ship stats and performance


General notes about armor stats and performance

General Statistics for the NAME OF YOUR STARSHIP CLASS
Year Introduced YE 46
Class/Nomenclature MG-X1-1A
Alternative Nomenclature MG-03-46
Designers Aeta Kurosaki, Nyx Pine, Thinker’s Group
Manufacturer Mining Guild, Engineering Corps
Fielded By Mining Guild Personnel
Range 6 to 12 months
Maintenance Cycle Periodic
Lifespan 20 to 30 years, and beyond 30 depending on maintenance
Pricing 10 billion KS


Accommodations for



Propulsion and Range

Damage Capacity

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

The ship contains multiple around 60 to 80 decks, each dedicated to specific functions.

Deck Info
Command and Control Centers Located in the upper and forward sections of the ship, housing the main bridge, communications, and strategic operations centers.
Crew Quarters and Living Areas Spread across several mid-level decks, designed to accommodate the large number of crew and high-level personnel, including separate areas for different ranks.
Research and Development Levels A few decks dedicated to scientific research, engineering, and development, including labs and test facilities.
Engineering and Power Systems Multiple decks for the ship’s power core, propulsion systems, and energy conduits, located toward the rear and lower sections of the ship.
Hangars and Storage Bays Several decks designed for ship storage, docking, and the maintenance of smaller vessels and drones, likely located on the lower and side areas of the ship.
Recreational and Medical Facilities Decks allocated for crew recreation, medical bays, and fitness areas, allowing long-term support for personnel onboard.
Observation The highest decks house observation towers and serve as and surveillance points, equipped with advanced sensors and long-range communication systems.
Ring Structure DecksThe ring-shaped structure at the rear of the ship contains specialized decks, used for power management, shielding systems, and even energy research.

Compartment Layouts

The compartments within the ship are expansive and advanced, with the living areas being especially luxurious to accommodate everyone onboard, including crew members, employees, and visitors.


Control is where the ship and the operations are controlled from. It houses the bridge, where the ship is controlled from, and the Mining Operations Command Center.


The bridge of the MG.S.S Imperium, is designed to reflect its role as the central hub for the Mining Guild’s corporate leadership and strategic operations. Far larger and more sophisticated than those on standard Mining Guild starships, including the Reforged-class, the bridge features an expansive, multi-leveled layout to accommodate the command crew and ensure efficient coordination during high-stakes missions.

Design and Layout:The bridge is open and spacious, with multiple levels that give it an imposing and highly functional design. At the front of the bridge is a massive observation window that spans almost the entire width of the space, providing a breathtaking panoramic view of space. This screen-like window allows the ship’s leadership and crew to monitor real-time space activity and celestial objects, enhancing situational awareness.

Command Area: At the center of the bridge, on a raised platform, sit the seats for the ship’s commander and first officer. These command chairs are situated at the perfect vantage point to oversee the operations on the bridge and the large observation screen, allowing the commander to issue orders with full visibility of both the ship’s status and external conditions.

Crew Pits

Flanking the central command area are the Crew Pits, recessed areas where lower-ranking officers, specialists, and technicians operate key control stations. These stations include:

These Crew Pits are designed to keep the command area clear and focused while still ensuring that the necessary stations are within easy reach for the captain and first officer.

Aesthetics and Color Scheme:The aesthetic design of the bridge complements the ship’s exterior, with a sleek and polished interior color scheme dominated by matte black and machine red tones. These colors project an air of sophistication, power, and corporate identity. The lighting is functional yet subtle, with well-illuminated lights above each station to ensure clarity for crew members without overwhelming the space. The soft, red-glow lighting accentuates the sleek surfaces, adding to the high-tech, militaristic atmosphere of the bridge.

Atmosphere:The overall atmosphere of the bridge is both commanding and efficient, with its spacious design reflecting the ship’s importance and capability. The bridge serves not just as a control center but also as a symbol of the Mining Guild’s dominance and influence across its territories, offering an imposing presence while enabling the swift and effective coordination of large-scale operations.

Mining Operations

The Mining Operations Command Center aboard the MG.S.S Imperium is a vast and sophisticated hub, designed to coordinate the Mining Guild’s expansive operations across multiple systems. Far more spacious than the command centers found on the smaller Sentinel-class Control Frigates, this center serves as the nerve center for overseeing mining activities, fleet coordination, and resource management on a grand scale.

Design and Layout: The room itself is wide and open, designed to accommodate a large team of officers, technicians, and engineers who work together to manage the Mining Guild’s operations. The center features a multi-tiered layout, with various operational stations spread across the room, allowing for seamless collaboration and oversight.

At the heart of the command center are several large holographic display tables, which are the primary tools for visualizing and managing mining activities. These tables project detailed, three-dimensional maps of mining sites, asteroid fields, planetary bodies, and star systems. The holograms provide real-time data on resource extraction, fleet positioning, and potential hazards, such as asteroid collisions or hostile entities.

Each table comes equipped with control interfaces positioned around its perimeter, allowing operators to manipulate the displays, zoom in on specific areas, and interact with the data. These control interfaces enable rapid decision-making and precise coordination of mining operations, whether directing drones, communicating with mining outposts, or managing extraction schedules.

Stations and Systems: Surrounding the central holographic tables are multiple workstations dedicated to specific tasks, each manned by specialized personnel:

Business Area

As the ship serves as a replacement headquarters for the Mining Guild, the business section of the MG.S.S Imperium is dedicated entirely to this purpose. The headquarters compartment is significantly larger than the original one on the ground. Unlike its previous counterpart, the new headquarters is constructed from dark blue marble stone, quarried from asteroids. This gives the structure a unique, otherworldly appearance, with the deep blue hues of the stone subtly shimmering under various lighting conditions. The marble is polished to a high gloss while still retaining a natural texture, providing a blend of sophistication and a strong connection to the raw, untamed nature of space.

Mining Guild Meeting Room

The Mining Guild meeting hall exists in a meticulously designed virtual reality space, providing a sophisticated environment for high-level discussions. The central feature of the room is a large, circular table crafted from dark oak wood, with a rich, natural texture that adds warmth to the otherwise sleek, futuristic setting. Surrounding the table are six matte black chairs, each customized to fit the individual preferences of the Mining Guild's CEO and the Branch Heads.

The walls of the virtual room are solid but adorned with a breathtaking space-themed design, featuring stars, swirling nebulas, and deep cosmic imagery that evoke a sense of the vast universe beyond. This cosmic backdrop emphasizes the Guild's connection to space and mining operations, grounding the virtual meeting in the environment where the Mining Guild thrives.

