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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

So-F1-1a Vayu-class Scout Frigate

This Vayu-class is a light scout frigate with advanced ECM/ECCM capabilities, designed for quick insertion of a single wing of So-M1 Erla VANDR and fleet support as a radar picket.

About the Ship

Produced in AR 815 by the legendary Iromakuanhe research firm and manufacturer, Solan Starworks, the Vayu is was the product of years of research to produce an effective scout and picket ship for Astral Vanguard forces. It is modestly armed and armored, but is considered one of the fastest ship classes in the Government of the Astral Commonwealth and boasts a very powerful shield system. It has a small complement of VANDR units to assist in scout operations, but was not designed to be employed as a dedicated frame support ship.

Key Features

Mission Specialization

  • Vanguard/sensors picket.
  • Scouting and stealth operations.
  • Skirmishing operations.


So-F1-1A Vayu

History and Background

The Vayu was one of the first vessels designed as support platforms for the So-M1-1A Erla VANDR, following their success in the Second Outer System Conflict of the 790's. As the first completely organoid vessel produced, the Vayu was also one of the most expensive and prolongued design projects in Solan Starworks' history. Because space stations and airbases supported the bulk of the Astral Vanguard's thousand-strong M1 EV arsenal, the goal of the Vayu would be to instead create a high-speed deep insertion ship for small wings of frame units to counter surprise raids by bandits forces. The firepower it did carry was focused on precision high-energy low-material beam weaponry to extend the possible time in the field, and would largely emphasize striking the enemy from a distance while M1's closed the gap to carve up the enemy vessel.

Engineers foresaw that the design could become obsoleted as larger and more powerful vessels with heavier armaments and larger VANDR capacity would be able to take over the Vayu's duties, and to avoid that, also made sure to provide the vessel with a state-of-the-art drive system, excellent ECM/ECCM and radar picket capabilities. When the fleets would be larger, the Vayu would take a more active role from the front.

The ship later saw action in the 910's during the Third Outer System Conflict, where numerous vessels of the class and their attached VANDR wings earned extensive honors. Unfortunately, because it was often the first vessel to arrive on the front lines and an important part of the Vanguard's sensors network, it was also a favorite target for Seperatist forces, resulting in it having the highest casualty rates. This in turn earned it the laconic nickname 'Sail of Death', for both the enemy, and the occupants.

Statistics and Performance


Class: So-F1-1A Vayu Type: Scout Frigate Designers: Kaerl Solan, Solan Starworks Manufacturer: Solan Starworks, Mazerin Dockyards Production: Full Mass Production Fielded by: Astral Vanguard


Total Crew: 64 Starship Operations and Command: 14 Medical and Maintenance: 18 Security and Support: 20 Frame Runners: 12 Maximum Capacity: An additional 70 passengers may be taken aboard, but life support systems will be strained and require additional resources. Living space will be very cramped. ==== Dimensions ==== Length: 130.8 meters ( feet) Width: 97.1 meters ( feet) Height: 53.4 meters ( feet) Compartments: 7 (3.5 meters each)

Propulsion and Range

MASC Drive: 3000c Sublight Engines: .25c Range: Up to six months, without refueling or employing BHS to replenish resources Lifespan: The organoid components of the ship can last up to a century. Refit Cycle: Twice a year.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: 16
  • Shields: 20 (2/5)

Inside the Ship

Section Sub-Compartments
Compartment 1 Storage (1), Emergency Shields, Brig
Compartment 2 Storage (2), Bridge, Briefing
Compartment 3 Officer Quarters, Crew Quarters, Secondary Armory
Compartment 4 Crew Quarters, Crew Shrine, Mess Hall, Rec Room
Compartment 5 CIC, Engineering, Medlab, Main Armory
Compartment 6 VANDR Hangar and Deployment (1), Pilot Ready Room, Secondary Armory
Compartment 7 VANDR Hangar and Deployment (2), Docking Bay, Emergency Shields

Living Spaces

Crew Quarters

Standard Enlisted quarters on Astral Vanguard starships are mildly spacious rooms fitted with accommodations for four standard enlisted personnel. They feature traditional Iromakuanhe design ethic with smooth eggshell walls colored by default in a relaxed earth tone, large amounts of storage space integrated into the walls and options for customizing nearly all aspects of the local environment, including the smells of the atmosphere inside of the room. Lights are included in the ceiling in the form of adjustable phosphorescent lenses that can be adjusted on command between functional brightness or ambiently dimmed lighting.


