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Nepleslian Standard Issue Equipment

This article lists the standard items provided to all personnel in the Nepleslian military.





  • 2 Tank tops, green, with fleet number on the right chest
  • 2 Pairs of ankle length pajama pants, khaki
  • 1 Pair of slip-on flexi-shoes, black


  • 2 Short-sleeved mocks with fleet number on the right chest, Green
  • 2 Work-out shorts, black
  • 4 pairs green ankle Socks
  • 1 pair green low-top sneaker shoes
  • 2 black sports bra (female only)
  • Depends on gender and preference:
    • 1 Pair of trunks, green, fleet number on right leg
    • 1 Pair of swim briefs, green, fleet number on right cheek
    • 1 One-piece bathing suit, green, fleet number on right breast
    • 1 Bikini, green, fleet number on right breast.

Weapons and Weapon Accessories



Wiki Code

==== Clothing ====
=== Uniform ===
  * 2 Pullover shirt, green, with rank patches on shoulder pads and name plate
  * 4 [[items:clothing:t-shirt|T-Shirts]], white
  * 4 underwear, white
  * 2 Khaki cargo pants
  * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:uniforms:nepleslian_military_headgear#marine_enlisted_beret|Beret, green, with flash patch]]
  * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:uniforms:nepleslian_military_headgear#nsmc_type_33_cap|NSMC Field Cap, Type 33]]
  * 1 pair gloves, leather, brown
  * 1 pair boots, brown
  * 6 pair boot [[items:clothing:socks]], white
  * 1 Belt, dark brown
  * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:uniforms:dress_uniform_ye_33]] (full outfit with white pistol belt, gloves, pants, and boots)
  * 1 space suit, [[corp:emrys:environ_suit]]

=== Bunkwear ===
  * 2 Tank tops, green, with fleet number on the right chest
  * 2 Pairs of ankle length pajama pants, khaki
  * 1 Pair of slip-on flexi-shoes, black

=== Workout/Swim ===
  * 2 Short-sleeved mocks with fleet number on the right chest, Green
  * 2 Work-out shorts, black
  * 4 pairs green ankle [[items:clothing:socks]]
  * 1 pair green low-top sneaker shoes
  * 2 black sports bra (female only)
  * Depends on gender and preference:
    * 1 Pair of trunks, green, fleet number on right leg
    * 1 Pair of swim briefs, green,  fleet number on right cheek
    * 1 One-piece bathing suit, green, fleet number on right breast
    * 1 Bikini, green, fleet number on right breast.

==== Weapons and Weapon Accessories ====
  * A choice between either one of the following rifles: 
    * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:m3aws|M3 Assault Rifle]]
    * 1 [[corp:styrling:styrling_nova_rifle|M43 Nova Rifle]]
  * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:utility_combat_knife]]
  * 1  [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:marine_combat_axe]]
  * A choice of one of the following sidearms (comes with brown pistol belt):
    * 1 Pistol, [[corp:styrling:ss_45_caliber]], with 2 extra magazines
    * 1 Automatic Pistol, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:esg]], steel, with 2 extra JHP magazines
    * 1 Automatic Pistol, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:heavy_automatic_sidearm]], with 2 extra regular ammo magazines.
    * 1 Revolver, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:hhg]], with 2 extra FMJ magazines

==== Bags ====
  * 1 [[items:bags:duffel_bag]]
  * 1 [[items:bags:laundry_bag]]

==== Accessories ====
  * 1 pair identification tags, metal, with name and hometown
  * 1 [[items:equipment:canteen]], 1 quart
  * 1 [[corp:awesomecorp:datajockey]]
  * [[faction:nepleslia:premier_pyros_pro-tips_to_plucky_pugilism_and_proper_punching]]
  * 1 Wallet with the Marine Corps Insignia plated on it.
  * Starting pay of: 6000 [[faction:nepleslia:economy:da|DA]]



  • 2 Button-up short-sleeved overshirt, blue, with rank patches on shoulder pads and name plate
  • 4 T-Shirts, white
  • 4 underwear, white
  • 2 Blue jeans
  • 1 Garrison hat, blue, with flash patch
  • 1 pair of finger-cut gloves, leather, brown
  • 1 pair of shoes, brown
  • 6 pair boot Socks, white
  • 1 double-strap belt, brown


  • 2 T shirt, white, with fleet number on the right chest
  • 2 Pairs of ankle length pajama pants, blue
  • 1 Pair of slip-on flexi-shoes, brown


  • 2 Short-sleeved mocks with fleet number on the right chest, blue
  • 2 Work-out shorts, light blue
  • Depends on gender and preference:
    • 1 Pair of trunks, blue, fleet number on right leg
    • 1 Pair of swim briefs, blue, fleet number on right cheek
    • 1 One-piece bathing suit, blue, fleet number on right breast
    • 1 Bikini, blue, fleet number on right breast.