Each chair at the table comes equipped with a data pad in front of it, which contains key information for the meeting. The design of these pads is streamlined and integrated seamlessly into the table, allowing attendees to access and interact with data during discussions. The table's round shape fosters a sense of equality and collaboration among the attendees.

An important detail is the personalized seating arrangement. For instance, Sora Kurosaki's chair is elevated, ensuring that her shorter stature does not hinder her ability to see or interact with the others at the table. This customization highlights the attention to detail in the virtual space, designed to ensure comfort and ease of use for each participant.

The virtual meeting space is hosted by the MG.S.S Imperium, using the Mining Guild’s Core Link Neural Interface. This technology allows the minds of the CEO and Branch Heads to be transferred into the virtual room, eliminating the need for physical presence. This neural connection offers a remarkable benefit: attendees can participate in the meeting without needing to adjust their schedules. Even if it is late at night or early morning in their location, the neural interface allows a representative AI to attend on their behalf, mimicking their exact responses as if they were physically present.

When they wake up, the individual can access a full recording of the meeting, including their own contributions, for review. This system ensures seamless communication and decision-making across time zones, improving efficiency and enabling the Guild’s leaders to operate without the limitations of traditional meetings. The virtual reality setting not only enhances convenience but also creates a sense of cohesion and professionalism, reflecting the Guild’s forward-thinking approach to governance.

Other Non-Mining Guild Businesses

On the off chance for need of evacuation, the Personnel, Employees and Executives were teleported off Sirris VI this may include those business owners who for whatever reasons were inside the headquarters and nearest to the building. Those people will be able to have a recreation of their original businesses in this area.

Living Area

The ship’s Living Area is thoughtfully designed to serve as a comfortable and familiar environment for the Mining Guild’s employees and their families in the event of an evacuation. The area is divided into residential zones, specifically featuring a recreation of the Cobaltvale neighborhood1), which is a Mining Guild-owned community located on Sirris 4 in the Sanctum system and Planet Daichi in the Nephis System. This neighborhood mirrors the original residential areas where many of the Guild’s employees, including miners, live while working in the Obsidian Mines on Sirris 4 or at the mine near Arcadia, a settlement on Planet Daichi belonging to the New Dusk Conclave.

Residential Area Design

The recreated neighborhood consists of apartment buildings, providing housing for the Guild’s workforce and their families. These apartments are designed to replicate the comfort and layout of the homes employees would have had on the ground, ensuring a sense of normalcy even in the ship's confines. The apartments are fully furnished with the residents' personal belongings, furniture, and other essentials. In the event of an evacuation, their items would be transferred aboard, making the transition as seamless as possible. This setup helps minimize the disruption to the daily lives of evacuees by recreating a familiar, safe environment.

Educational Facilities

A large, multi-level school building is located within this area, accommodating students from preschool through to high school (9- 12) and even offering college-level classes. This allows children and young adults to continue their education without interruption, even in the case of a sudden evacuation. The school is equipped with modern educational tools, including virtual classrooms, advanced learning labs, and outdoor-style recreational areas, ensuring that students have access to the resources they need to continue progressing through their grades.

Community and Convenience

In addition to housing and education, the residential area includes a smaller strip mall, providing basic services and dining options for residents who prefer not to venture into the ship’s Business Area. The strip mall is designed with convenience in mind, offering restaurants, small shops, and recreational spaces where evacuees and ship crew alike can relax and socialize.

This thoughtful recreation of the Cobaltveil neighborhood ensures that, in the event of a major crisis requiring evacuation, the displaced Mining Guild employees and their families would have a familiar and comfortable environment to live in, complete with their personal belongings. The inclusion of schools and a community center allows for a continuation of daily life, education, and social interaction, minimizing the psychological impact of such a transition and providing a sense of normalcy and security in an otherwise challenging situation.

Research Level

The Research Level of the MG.S.S Imperium is situated towards the rear of the ship, in close proximity to the massive ring structure that encircles this part of the vessel. This strategic location integrates the ship's advanced technological infrastructure with its research capabilities, creating an environment that fosters groundbreaking discoveries in both scientific and technological fields. The research level is a critical part of the ship's operations, focusing on a range of research activities that align with the Mining Guild's goals.

Scientific Research

This level serves as a hub for scientific research, especially in fields related to space travel, astrophysics, and other space-related disciplines. Researchers aboard the ship study phenomena such as gravitational forces, the behavior of cosmic particles, and the challenges of long-term space habitation. By leveraging the ship’s position and advanced sensors, they can conduct experiments that would be impossible on a planetary surface, such as testing the effects of different levels of radiation, understanding how various materials respond to the vacuum of space, and researching sustainable life-support technologies for deep space missions.

Technological Research and Development

A significant portion of the research conducted on this level is dedicated to the technological research that underpins the Mining Guild’s continuous innovation. This includes the development of new mining technologies, automation systems, robotics, and enhancements to the existing fleet's infrastructure. Scientists and engineers work together to explore cutting-edge advancements that not only improve the efficiency of mining operations but also create new opportunities for technological dominance in other sectors, such as communications and defense.

Energy Research in the Ring

One of the most notable features of this level is its close connection to the ship's ring, a large, glowing structure that surrounds the back of the vessel. The ring plays a key role in the Guild's advanced energy research. Equipped with sophisticated energy harnessing systems and technology, the ring allows the Guild to conduct high-level research into the nature of ions and plasma—two critical components in the future of energy systems.

Recent breakthroughs include an expanded understanding of how ions can be manipulated and merged with plasma to create more efficient energy sources, potentially leading to revolutionary new methods of powering ships and equipment. The research in this field is particularly focused on finding ways to harness and stabilize ion-plasma fusion, a technology that could one day replace or significantly enhance existing propulsion systems and energy grids across the Mining Guild's operations. Additionally, this research could be applied to weapon systems, making them more powerful and efficient while reducing energy consumption.

Ring Central

The Ring Central is a unique and prominent feature within the MG.S.S Imperium, located within the ship's ring structure. It serves as both a lounge area and an observation deck, offering a sophisticated and relaxing space where members, visitors, crew and high-level employees can unwind, socialize, and enjoy breathtaking views of space.

Lounge and Observation Deck

This space is designed with an open, elegant atmosphere that balances functionality with comfort. The lounge features plush seating arrangements, designed for both privacy and group gatherings, where individuals can relax, engage in conversations, or work in a more casual setting. The area’s floor-to-ceiling screens line the walls, providing a seamless view of the surrounding space. These screens simulate panoramic windows, offering those inside the illusion of gazing directly into the stars, planetary systems, and passing celestial bodies. Whether the ship is cruising through star-filled regions, nebulae, or distant galaxies, the vistas offer an ever-changing, awe-inspiring experience. In addition to its social and recreational uses, the lounge can serve as a quiet space for reflection, allowing individuals to feel connected to the vastness of the cosmos while surrounded by the technological marvel that is the MG.S.S Imperium.