  • Fairly spacious and well lit
  • Atmospheric Control
  • 8 large wall-integrated Storage Cabinets
  • Can be customized to a degree

Communal Bathrooms

Due to space restrictions, and to promote comradere amongst the crew, a communal bathroom was installed on board the Vayu. Done in the typical Iroma architectural style, with tans and brown hues, but with added aesthetics to also put the crew at ease, to relax, and promote a sense of contentment. Mosaics tend to run along the walls in sections, and floors, done in a plethora of colors that are visually appealing, yet blend with the overall look and coloration of the bathroom. Tile runs along the walls, and floors of the bathrooms, giving it an alternate feel in terms of standard internal Iromakuanhe compartment designing as well.

Along the walls are rows of shower stalls, with drains that allow water to pass through a centralized BHS. Made of the same tile material as the room, the stalls also include small wall alcoves for holding bathing essentials. Also usually within the bathrooms are mid-sized baths. These are filled with warm, preheated water that contain a small amount of a Prajna variant that eats away at dead skin cells, mends minor cuts, and assists in the cleansing process by breaking down some of the dirt. Water is drained into the same centralized BHS as the showers, and refreshed every ten minutes.

Once bathing is done, and everyone is refreshed and clean, they can go into a small section of the bathroom designed for relaxation after their bathing and a place to 'air dry'. Pillows are strewn about where one may sit, or lounge, along with sheer fabric drapes to block out the steam of the other section of the bathroom. The floors are carpeted and are soft, and plush, not the hard tile of the main bathroom section. While one dries themselves, they can chat, and enjoy each other's company while sharing a communal hookah, usually situated in the center of the section where a ring of cushions and pillows are setup.

Crew Shrine

Standard Crew Shrine

Standard Crew Shrines on Astral Vanguard ships are a medium-sized rooms that vary to the size of the ship so that the Iromakuanhe crew can sit comfortably along with a Shrinekeeper. Like Base Shrines situated in forts, outposts, and starports, these Shrines are stylized with squarish walls, and decorated in a style that is like those of Sund Wakir monasteries. However, a Crew Shrine is often subject to the tastes of the Shrinekeeper or Steward in charge of maintaining the shrine.

Makuori Statues

Like most Base Shrines, a Crew Shrine will have a statue honoring the image of each Makuori saint. These statues will vary in size, depending on who supplies the statues, but most are around five feet in height. Another factor concerning the statues would be the kind of ship's Crew Shrine they are being placed. Some statues will be a bit taller or larger than others, like a battleship having larger Jafar, Mu'Klamal, and Abu'Nal statues than the others present.

Meditation Pillows

This small, circular sitting pillows are extremely comfortable and are mainly only found in Shrines and Cathedrals. The amount of Pillows usually dependent on the size of the crew on board.

Nuocr Incense

At the center of the shrine, where a Nuocr lamp would usually sit, are several sticks of Incense. These sticks are usually lit during meditations, blessings, counsel, or just when the Shrinekeeper feels it's appropriate.

Mess Hall

The Standard Mess Hall fulfills all the nutritional and dietary needs of the enlisted crewman on Astral Vanguard vessels, as well as providing a sort of casual setting by featuring a bar, hookah lounge and having a large number of display screens on the walls for entertainment and information purposes. Unlike the classier Standard Astral Vanguard Wardroom for officers, the Mess Hall was designed to be very open, undecorated and rugged, with multiple self-cleaning functions in case of enlisted 'fun'-related messes. On larger vessels, the Mess will be larger, and some capital-class vessels feature multiple units due to much larger crew complements.

The Mess typically has smooth, semi-arching white ceilings with built in lighting, and walls in a medium-light earth tone. As it is subject to the greatest wear, the floor is usually darker, a dark brown. All surfaces are composed of an organic, smooth, glossy composite that is designed to gradually absorb inert stains, repair itself when damaged and is able to grow out short-lived tiny antibody-like cleaning drones to repair large spills.

