This article lists the standard items provided to all personnel in the Nepleslian military.
==== Clothing ==== === Uniform === * 2 Pullover shirt, green, with rank patches on shoulder pads and name plate * 4 [[items:clothing:t-shirt|T-Shirts]], white * 4 underwear, white * 2 Khaki cargo pants * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:uniforms:nepleslian_military_headgear#marine_enlisted_beret|Beret, green, with flash patch]] * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:uniforms:nepleslian_military_headgear#nsmc_type_33_cap|NSMC Field Cap, Type 33]] * 1 pair gloves, leather, brown * 1 pair boots, brown * 6 pair boot [[items:clothing:socks]], white * 1 Belt, dark brown * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:uniforms:dress_uniform_ye_33]] (full outfit with white pistol belt, gloves, pants, and boots) * 1 space suit, [[corp:emrys:environ_suit]] === Bunkwear === * 2 Tank tops, green, with fleet number on the right chest * 2 Pairs of ankle length pajama pants, khaki * 1 Pair of slip-on flexi-shoes, black === Workout/Swim === * 2 Short-sleeved mocks with fleet number on the right chest, Green * 2 Work-out shorts, black * 4 pairs green ankle [[items:clothing:socks]] * 1 pair green low-top sneaker shoes * 2 black sports bra (female only) * Depends on gender and preference: * 1 Pair of trunks, green, fleet number on right leg * 1 Pair of swim briefs, green, fleet number on right cheek * 1 One-piece bathing suit, green, fleet number on right breast * 1 Bikini, green, fleet number on right breast. ==== Weapons and Weapon Accessories ==== * A choice between either one of the following rifles: * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:m3aws|M3 Assault Rifle]] * 1 [[corp:styrling:styrling_nova_rifle|M43 Nova Rifle]] * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:utility_combat_knife]] * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:marine_combat_axe]] * A choice of one of the following sidearms (comes with brown pistol belt): * 1 Pistol, [[corp:styrling:ss_45_caliber]], with 2 extra magazines * 1 Automatic Pistol, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:esg]], steel, with 2 extra JHP magazines * 1 Automatic Pistol, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:heavy_automatic_sidearm]], with 2 extra regular ammo magazines. * 1 Revolver, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:hhg]], with 2 extra FMJ magazines ==== Bags ==== * 1 [[items:bags:duffel_bag]] * 1 [[items:bags:laundry_bag]] ==== Accessories ==== * 1 pair identification tags, metal, with name and hometown * 1 [[items:equipment:canteen]], 1 quart * 1 [[corp:awesomecorp:datajockey]] * [[faction:nepleslia:premier_pyros_pro-tips_to_plucky_pugilism_and_proper_punching]] * 1 Wallet with the Marine Corps Insignia plated on it. * Starting pay of: 6000 [[faction:nepleslia:economy:da|DA]]
==== Clothing ==== === Uniform === * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:equipment:css_suit]] * 2 Button-up short-sleeved overshirt, blue, with rank patches on shoulder pads and name plate * 4 [[items:clothing:t-shirt|T-Shirts]], white * 4 underwear, white * 2 Blue jeans * 1 Garrison hat, blue, with flash patch * 1 pair of finger-cut gloves, leather, brown * 1 pair of shoes, brown * 6 pair boot [[items:clothing:socks]], white * 1 double-strap belt, brown === Bunkwear === * 2 T shirt, white, with fleet number on the right chest * 2 Pairs of ankle length pajama pants, blue * 1 Pair of slip-on flexi-shoes, brown === Workout/Swim === * 2 Short-sleeved mocks with fleet number on the right chest, blue * 2 Work-out shorts, light blue * Depends on gender and preference: * 1 Pair of trunks, blue, fleet number on right leg * 1 Pair of swim briefs, blue, fleet number on right cheek * 1 One-piece bathing suit, blue, fleet number on right breast * 1 Bikini, blue, fleet number on right breast. ==== Weapons and Weapon Accessories ==== * A choice of one of the following sidearms (comes with brown pistol belt): * 1 Pistol, [[corp:styrling:ss_45_caliber]], with 2 extra magazines * 1 Automatic Pistol, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:esg]], steel, with 2 extra JHP magazines * 1 Automatic Pistol, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:heavy_automatic_sidearm]], with 2 extra regular ammo magazines. * 1 Revolver, [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:hhg]], with 2 extra FMJ magazines ==== Bags ==== * 1 [[items:equipment:duffel_bag]] * 1 [[items:bags:laundry_bag]] ==== Accessories ==== * 1 pair of identification tags, metal, with name and hometown * 1 [[items:equipment:canteen]], 1 quart * 1 [[corp:awesomecorp:datajockey]] * 1 Wallet with the Naval Corps Insignia plated on it. * Starting pay of: 6000 [[faction:nepleslia:economy:da|DA]]
==== Clothing ==== === Standard Wear === * 2 IPG [[faction:nepleslia:uniforms:ipg_uniform]] * 1 IPG Armband * 4 white undershirts * 4 pair black briefs (men) black panty (female) * 2 pair black steel-toe SynAraS [[items:clothing:boots:combat]] * 4 pair black [[items:clothing:socks]], 2 pair cotton, 2 pair wool * 2 sets of standard workout gear (Black synthetic fiber [[items:clothing:t-shirt|T-Shirt]], black shorts) === Public Wear === * 2 black double-breasted, knee-length trenchcoat, poplin with internal zip-up weapon pockets fit for pistols or XAR rifles * 2 black Pinstripe Italian-style dress jacket, silk * 2 white dress shirts, poplin (male) white blouse, poplin (female) * 2 black neckties (optional) * 2 pair Pinstripe black slacks or (if female) 2 black skirts * 2 black leather belts * 1 pair black leather wingtipped oxfords * 1 IPG Badge with belt clip * 1 shoulder holster * 1 black fitted SynAraS ballistics vest with durandium trauma plates ==== Bags ==== * 1 [[items:equipment:duffel_bag]] * 1 [[items:bags:laundry_bag]] ==== Equipment ==== === Weaponry === * 2 sidearms, may be any of the following: [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:hhg]], [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:esg]], [[corp:zen:zen_arms_.45_pistol|Zen Arms .45]], [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:heavy_automatic_sidearm|HAS]], [[corp:styrling:styrling_nova_pistol|]]. * At least three magazines for each selected sidearm. * 1 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:m3aws|M3 Assault Rifle]] or [[corp:styrling:styrling_nova_rifle|]] * 2 [[faction:nepleslia:weapons:utility_combat_knife]] === Armor === * 1 Tactical SynAraS ballistics vest with Durandium trauma plates * [[faction:nepleslia:equipment:nam_safety_net]] ==== Accessories ==== * 1 [[corp:awesomecorp:datajockey]] * Black leather wallet, gold plated IPG badge and ID card