Food and Beverage Offerings

At the heart of Ring Central is a sleek, modern bar, the only section of the room where the view screens do not extend to the ceiling. The bar offers a diverse menu of beverages, including both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, crafted by expert bartenders or served through advanced automated systems. The selection ranges from traditional favorites, like coffee and tea, to exotic drinks sourced from various star systems and planets where the Mining Guild has a presence. Signature cocktails and experimental beverages, inspired by the Guild’s mining operations and discoveries, add a unique flair to the menu.

Alongside drinks, Ring Central offers a variety of food options, from light snacks to full meals. The menu reflects an eclectic mix of flavors, drawing from the cultures of the Mining Guild's diverse workforce, with options that appeal to both human and non-human palates. Diners can enjoy quick bites or settle in for a leisurely meal while admiring the starscape.

Hangars, Teleportation Chambers, and Docking Bays, Oh My!

There are three primary ways to board the MG.S.S Imperium, each tailored to accommodate different types of vessels, personnel, and situations. These entry methods provide flexibility in how people and cargo arrive and depart, ensuring the efficient movement of resources and personnel in support of the Mining Guild’s operations.

Hangar Bay

The Hangar Bay is one of the most commonly used entry points for the ship, equipped to handle a variety of transport and industrial vessels. Though smaller than the hangar bays found on the Polaris-Class Ultra Carrier, the MG.S.S Imperium's hangar can support a large number of ships and offers specialized docking and landing capabilities for Mining Guild transport.

Landing Pads

The hangar features landing pads for up to 500 Magpie Industrial Shuttles, which are essential for transporting cargo, equipment, and mining materials. These shuttles are primarily used for industrial purposes, transporting heavy loads from mining operations to processing facilities or storage.

Personnel Transport: In addition to the Magpie shuttles, the hangar accommodates up to 1,000 Stork Personnel Transport, designed to ferry workers, crew members, and visitors to and from the ship. These transports are vital for moving large numbers of personnel quickly and efficiently between Mining Guild installations and the Imperium.

Docking Clamps

The hangar also has docking clamps capable of securing larger vessels like the Sentinel-class Control Frigate and Dragon-class Mobile Refinery. These clamps are used to anchor these ships while personnel or resources are transferred between them and the Imperium.

Teleportation Chambers

For rapid and direct transportation, the Teleportation Chambers are a feature of the MG.S.S Imperium. These chambers utilize teleportation technology to instantly move people aboard the ship without the need for physical vessels.

The teleportation chambers are compact and designed specifically for transporting individuals or small groups. They are most commonly used when swift movement is required, such as in emergencies or when high-priority personnel need to board or disembark quickly. The teleportation system can bypass the need for conventional transport, making it ideal for scenarios where time is of the essence or where traditional docking and landing methods are impractical. Despite their small size, they play a crucial role in day-to-day operations.

Docking Bays

The Docking Bays serve as entry points for larger vessels that are too big to land in the hangar or use docking clamps. These bays are equipped to handle larger ships that support the Mining Guild's activities or external partners, offering a secure point for ships to dock and transfer cargo and personnel.

Although the Imperium does have docking bays for larger ships, the number of bays is limited due to space constraints and operational priorities. Many of these docking bays are already in use, with several reserved for Yugumo Corporation’s Daikoku-Class Agricultural Ships, which provide the Mining Guild with critical food supplies and agricultural support. Despite the limited number of docking bays, they are a vital part of the ship's infrastructure, ensuring that larger ships can dock when necessary without overcrowding the hangar or relying on teleportation systems.

Storage Areas

Mining Equipment Storage: This section of the storage space is dedicated to storing various types of mining equipment used in resource extraction operations. It includes storage racks, compartments, and secure containers for tools, machinery, and specialized mining hardware such as drills, excavators, and processing units. The layout is designed to maximize accessibility and organization, with equipment categorized and labeled for quick retrieval and deployment during mining expeditions.

Supplies Stockpile: Another portion of the storage space is allocated for storing supplies necessary for sustaining mining operations and supporting the crew onboard the ship. This includes consumables such as food, water, medical supplies, spare parts, and maintenance materials. The supplies stockpile is regularly replenished during resupply missions or when visiting mining outposts, ensuring the ship remains self-sufficient and prepared for extended missions in deep space.

Extracted Resources Repository: Once resources are mined and processed, they are stored in designated storage compartments within the frigate. These compartments are equipped with secure containment systems, environmental controls, and monitoring sensors to preserve the integrity and quality of the extracted resources during transit. Depending on the nature of the resources, storage containers may vary in size, shape, and configuration to accommodate different types of ores, minerals, or raw materials.

Cargo Handling Equipment: To facilitate the loading and unloading of mining equipment, supplies, and extracted resources, the storage space is equipped with cargo handling equipment such as hoists, cranes, and conveyors. These systems streamline logistics operations, allowing for efficient transfer of cargo between the ship and mining outposts, support vessels, or planetary surfaces. Crew members trained in cargo handling procedures oversee these operations to ensure safety and efficiency.

Inventory Management Systems: To maintain accurate inventory records and track the movement of equipment, supplies, and resources, the storage space is integrated with inventory management systems. These systems utilize barcode scanners, RFID tags, and computerized databases to monitor stock levels, track usage patterns, and generate replenishment orders as needed. Real-time data feeds enable crew members to manage inventory effectively and anticipate logistical requirements for upcoming missions.

Crew Storage Areas

Adjacent to the Mission Storage Areas, these sections of the Cargo Hold are reserved for storing personal belongings, equipment, and supplies belonging to the crew members onboard the capital ship. Crew Storage Areas may include:

Engineering Section

The Engineering Section of the MG.S.S Imperium is an immense and complex area, representing the beating heart of the ship’s functionality. It is responsible for maintaining all essential systems, from propulsion to shields and power generation, ensuring that the ship operates smoothly even in the harshest environments. This section is crucial to keeping the ship fully operational during long missions, especially in its role as the Mining Guild’s command vessel.

Layout and Design

The Engineering Section is designed with efficiency and accessibility in mind, divided into multiple levels that each house different system controls. The space is characterized by industrial precision, with exposed conduits, sleek metallic walkways, and reinforced platforms that offer maintenance crews easy access to the ship's critical systems. The various levels are interconnected by ladders, stairways, and lifts, allowing engineers to move quickly between different areas in times of emergency or routine maintenance.