Ergonomically sound, cushioned seats are arranged in blocks of eight around semi-rectangular composite tables, which are fixed to the ground but can be released using a control panel in the kitchen.


The kitchen is usually in plain view from the seating area, separated only by a unidirectionally transparent partition wall which can be retracted by the hall as needed. The setup is quite large for a military vessel, and features a trio of medical-grade tissue reconstruction unit which can 'grow' pre-programmed meat, vegetables and staples as needed using stored biomass suspension, a walk-in fridge and freezer for storing fresh ingredients and a cupboard which contains ration kits, a data terminal which contains the data for food 'construction' and several recipes, an array of pre-mixed spice packets and various cooking implements.

The kitchen system uses superconductive induction and convection ovens to cook most food for space-saving purposes, and has a conveyor ring to deliver ID-tagged meals to be picked up by their requester. During breakfast and wartimes, this conveyor is used for a rolling buffet-type delivery system, when there isn't any time for personal orders.

Hookah Lounge

The hookah lounge is result of the heavy influence of traditional Sund Wakir culture on the Vanguard, where crewmen spend time after meals sharing the public hookah or bringing their own. The seating consists of an amorphous extended couch in a semicircular enclosure, with viewscreens in the center and a surface containing self-shaping bases for hookah pipes in a ring around it. The use of Salcra Weed blends is prohibited while the ship is out in space, or in an unsecured port.

Officer Quarters

Solan Officer quarters are medium-sized rooms, smaller than those utilized by enlisted crewmen being designed only for a single or pair of officers. They follow the natural flowing lines of Iromakuanhe design aesthetic, aside from having their own bathrooms and additional furniture options, are largely identical to the rooms use by enlisted personnel. This includes large amounts of storage space integrated into the walls and options for customizing nearly all aspects of the local environment, including the smells of the atmosphere inside of the room. Lights are included in the ceiling in the form of adjustable phosphorescent lenses that can be adjusted on command between functional brightness or ambiently dimmed lighting.


  • Spacious and well lit
  • Atmospheric Control
  • 8 large wall-integrated Storage Cabinets
  • High customization and selectable furnishings



Frigate-type bridges exemplify the purpose-built nature of Iromakuanhe frigates, featuring a chamber of average size and no large display screens for any particular purpose. All internal interfaces rely on Entry Port technologies, creating an immersive, coordinated environment for operators and command crew. The seating arrangement has the commanding officer on the same floor as the rest of the ship flanked by communications operators, and the executive officer in a recess below him, with the weapons, sensors and starship operators at their positions centered around his location. Like all Solan Designs, the walls of the bridge are covered in a smooth eggshell-like material that is colored in a neutral earth tone by default.

Immersion Pods

So-M1-5815 Frigate-type Immersion Control Pod

Due to their natural interface abilities, designing a responsive and intuitive control system for an Iromakuanhe was relatively easy. This system, known as the Immersion Control Pod, allows easy and natural control of most vehicles, including large units such as powered frames and starships. The Control Pod is the seat component of the cockpit, and is comprised of a rounded chair in which the pilot is most comfortable in a reclining position, and multiple entry port plugs. The chair itself is lined in a soft, organic material lined in a highly flexible rubbery skin that is smooth to the touch and has a light golden reflective sheen, surrounded with an open egg-like enclosure on all sides to prevent harm. The chair will naturally conform to the user's body, and can even form cushioned indentations for the tips of horns. In normal conditions, the system feeds the pilot a small amount of Prajna through the entry port ducts to keep them in working condition for long shifts. In case of emergency, the enclosures can be closed and filled with Prajna to keep the pilot alive for an extended amount of time.


To connect with the machine, one must connect the plugs to their entry ports, which can be done manually, or automatically by the organoid. Unlike the use of a VANDR-which suspends and supplant's the user's senses, it instead places them inside of a dynamic virtual data processing room that spans the entire, network to the extent their ship allows. it is usually customized in some degree by the commanding officer of the vessel, reflecting his or her personal tastes, but tends to have a very abstract and minimalist feel. This type of networking allows all connected crewmen to communicate and coordinate at all times


Transfer of pain cannot occur because organoids lack developed tactile senses in most cases, however, there have been uncomfortable sensations reported by pilots when their units lost limbs or took heavy damage, similar to a sort of strong pressure. On very rare occasions, the sensory redirection effect caused by the control module lasts after disconnection from the craft, which will require immediate medical attention.