Weapons and Weapon Accessories



  • 1 pair of identification tags, metal, with name and hometown
  • 1 Canteen, 1 quart
  • 1 Wallet with the Naval Corps Insignia plated on it.
  • Starting pay of: 6000 DA

Wiki Code

==== Clothing ====
=== Uniform ===
  * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:equipment:css_suit]]
  * 2 Button-up short-sleeved overshirt, blue, with rank patches on shoulder pads and name plate
  * 4 [[items:clothing:t-shirt|T-Shirts]], white
  * 4 underwear, white
  * 2 Blue jeans
  * 1 Garrison hat, blue, with flash patch
  * 1 pair of finger-cut gloves, leather, brown
  * 1 pair of shoes, brown 
  * 6 pair boot [[items:clothing:socks]], white
  * 1 double-strap belt,  brown

=== Bunkwear ===
  * 2 T shirt, white, with fleet number on the right chest
  * 2 Pairs of ankle length pajama pants, blue
  * 1 Pair of slip-on flexi-shoes, brown

=== Workout/Swim ===
  * 2 Short-sleeved mocks with fleet number on the right chest, blue
  * 2 Work-out shorts, light blue
  * Depends on gender and preference:
    * 1 Pair of trunks, blue, fleet number on right leg
    * 1 Pair of swim briefs, blue,  fleet number on right cheek
    * 1 One-piece bathing suit, blue, fleet number on right breast
    * 1 Bikini, blue, fleet number on right breast.

==== Weapons and Weapon Accessories ====
  * A choice of one of the following sidearms (comes with brown pistol belt):
    * 1 Pistol, [[corp:styrling:ss_45_caliber]], with 2 extra magazines
    * 1 Automatic Pistol, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:esg]], steel, with 2 extra JHP magazines
    * 1 Automatic Pistol, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:heavy_automatic_sidearm]], with 2 extra regular ammo magazines.
    * 1 Revolver, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:hhg]], with 2 extra FMJ magazines

==== Bags ====
  * 1 [[items:equipment:duffel_bag]]
  * 1 [[items:bags:laundry_bag]]

==== Accessories ====
  * 1 pair of identification tags, metal, with name and hometown
  * 1 [[items:equipment:canteen]], 1 quart
  * 1 [[corp:awesomecorp:datajockey]]
  * 1 Wallet with the Naval Corps Insignia plated on it.
  * Starting pay of: 6000 [[faction:nepleslia:economy:da|DA]]



Standard Wear

  • 1 IPG Armband
  • 4 white undershirts
  • 4 pair black briefs (men) black panty (female)
  • 2 pair black steel-toe SynAraS Combat Boots
  • 4 pair black Socks, 2 pair cotton, 2 pair wool
  • 2 sets of standard workout gear (Black synthetic fiber T-Shirt, black shorts)

Public Wear

  • 2 black double-breasted, knee-length trenchcoat, poplin with internal zip-up weapon pockets fit for pistols or XAR rifles
  • 2 black Pinstripe Italian-style dress jacket, silk
  • 2 white dress shirts, poplin (male) white blouse, poplin (female)
  • 2 black neckties (optional)
  • 2 pair Pinstripe black slacks or (if female) 2 black skirts
  • 2 black leather belts
  • 1 pair black leather wingtipped oxfords
  • 1 IPG Badge with belt clip
  • 1 shoulder holster
  • 1 black fitted SynAraS ballistics vest with durandium trauma plates






Wiki Code

==== Clothing ====
=== Standard Wear ===
  * 2 IPG [[faction:nepleslia:uniforms:ipg_uniform]]
  * 1 IPG Armband
  * 4 white undershirts
  * 4 pair black briefs (men) black panty (female)
  * 2 pair black steel-toe SynAraS [[items:clothing:boots:combat]]
  * 4 pair black [[items:clothing:socks]], 2 pair cotton, 2 pair wool
  * 2 sets of standard workout gear (Black synthetic fiber [[items:clothing:t-shirt|T-Shirt]], black shorts)

=== Public Wear ===
  * 2 black double-breasted, knee-length trenchcoat, poplin with internal zip-up weapon pockets fit for pistols or XAR rifles
  * 2 black Pinstripe Italian-style dress jacket, silk
  * 2 white dress shirts, poplin (male) white blouse, poplin (female)
  * 2 black neckties (optional)
  * 2 pair Pinstripe black slacks or (if female) 2 black skirts
  * 2 black leather belts
  * 1 pair black leather wingtipped oxfords
  * 1 IPG Badge with belt clip
  * 1 shoulder holster
  * 1 black fitted SynAraS ballistics vest with durandium trauma plates

==== Bags ====
  * 1 [[items:equipment:duffel_bag]]
  * 1 [[items:bags:laundry_bag]]

==== Equipment ====
=== Weaponry ===
  * 2 sidearms, may be any of the following: [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:hhg]], [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:esg]], [[corp:zen:zen_arms_.45_pistol|Zen Arms .45]], [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:heavy_automatic_sidearm|HAS]], [[corp:styrling:styrling_nova_pistol|]].
   * At least three magazines for each selected sidearm.
  * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:m3aws|M3 Assault Rifle]] or [[corp:styrling:styrling_nova_rifle|]]
  * 2 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:utility_combat_knife]]

=== Armor ===
  * 1 Tactical SynAraS ballistics vest with Durandium trauma plates
  * [[faction:nepleslia:equipment:nam_safety_net]]

==== Accessories ====
  * 1 [[corp:awesomecorp:datajockey]]
  * Black leather wallet, gold plated IPG badge and ID card
Every marine is a rifleman and will be issued one. But some have access to different primary weapons depending on their occupation and will be issued additional weaponry such as gunners, demolitionists, combat specialists, etc.

faction/nepleslia/military/standard_issue_equipment.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/20 19:03 by wes