Shield Systems

Upon entering the section, one of the most prominent features is the Shield System, located along one of the walls, but placed a level down from the main entrance. The shield generators are housed within reinforced compartments, surrounded by diagnostic panels and maintenance terminals that allow engineers to monitor and adjust shield integrity at a moment's notice.

Propulsion Systems

At the very back of the Engineering Section, on an even lower level than the shields, are the Propulsion Systems, housed in an area directly aligned with the massive thrusters that dominate the ship’s rear exterior. The thrusters, controlled via advanced terminals, power the ship’s sublight travel, and are responsible for maneuvering the Imperium through space.

Power Central

At the heart of the Engineering Section are the Power Central, centrally located and designed with a Monolithic Structure at the lowest level of the ship. This structure houses the primary reactors that supply energy to every other system on the ship, from shields and weapons to life support and communications.

The monolithic reactor design is imposing, a towering structure that pulses with energy, providing a constant and stable power supply. It is surrounded by control terminals and monitoring stations that give engineers real-time data on power distribution and output. This central location allows for maximum efficiency, ensuring that energy can be quickly redirected to any part of the ship when needed.

Weapons Systems

The terminals for the ship’s weapons, are also located down in the Engineering Section, these terminals, deal with the weapons power usage, accuracy, and may need to be…calibrated

Access Points and Control Terminals

Throughout the Engineering Section, access points and control terminals are strategically positioned to provide engineers with the ability to manage and maintain various systems. These terminals allow for the fine-tuning of systems like shields, propulsion, and power generation, ensuring that every aspect of the ship’s operation can be adjusted in real-time.

The section is also equipped with emergency protocols and backup systems in case of failure, giving the crew multiple layers of security and control. The layout of the Engineering Section ensures that no system is ever far out of reach, minimizing response times during critical situations.

Atmosphere and Aesthetics

The overall atmosphere of the Engineering Section is utilitarian, with industrial lighting casting a harsh but functional glow over the entire area. The sounds of machinery hum continuously, providing a constant reminder of the ship’s immense power and capability. The walls are adorned with access panels and conduits, with readouts displaying the ship’s current status in real-time.

Despite its functional nature, the Engineering Section reflects the advanced technology that powers the MG.S.S Imperium. The design balances raw industrial strength with the sleek elegance that runs through the rest of the ship, making it both a hub of activity and a symbol of the Mining Guild’s technological prowess.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The MG.S.S Imperium boasts an incredibly fortified hull structure, designed to make it an almost impregnable fortress in space. The hull is constructed using Ultrite, a highly durable and resilient material that the Mining Guild has access to, known for its superior resistance to damage and wear. Ultrite’s strength forms the backbone of the ship’s defensive capabilities, giving it the ability to withstand immense pressure and impact, making the ship nearly impervious to most conventional attacks.

In addition to Ultrite, the ship is enhanced with a specialized gel meticulously applied into the creases, seams, and joints of the hull. This gel performs several crucial functions, providing an added layer of defense that further bolsters the ship's durability.

Shock Absorption

One of the gel’s primary functions is to act as a shock absorber, absorbing and dispersing the impact force from projectile and explosive attacks. When the ship is struck by high-velocity weapons or explosive projectiles, the gel helps to reduce the damage by spreading the energy over a wider area. This ensures that no single point on the hull bears the brunt of the impact, preserving the structural integrity of the ship even under heavy fire.

Thermal Regulation

The gel also possesses unique thermal properties, enabling it to regulate and dissipate extreme heat. Whether the heat comes from directed energy weapons, like lasers and plasma, or from natural environmental conditions in space, the gel prevents overheating. This thermal dissipation reduces the risk of hull deformation or structural fatigue caused by repeated exposure to high temperatures, ensuring that the ship can withstand prolonged engagements without sustaining damage from heat-based attacks.

Self-Sealing Capability

One of the most advanced features of the gel is its self-sealing capability. In the event of a hull breach, microfracture, or puncture, the gel automatically flows into the damaged area, forming a temporary seal. This seal prevents further decompression and the loss of atmosphere, maintaining the pressurized environment inside the ship. This feature is particularly valuable in combat situations, where immediate repairs might not be possible. The gel buys the crew time to carry out more permanent repairs while maintaining the safety and functionality of the ship.

Layered Application

To further enhance the ship’s resilience, both the Ultrite and the gel are applied in layers. These layers not only increase the overall strength of the hull but also add redundancy to the defensive systems. If an outer layer is compromised, the inner layers remain intact, providing continued protection. This multi-layered approach makes the MG.S.S Imperium one of the most formidable ships in the galaxy, capable of enduring sustained damage without compromising its operational capabilities.

The combination of Ultrite and the specialized gel allows the ship to be more than just a heavily armored vessel—it is a highly adaptive and resilient fortress, designed to endure the harsh realities of space warfare. This construction ensures the ship remains operational in the face of extreme conditions and serves as the Mining Guild's stronghold, providing safety and security for its crew and leadership.

Computers and Electronics

The computer system of the MG.S.S Imperium is a highly sophisticated and advanced piece of technology developed by the Thinker’s Group within the Mining Guild. Designed with both functionality and security in mind, the system is deeply integrated into the ship's operations and is connected to three critical networks that ensure its smooth functioning.

Orichalcum Suite

The Orichalcum Suite is the primary AI suite used by the Mining Guild, responsible for running various artificial intelligence systems across space stations, starships, vehicles, and power armors. The MG.S.S Imperium, being a starship, utilizes an AI designated Aurum to oversee the vessel's core operations. Aurum is in charge of essential functions such as propulsion, navigation, weapons systems, and overall ship maintenance. This AI ensures that the ship remains efficient and operational at all times, coordinating the complex systems that keep the starship running smoothly.

Dominus: Dual AI System

Given that the MG.S.S Imperium serves as a Replacement Headquarters for the Mining Guild in case of emergencies, the ship also houses the AI known as Dominus. This dual AI setup is unique, with Dominus typically acting as the chief AI in Mining Guild space stations, including management of personnel, business functions, and overseeing strategic operations. While Aurum focuses on the starship’s immediate needs—such as handling propulsion, shielding, and internal mechanics—Dominus acts as a comprehensive operational overseer, coordinating communications, leadership functions, and strategic planning.

The two AIs work in tandem, creating an integrated and highly efficient system. Aurum handles the technical and mechanical aspects of the ship’s movement and maintenance, while Dominus takes care of the broader administrative and tactical duties, effectively making the MG.S.S Imperium function as both a fully operational warship and a mobile corporate command center.

Supportive AI Systems

The ship’s computer system is also supported by multiple additional AI units connected to the Orichalcum network. These include specialized Night Guard AI from the Defender Series, which are responsible for managing the ship’s security forces and robots that protect the ship from external and internal threats. These AI are programmed to defend the ship and its personnel with high efficiency, ensuring the ship is always secure.