Ship Utilities


The frigate-type VANDR bay is fairly compact for what it does - there's only enough ceiling space to work above the massive frames during repairs, and it's only large enough to fit the storage alcoves for each of the 4 VANDRs it's designed to accommodate, as well as a central lane to allow the crew access. The room itself has a glossy, smooth finish typical of aerudirn and other similar organic alloys (in varying hues, most commonly a dull amber or other earthtone), and is notable for having a half-pipe ceiling profile, with visible support ribs, and slightly inset nooks for the VANDR racks.

VANDR Rack Features

The VANDR racks themselves are designed to surround the frame in a rounded alcove, with additional access scaffolds on either side, which wrap around the frame to allow work from all sides. These scaffolds can be moved out of the way should the VANDR need to be removed from its storage area for any reason, though. Inside the alcove, a series of biomass tanks and interlinks to the rest of the ships' systems lay inside the wall, with multiple feed lines that can connect to points on the VANDR. These are used for resupply, medical use, and to connect the frame to the ship's metabolic system when not in use. There are also paired gear lockers on either side of the alcove, for storage of the pilots' personal effects, and for any additional tools or equipment needed by the technical staff - be it surgical equipment or more mundane tools for the inorganic components.

The final feature of the VANDR bay is its unique launch system. At the feet of each frame, in its alcove, is a dilating membrane, normally closed and done in a similar finish to the floor and walls. But in time of deployment, the membrane opens, allowing the VANDR to be pulled through a short airlock chamber, and then pushed out a similar membrane on the outside of the ship. Often called a sphincter, this individual-frame launch system is designed to allow pilots to field their VANDRs without worrying about decompressing the bay, or without worrying about taxiing or other problems inherent with a shared airlock.


The Engineering section of the Vayu does not fit the typical norm of ship design philosophy. Instead it acts as a rather straight forward 'hub' filled with lifts, and hallways between the various important ship systems. The routes are direct,and well marked for the mechanists to easily reach their destinations with the upmost possible alacrity. Along the way are various panels, and displays to assist the mechanists in their repair and upkeep of the ship's systems. The lifts however are nothing more then simple hand lifts which allow quick exits, and boarding. Overall, this design philosophy is designed to increase rapid response time by getting on the scene quickly, and efficiently.

Chief Mechanist's Station

This is where the Chief Mechanist sends their subordinates off on their daily duties, or during combat operations. It is a simple, but well-equipped station, allowing the Chief Mechanist to remain in contact with those they send out, and keep an eye on the ship's systems. Entry Port Access upon the station is available if necessary, allowing the Chief to increase their response times to the various nuances of their jobs, during combat situations and above all, keeping their mechanist subordinates organized and on task.


GB (Gravitic Boundary) System

The GB, or Gravitic Boundary, System is a life support device that allows the creation of comfortable gravitic conditions for crew as a means to prevent the onset of sicknesses and weakening caused by prolonged exposure to zero-gravity environments. While civilian starships could rely on centrifugal forces via rotation to generate functional artificial gravity, the starships of Solan Starworks were intended for the military, and would thus require a more compact and reliable solution that would not compromise maneuverability and be possible to employ using organic design systems. The solution came from a rather antiquated piece of technology that was used in the construction of the orbital elevator colonies' non-rotative observatories and agricultural domes.

GB creates precise bounded gravitic fields of varying strengths, between two or more rooms, allowing a person to comfortably walk around as if they were in planetary gravity and when not in contact with a floor surface, experience zero-gravity conditions. This also has the unintentional effect of proofing the insides of living spaces from scalar attacks from the outside, and vice-versa. However, scalar weapons inside of the field will still function normally.

The arrangement of Gravitic Boundary suites can vary between dual opposing surfaces, to sets of four, six or even sprawling habitation cylinders on capital ships. Upon the Vayu, this system is utilized all over the ship, compartmentalizing it.