Cyberwarfare Defense

Another vital component of the MG.S.S Imperium’s computer system is its Cyberwarfare AI division. These AI specialize in safeguarding the ship and the entire Mining Guild network from cyberattacks. Given the importance of the ship and its sensitive role as a mobile headquarters, the cyberwarfare systems are critical in defending against potential hacking attempts, espionage, and sabotage. These AI actively monitor the ship's networks and the external environment, looking for any signs of digital intrusion and responding with countermeasures to neutralize threats before they can cause damage.

Sensor Integration

The ship’s sensor array is also intricately linked to the computer system, providing real-time data about the ship’s surroundings. This includes detailed information about space traffic, potential threats, environmental conditions, and nearby celestial bodies. These sensors allow the crew and AIs to have full situational awareness, making it easier to navigate dangerous environments, detect hostile ships, and manage external communications.

Projection Screens

To ensure the safety of the crew and protect against the hazards of space exposure, the windows of the ship utilizes advanced projection screens that display real-time images and footage captured by sensors positioned around the exterior of the ship. These screens offer high-definition views of mining operations, celestial bodies, and space phenomena, providing crew members with a comprehensive understanding of their surroundings.

Communication’s Systems

To ensure constant connectivity, high-tech communication systems are positioned throughout the command center. These systems are designed to maintain uninterrupted communication with:

Internal ship systems, allowing coordination between the command center and other vital areas of the ship, such as engineering, navigation, and defense systems.

It is capable of establishing and maintaining long-range communication links with, Fleet vessels, ensuring that the command center can quickly communicate with other ships in the Mining Guild fleet, especially those tasked with escorting and protecting mining operations. mining outposts, support vessels, and headquarters. These communication systems include encryption protocols which are secure encryption protocols safeguard communication channels, protecting sensitive data and ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of communications exchanged between the Carrier and external entities.

Including ground teams and mining outposts, ensuring seamless communication between space-based operations and ground-based teams on planets or asteroids. These communication systems are equipped with redundancies to prevent disruptions, allowing the command center to remain in contact with Mining Guild assets, even in the event of network interference or external threats.

Aesthetic and Functionality The command center, while highly functional, is also designed with aesthetics in mind. The layout, much like the rest of the MG.S.S Imperium, is dominated by matte black and machine red colors, with soft ambient lighting that illuminates the holographic displays without overwhelming the workspace. This not only creates an atmosphere of sleek professionalism but also ensures that data is easy to read and interpret in any conditions.

The Mining Operations Command Center embodies the scale and ambition of the Mining Guild’s operations. It is a space built for efficiency, collaboration, and strategic oversight, equipped with the most advanced technologies to ensure the smooth execution of the Mining Guild’s mining efforts across the galaxy.

Emergency Systems

The MG.S.S Imperium is equipped with an extensive array of emergency systems, ensuring the safety of its crew, personnel, and any other individuals onboard. These systems are based on protocols used throughout the Mining Guild's corporate fleet, settlements, and properties, but are optimized for the ship’s unique role as a mobile headquarters and command center.

Fire Suppression and Safety Protocols

In the event of a fire, the ship’s fire detection system immediately responds by sealing off the affected area, preventing the spread of flames or smoke to other parts of the ship. As an additional safety measure, the oxygen within the sealed compartment is automatically siphoned out, rapidly extinguishing the fire by removing its primary fuel source. However, the designers accounted for the possibility of individuals being trapped in these areas, such as those with injuries, disabilities, or temporary paralysis. To prevent casualties, the ship’s advanced teleportation system automatically transports these individuals to a safe zone elsewhere on the vessel, ensuring they are moved away from the danger in an instant.

Medical Facilities and Emergency Care

The medical infrastructure aboard the MG.S.S Imperium is state-of-the-art, with no expense spared in its design and operation. The ship boasts multiple sickbays, first aid stations, and dedicated medical facilities staffed by highly trained medical personnel, including doctors, nurses, and emergency responders. These facilities are equipped to provide triage, emergency medical care, and ongoing treatment for injured or incapacitated crew members or evacuees.

Each medical station is stocked with a comprehensive array of medical supplies, trauma kits, and diagnostic equipment. These include tools for treating burns, fractures, and other serious injuries, as well as AutoDocs capable of quickly assessing medical conditions. These capabilities allow for swift responses to emergencies, ensuring that any individual onboard can receive the care they need, whether during routine operations or in crisis situations.

Strategic Evacuation and FTL Escape Systems

In the event of an attack or catastrophic threat, the ship is programmed to take immediate defensive action. The faster-than-light (FTL) systems are automatically engaged, enabling the ship to disappear from hostile environments. This capability is designed to ensure the continuation of the Mining Guild's leadership, logistical operations, and communications channels without any significant interruptions. By swiftly retreating from danger, the ship ensures that the command structure remains intact, and critical decisions can still be made without interference.

Mass Evacuation Teleportation Systems

As a mobile headquarters, the MG.S.S Imperium is outfitted with advanced teleportation equipment, capable of handling large-scale evacuations with unparalleled efficiency. In the event of an attack on the main headquarters on Sirris 4 or any of the Guild's branch headquarters, the ship can instantaneously teleport entire populations from these locations to the safety of the ship. This includes both administrative staff and residents of the Cobaltvale Neighborhood, a residential area maintained by the Mining Guild for its employees and their families.

For those working in remote areas, such as miners operating in the Obsidian Mines or other mining sites, the teleportation system can also extract individuals not using Recorm Bodies (remote-controlled robotic bodies) and bring them aboard. This comprehensive evacuation system guarantees that, in the face of any large-scale threat or environmental disaster, the safety and well-being of the Mining Guild’s employees, residents, and personnel are maintained.

Uninterrupted Network and Communication Security

In any emergency, whether from internal threats or external attacks, the ship ensures that its network, communications, and leadership channels remain operational. By utilizing the teleportation and FTL systems, the ship avoids any direct impact on its logistical operations or network integrity, allowing the Mining Guild to maintain its decision-making processes, corporate governance, and strategic planning without pause.

Life Support Systems

The Life Support Systems on the MG.S.S Imperium are as advanced and integral as the ship's emergency systems, ensuring the well-being and comfort of all crew members, residents, and passengers aboard. These systems are meticulously designed to create and maintain a habitable environment for long-term space travel, supporting all essential biological and environmental needs.

Oxygen Generation and Recycling

At the core of the life support system is a sophisticated oxygen generation unit. This technology ensures a continuous and stable supply of breathable air within the ship’s environment. The system is capable of generating oxygen from several sources, including oxygen separation from other gases within the ship’s closed environment. This process not only ensures a steady supply of oxygen but also maintains the balance of air composition within the ship, filtering out harmful gases to keep the atmosphere clean and safe for inhabitants.

The recycling component of the oxygen system allows for the reprocessing of exhaled carbon dioxide and other gases into oxygen. This closed-loop approach reduces the need for external oxygen sources during extended missions, making the ship self-sustaining for long periods of time without resupply.

Water Production and Recycling

In addition to oxygen, the life support systems are also responsible for water production, essential for hydration, hygiene, and daily needs. The ship is equipped with water generation technology that can extract water from atmospheric moisture and even recycle wastewater. This includes systems that purify and filter water to ensure a clean and safe supply for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene.

The recycling process goes beyond just water, utilizing advanced filtration and purification techniques to reclaim as much water as possible, minimizing waste and ensuring a sustainable environment. This is particularly important in the closed ecosystem of a starship, where every resource must be carefully managed.

Waste Management and Recycling

The ship’s waste management system is another key component of its life support infrastructure, designed to handle biological and material waste efficiently and sustainably. Toilets and trash disposal units are linked to advanced recycling systems that ensure waste is processed productively.

Biological waste, such as human excrement, is converted into fertilizer through advanced treatment processes. This fertilizer is then transferred to the Mining Guild’s agriculture ships, such as those operated by Yugumo Corporation, to be used in crop production. This closed-loop system not only ensures the effective management of waste but also contributes to the broader sustainability efforts of the Guild's agricultural operations.

For non-biological waste, recycling technology processes materials like plastics, metals, and other disposable items, converting them into raw materials that can be reused within the ship’s systems or stored for future use. This reduces the need for frequent waste disposal and ensures that the ship’s environmental footprint is minimized during extended missions.

Atmosphere Regulation

The life support systems are also responsible for maintaining the ship’s atmosphere, ensuring that the internal environment remains comfortable and safe for all aboard. This includes regulating temperature to ensure that living and working areas are kept at optimal warmth, regardless of the external conditions in space.

In addition to temperature control, the ship’s gravity system ensures that a comfortable level of artificial gravity is maintained throughout the vessel. This is critical for ease of movement, physical health, and ensuring that the inhabitants can live and work normally despite being in the vacuum of space.

Environmental Comfort

Beyond just meeting basic survival needs, the life support systems are designed to create a comfortable living environment for all aboard the MG.S.S Imperium. This includes ensuring air quality, so that the ship’s inhabitants always have clean, fresh air to breathe, with the system filtering out pollutants, allergens, and contaminants.

The life support systems also adjust the humidity levels to maintain a comfortable balance, preventing the air from becoming too dry or too humid, which could cause discomfort or health issues for the crew. Additionally, the ship’s systems monitor and maintain atmospheric pressure, ensuring that all areas of the ship remain pressurized appropriately to support life and prevent any health risks associated with low-pressure environments.

Together, these extensive life support systems ensure that the MG.S.S Imperium remains a fully self-sustaining, habitable vessel, capable of supporting large populations over long periods without resupply, while also promoting sustainability and resource efficiency throughout its operations.

Power Systems

ship_power_core.jpgThe power systems of the MG.S.S Imperium are crucial for providing the necessary electrical energy to support various onboard systems, equipment, and operations throughout the duration of missions in deep space. These systems are designed with redundancy, resilience, and reliability in mind, leveraging advanced technologies and fail-safe mechanisms to ensure continuous power supply and operational readiness in the demanding and unpredictable environment of deep space.

Main Power Systems

The primary source of power for the ship is fusion reactors, which generate energy through controlled fusion reactions. Fusion reactors harness the immense energy released when Plasma and ions fuse together, producing high-temperature plasma that is converted into electrical energy through electromagnetic induction or other means. Electrical energy generated by fusion reactors is distributed throughout the ship via a sophisticated power distribution grid. This grid consists of cables, conduits, and distribution panels that route electrical power to various subsystems, compartments, and equipment bays as needed.

Redundant Power Systems

Redundant fusion reactors serve as backup power sources to provide additional resilience and reliability in case of primary reactor failures or emergencies. These backup reactors are activated automatically or manually upon detection of primary system anomalies, ensuring continuous power supply and operational readiness. Emergency backup batteries are installed throughout the ship to provide short-term power during transient power outages, reactor startups, or critical system reconfigurations. These batteries are charged continuously and automatically engage during power disruptions to maintain essential systems and prevent mission-critical failures.

Stirling Engine Augmentation

To further enhance the efficiency of the power system, the Ion Plasma Mixed Energy Core is augmented by a Stirling Engine. The Stirling Engine is a heat engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gases at different temperatures, converting thermal energy into mechanical work.

In the case of the ship, the Stirling Engine leverages the excess heat generated by the power core and other systems. This heat, rather than being wasted, is used to drive the Stirling Engine, which in turn generates additional plasma. The plasma produced by the Stirling Engine is fed back into the power core, boosting the overall energy output and improving the platform’s energy efficiency.

The use of the Stirling Engine not only enhances the power system’s output but also provides a form of waste heat recovery, making the ship more environmentally sustainable in terms of energy usage. The system effectively recycles heat, reducing the need for additional fuel and minimizing the platform’s operational costs.

Cosmic Radiation Absorption

As a redundant power system, the MG.S.S Imperium is equipped with technology that allows it to absorb cosmic radiation from space. This feature is similar to the power systems used in the Hercules-class Exosuits. Cosmic radiation is abundant in space, and while it poses a hazard to biological life, it can be a valuable source of energy when harnessed correctly.

The ship like the defense platform is fitted with specialized radiation absorbers, which are integrated into its outer structure. These absorbers capture high-energy particles from cosmic radiation and convert them into usable power. The energy harvested from cosmic radiation is typically stored in dedicated capacitors or used directly to supplement the power core during peak loads or emergencies.

This cosmic radiation absorption system acts as a backup power source, ensuring that the ship can continue to operate even if the primary power core or Stirling Engine encounters issues. It also provides a level of resilience, enabling the ship to sustain itself for extended periods without relying solely on its primary power generation methods.


propulsion_engine.jpgThe MG.S.S Imperium is equipped with the highly advanced Ionix Vortex Engine for its propulsion needs. This cutting-edge engine technology is at the heart of the ship's ability to maneuver and travel efficiently across vast distances, both in sub light and faster-than-light (FTL) capacities. The Ionix Vortex Engine is not only designed to provide the ship with exceptional speed and agility, but it is also optimized for efficiency, enabling long-duration space travel with minimal energy expenditure.