Frigate-Class Storage Facilities

A typical frigate-type storage area is made up of a long corridor divided into two sub-compartments, each accessible from the other (and the rest of the ship) by freight elevators and numerous entry/exit ports to allow easy access from the rest of the ship. The storage corridor is designed to be quasi-spinal, not quite on the actual spinal axis of the ship, but built along it - a fact that helps in two separate cases. The entire room is done in the familiar earthy-neutral eggshell tone of most Solan designs, and is notable for having well-appointed 'rib' arches throughout, and flexible divider walls that shift and deploy to divide off cargo areas.

Sub-Compartment-1: Cargo Bay

The lower sub-compartment is the main cargo bay, which is, in most circumstances, a wide open floor, with a honeycomb-like structure along the walls. The walls of the honeycomb can extend and recede, creating nooks for items of varying size, then closing up around them to hold them securely. Furthermore, walls can extend larger segments and cells to hold items on the floor, usually if they're sensitive items that need to be protected from damage or, sometimes, prying eyes. There are a number of elevators placed to allow transfer of cargo between the two sub-compartments without leaving the storage corridor. Finally, a sphincter-type airlock rests at the rear section of the cargo bay, and it is specially capable of dilating and then constricting around structures, allowing a pressurized tunnel for cargo transfers, or to surround the cargo bay doors of foreign ships.

Sub-Compartment-2: Supply Bay

The supply bay is more regulated than the cargo bay, typified by a set of cells and closet-like chambers constructed similarly to the lower sub-compartment's honeycomb, but with far less open floorspace. On the coreward section of the corridor, there exists armored compartments that hold volatile munitions, while further along are large fluid tanks behind the walls - both for biological fluids and the ship's water supply - as well as condition-controlled walk-in food lockers, and finally a set of wall alcoves containing crew supplies, equipment, and other assorted miscellany.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Hull and Chassis

Aerudirn Armor Colonies Aerudirn consists of living colonies that grow out into thick, smooth sheets of a high durability, that are have been bred to be resistant to damages from radiation and can charge themselves with an electrostatic field to enforce their surface tension, thereby inhibiting penetration by weaker solid-ammunition weapons. Should the shell be damaged, the colonies underneath, which are dense enough on their own to survive exposure to vacuum can quickly have other sections stretch to accommodate tears, and regenerate completely with enough time. Armor Structural Points: 16

Organoid-type Substructure Highly resilient organoid tissues form the remainder of the body, including an endoskeleton, muscles and primitive organs that perform various functions related to keeping the unit and runner alive. The tissues have exceptional toughness compared to those of normal species, and can even survive in vacuum conditions should the entirety of the upper armor layer be destroyed. Should weapons fire occur inside of the ship, the interior compartments are nearly entirely filled with covered organoid tissues, giving them a high degree of durability versus small arms damage. === Life Support Systems === The Vayu's life support functions are tied in directly with the Organoid's natural bioelectrics and life functions, meaning that should power failure occur, these systems will continue to function until the components expire. So-F1-V0815 Organoid Internal Life Support Life support systems are enabled via a combination of potent thermo/photosynthetic reprocessing of air, allowing the organoid to feed itself while producing breathable gasses for the crew. This is done by drawing light from the nearest star, or absorbing heat and radiation from the various compartments of the ship, including the reactor and inhabited regions of the ship. It may also deploy small antibody-like drones to neutralize vermin and naturally search out and sequester harmful substances and antigens inside of the ship's environment.

So-F1-V1815 Gravitic Boundary System So-F1-R0815 KORD System The KORD (Kinetic Force Diffuser) is an essential system that protects the frame runner from the tremendous G-Forces and shocks the Erla VANDR experiences during both before and after FTL travel and during highly perilous combat maneuvers. It also protects from weapons that kill through kinetic force, in a manner similar to maces against armored troops in ancient times.

Computers and Electronics

Starship Control ANIOS

Starship Control ANIOS are advanced assist NI that are designed to interact with the operator of their respective starship, greatly improving the general effectiveness of maneuvers and allowing them to be aware and compensate for effects an unassisted Iromakuanhe would be unable to. As starships have astronomical numbers of subsystems and operating system subroutines, the construct is essential in the effective operation of most Astral Vanguard vessels without the implementation of larger numbers of crewmen.