Ionix Vortex Engine: Sublight Propulsion

At its core, the Ionix Vortex Engine operates by generating a controlled ion vortex, a complex interaction of charged particles and magnetic fields, which propels the ship forward. The ion vortex creates a powerful and stable propulsion system that allows for precise control of the ship's movement, whether it be subtle adjustments in space or rapid acceleration. This technology is designed to work seamlessly in both atmospheric environments and the vacuum of space, providing the MG.S.S Imperium with unparalleled versatility.

The engine's sub light capabilities enable the ship to reach incredible speeds within star systems, making it ideal for patrolling Mining Guild territories, navigating asteroid fields, or coordinating fleet movements. The advanced energy output of the Ionix Vortex Engine ensures that the ship can maintain high speeds without compromising fuel efficiency, making it a reliable option for extended missions.

FTL Travel via Energy Sheet: The Spatial Fold Mechanism

For faster-than-light travel, the MG.S.S Imperium employs a highly specialized addition to the Ionix Vortex Engine: an energy-based mechanism that allows the ship to fold space around itself. This process involves creating an energy sheet that envelops the ship, causing it to disappear from its current location and reappear instantaneously at a new destination. This method of space folding effectively bypasses the conventional limits of FTL travel, allowing the ship to move across vast distances in an incredibly short period of time.

The energy sheet technology functions by manipulating spacetime, creating a localized distortion field that warps the space around the ship. As the energy sheet forms over the MG.S.S Imperium, it triggers a spatial fold, compressing and bending space in such a way that the ship “skips” from one point to another without traversing the intervening space. This process is incredibly efficient, reducing the travel time between distant star systems to mere moments.

The folding mechanism is highly advanced and requires precise calculations to ensure safe and accurate travel. It is also powered by the ship's robust energy core, which integrates seamlessly with the Ionix Vortex Engine to provide the necessary energy for such complex maneuvers. The energy sheet technology not only provides an edge in terms of speed but also enhances the ship's ability to perform strategic relocations during missions or potential emergency situations.

Stealth Capabilities

An additional benefit of the energy sheet mechanism is that, while the ship is enveloped, it becomes virtually invisible to external sensors, adding a layer of stealth to the MG.S.S Imperium's operations. The ship effectively “disappears” from detection systems as it folds space, making it difficult for enemies or hostile forces to track its movements during FTL travel. This stealth capability is invaluable for both military operations and high-priority corporate missions, allowing the ship to move undetected when necessary.

Efficiency and Safety

The Ionix Vortex Engine and its space-folding capabilities are designed with safety and efficiency in mind. The energy sheet and vortex propulsion are both optimized to prevent overexertion of the ship's systems, ensuring that the ship can make multiple FTL jumps or long journeys without straining its core functions. The integration of cutting-edge stabilizers ensures smooth transitions between folded space and normal space, reducing the risk of accidents or system malfunctions during travel.

Shield Systems

The MG.S.S Imperium is fortified by an advanced and highly resilient shield system that forms the backbone of their defensive capabilities. This shield system, known as the Aegis Barrier Shield, is an amalgamation of the best shield technologies available to the Mining Guild, drawing inspiration from both the Paladin Shields used on certain starships and by the New Dusk Conclave and the Knight Shields integrated into the Tyr MK1 Security Power Armor. Originally tested on the Ironhold-class Defense Platforms.

Aegis Barrier Shield Overview

The Aegis Barrier Shield is designed to provide the ship with unparalleled protection against a wide range of threats, from kinetic impacts to energy-based attacks. The system is engineered to withstand sustained assaults, making it an essential component in the platform's ability to defend Mining Guild assets and territory.

Paladin Shield Technology

The Aegis Barrier Shield incorporates elements from the Paladin Shields used on starships, which are renowned for their ability to project large, multi-layered energy barriers around massive vessels. These shields are specifically designed to protect against heavy fire from capital ships, including missile barrages, energy beams, and physical projectiles.

By integrating Paladin Shield technology, the Aegis Barrier Shield is able to generate a large protective dome around the entire ship. This dome is composed of multiple energy layers, each tuned to counter specific types of threats. The outermost layer is designed to absorb and disperse high-energy impacts, such as laser or plasma beams, while the inner layers are optimized to resist kinetic projectiles and missile strikes. This multi-layered approach ensures that the platform remains protected even if one layer of the shield is compromised.

The Aegis Barrier Shield also benefits from the regenerative capabilities of Paladin Shields, allowing it to recover from damage over time. The shield can dynamically adjust its energy distribution, reinforcing weakened areas and concentrating power where it is most needed. This adaptability is crucial during prolonged engagements, where maintaining shield integrity is vital to the platform’s survival.

Knight Shield Technology

In addition to the large-scale protection offered by Paladin Shield technology, the Aegis Barrier Shield incorporates the precision and responsiveness of the Knight Shields used in the Tyr MK1 Security Power Armor. Knight Shields are known for their ability to provide localized, high-intensity protection in combat scenarios, particularly against small arms fire and close-quarters attacks.

When integrated into the Aegis Barrier Shield, Knight Shield technology enhances the ship's ability to respond to more focused or sudden threats. The system can generate localized energy barriers at key points on the platform, such as around critical systems or weapon emplacements. These localized shields can be rapidly deployed to intercept incoming fire or absorb the impact of a targeted attack, providing an extra layer of defense.

Knight Shield technology also enhances the reactive nature of the Aegis Barrier Shield. The system can detect and track incoming threats in real-time, adjusting the shield's strength and coverage to counteract them. This capability is particularly useful in dealing with fast-moving or unpredictable attacks, ensuring that the platform remains resilient under a variety of combat conditions.

Energy Management and Resilience

The Aegis Barrier Shield's effectiveness is supported by an advanced energy management system, overseen by the Aurum AI. This AI-controlled system continuously monitors the shield's status, allocating power where it is needed most and managing the regenerative processes. During intense combat, the AI can divert additional energy to the shields from the platform's power core, ensuring that the barriers remain operational even under heavy fire.

The shield system is also equipped with redundancy features to prevent a single point of failure. Multiple shield generators are distributed throughout the platform, each capable of operating independently or in concert with others. If one generator is damaged, the remaining units can compensate, maintaining the overall integrity of the shield.

Weapons Systems

The MG.S.S Imperium is equipped with an array of highly advanced weapon systems designed to protect both its interior and exterior, ensuring the ship is a formidable fortress in combat. The design of the ship's armament is carefully structured to handle threats both from within, such as potential boarding parties, and from the outside, including capital ships and large-scale assaults.

Interior Defense Systems

The interior of the MG.S.S Imperium is fortified with automated turret systems strategically placed throughout key areas, particularly at the entrances and access points to the ship. These turrets are equipped with various calibers of ammunition, allowing them to respond to a range of threats, from lightly armored infiltrators to heavily armed boarding parties. The automated nature of these turrets ensures that they can react quickly to any breach, activating upon the detection of unauthorized personnel or hostile activity.

In addition to the turrets, the interior defense is enhanced by a series of anti-personnel laser grids, a more sophisticated security measure meant to neutralize intruders before they can gain access to critical areas. These laser grids are capable of targeting and eliminating enemies with precision, creating a nearly impenetrable barrier for any invading force. Rated at Tier 6 (Heavy Anti-Armor), these laser grids are designed to take on heavily armed and armored intruders, such as pirates, rogue mercenaries, or enemy operatives attempting to infiltrate the ship.

With at least 15 of these Tier 6-rated defense systems installed at critical junctions and access points throughout the ship, the interior weaponry provides a strong deterrent to any would-be attackers, ensuring the safety of the crew and preventing unauthorized access to vital systems.

Exterior Weapons Systems

The exterior armament of the MG.S.S Imperium is equally, if not more, formidable. The ship is equipped with a powerful array of weapons capable of defending against other capital ships, enemy fleets, and large-scale assaults, at tier 15. The primary feature of the ship's external arsenal is the massive ionized plasma cannon hidden at the front of the ship.

This plasma cannon, designed for large-scale space combat, is capable of firing a particle beam weapon rated at Tier 15 (Heavy Anti-Capital Ship). This makes it one of the most destructive weapons in the ship’s arsenal, capable of tearing through the defenses of even the most heavily fortified capital ships. The ionized plasma is accelerated and concentrated into a particle beam, giving it the power to punch through thick armor and shields with devastating precision. The cannon's location at the front of the ship ensures that it can be brought to bear quickly against any approaching enemy vessel, allowing the MG.S.S Imperium to take the offensive in any engagement.

Missiles Placements

In addition to the plasma cannon, the ship is equipped with 69 missile placements scattered across its exterior. These missile systems are rated at Tier 14 (Medium Anti-Capital Ship), making them capable of taking on large enemy ships, including destroyers and cruisers. The missiles are designed for long-range engagement, allowing the MG.S.S Imperium to strike at enemy ships before they come within close range. Each missile is equipped with advanced targeting systems, ensuring high accuracy and effectiveness in combat. The 69 missile placements are strategically positioned to provide 360-degree coverage, ensuring the ship can defend itself from attacks from any angle.

Stealth and Concealment

The placement of the plasma cannon is particularly noteworthy due to its hidden nature. Concealed within the front of the ship, this massive weapon remains undetected until it is ready to fire, providing a strategic advantage in combat situations. By keeping the cannon hidden, the MG.S.S Imperium can surprise enemies, catching them off-guard with a devastating first strike. This hidden feature, combined with the ship's stealth capabilities during space folding, allows the MG.S.S Imperium to remain one step ahead of its enemies, attacking with overwhelming force when least expected.

Defense Synergy

The combination of the ship’s formidable interior defense systems and its powerful exterior weaponry creates a highly synergized defense mechanism. Should an enemy somehow breach the ship’s outer defenses, they would still face the automated turrets and laser grids within, ensuring that the MG.S.S Imperium remains secure from both external and internal threats.

Vehicle Complement

The MG.S.S Imperium boasts an extensive and versatile vehicle complement, reflecting its role as both a command ship and a mobile headquarters for the Mining Guild. Its capacity to house and deploy a large number of personnel transports, shuttles, and combat vehicles is integral to supporting both day-to-day operations and large-scale military or logistical efforts. The vehicle complement serves a variety of functions, ranging from personnel transport to active defense, making the MG.S.S Imperium a highly capable hub for both corporate and military activities.

Personnel Transports and Shuttles

The MG.S.S Imperium is equipped with 1,000 Stork Personnel Transports, which are the backbone of the ship's transportation capabilities. These transports are designed to ferry large numbers of crew members, corporate staff, and essential personnel between the MG.S.S Imperium and other ships, space stations, or planetary locations. The Stork Personnel Transport is built for efficiency and reliability, able to carry significant numbers of passengers safely and quickly, making it ideal for evacuations, or routine personnel transfers. Each Stork is equipped with life support systems and emergency medical kits to ensure the safety and well-being of passengers during long or short-distance travel.

In addition to the Stork Transports, the MG.S.S Imperium accommodates a variety of other shuttle types, owned and operated by external parties. These additional shuttles come in different designs and configurations, offering a range of capabilities that enhance the ship's overall versatility. Some of these shuttles may be privately owned by guild members or partner organizations, while others are specialized craft leased or rented by allied corporations. These could include everything from luxury executive shuttles for corporate leaders to heavy-lift cargo shuttles for transporting valuable resources or equipment. The variety of these shuttles allows the MG.S.S Imperium to handle diverse mission profiles, whether ferrying dignitaries or transporting essential supplies.

Starbreaker AI Attack Fighters

A key aspect of the ship's defense and offensive capabilities lies in its complement of Starbreaker AI Attack Fighters. The MG.S.S Imperium houses thousands of these highly advanced AI-controlled fighter craft, each designed to serve as a frontline force in space combat scenarios. These fighters are equipped with cutting-edge technology that allows them to operate autonomously, guided by the ship's AI systems, including the Aurum AI and the Defender Series AI. The AI integration gives the Starbreaker Fighters exceptional speed, maneuverability, and tactical intelligence, enabling them to engage in dogfights with enemy starfighters or launch coordinated assaults on larger ships.

The Starbreaker Fighters are designed for versatility, capable of performing various combat roles. They are equipped with plasma-based weaponry, missile systems, and energy shields, making them formidable opponents in space battles. Their AI control allows for rapid response times and sophisticated tactics, often outmaneuvering human-piloted fighters. In large-scale engagements, the Starbreaker Fighters can be deployed en masse, overwhelming enemy forces with sheer numbers and precise coordination. Their small size and agility also make them ideal for patrolling the ship’s perimeter and intercepting incoming threats before they reach the MG.S.S Imperium.

These fighters are stored in massive hangar bays within the ship, ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice. The hangar systems are fully automated, allowing for quick launch and recovery of the Starbreakers during combat operations. When not in use, the fighters undergo routine maintenance by both human and AI-controlled technicians to ensure they are always combat-ready. The use of AI-controlled attack fighters also reduces the risk to human pilots, as the Starbreaker Fighters can execute high-risk maneuvers and operate in dangerous environments where human-piloted craft might falter.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2024/09/17 15:59.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2024/20/07.2).

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesstarships
Product NameMG.S.S Imperium
Manufacturerengineering_corps, Mining Guild
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)100 ,000 ,000 ,000.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 15
to be made later for location focus