Standard Capabilities

  • Deciphering and ordering gathered and received data.
  • Voice interface with selectable persona.
  • Maneuvering assistance and coordination.
  • Weapons system assistance and coordination.
  • Semi-automated subsystem management.


  • Requires connection to pilot for all non-essential functions.
  • Subservient to OMNI systems.
  • Sub-sapient intelligence.
  • Cannot automate all functions.


Electronic Warfare and Stealth

So-F1-E2815 Combined Jamming System The Combined Jamming System is an aggressive solution to enemies that are able to network more efficiently in combat, reducing the effective range of EM-based communications and sensors by drowning out or actively canceling those signals. The system is adept against enemies that employ outdated types of electronic transmission, but does not particularly effect highly focused systems such as lasers or FTL transmissions using a medium boosted by Subspace or Hyperspace. Just as electromagnetic radiation travels most effectively in vacuum, the optimal values for the disruption of EM-based impulses are usually only available in that environment. ^^^^ Specifications ^^^^ ^ Subsystem ^ Detection Range ^ Area of Effect ^ Jamming Effectiveness ^ ^ Artificial Noise | 5 KM | 24000 KM | 50% | ^ Active Cancellation | 500 KM | 6000 KM | 95% | So-F1-E2815 Combined Deception System The Combined Deception System, or CDS, is a combined anti-electronic warfare/observation system that creates multiple false positives in data and can interlace transmitted data with malware types that might be dangerous to a conventional computer. It does not have a specific range, and is instead limited by the range it can transmit, and be intercepted by unfriendly sources.

So-F1-E3815 Muted Resonance Shroud The Muted Resonance Shroud, or MRS, is a squad-assist stealth system that uses a combination of Vector Shroud-type space compression and exotic charged particles to create sections of space that appear very dim to sensors systems. These areas do not stick out as emptier than vacuum as with some related systems, but creates a signature similar to that of the space a significant distance from a star. The results in high difficulty in achieving targeting locks on and determining the nature of objects inside the field. Unfortunately, this has similar effects on the units deploying the field, forcing the starship to rely on FTL sensors such as MASC Particle, which may reveal its presence, though not necessarily its position. Field Size can be lowered or raised, though it is suggested to limit the area of the field to the approximate area of the starship employing it, as to hide effectively, but not arouse suspicion by creating overly large zones that the enemy cannot scan properly. Detection Range: 1 KM Max Field Size: 500 KM So-F1-E4815 Listening Device The Listening Device is a system employed to passively intercept and sample data being transmitted through unsecured methods. It is also a critical component in many important electronic warfare devices, and allows Astral Vanguard starships and vehicles to track the communications of hostile forces. As the unit approaches the source of the transmissions, it becomes increasingly easier to track, until a positive match can be made at a certain threshold.

Can Intercept: * Radio * Microwave * Subspace (requires Vector Wave Sensors) ^^^ Specifications ^^^ ^ Medium ^ Maximum Interception/Detection Range ^ Tracking Range ^ ^ Radio | 1 200 000 KM | 30 000 KM | ^ Microwave | 600 000 KM | 15 000 KM | ^ Subspace | 15 000 KM of Receiver or Sender | 5000 KM | So-M1-5815 Frigate-type Immersion Control Pod Due to their natural interface abilities, designing a responsive and intuitive control system for an Iromakuanhe was relatively easy. This system, known as the Immersion Control Pod, allows easy and natural control of most vehicles, including large units such as powered frames and starships. The Control Pod is the seat component of the cockpit, and is comprised of a rounded chair in which the pilot is most comfortable in a reclining position, and multiple entry port plugs. The chair itself is lined in a soft, organic material lined in a highly flexible rubbery skin that is smooth to the touch and has a light golden reflective sheen, surrounded with an open egg-like enclosure on all sides to prevent harm. The chair will naturally conform to the user's body, and can even form cushioned indentations for the tips of horns. In normal conditions, the system feeds the pilot a small amount of Prajna through the entry port ducts to keep them in working condition for long shifts. In case of emergency, the enclosures can be closed and filled with Prajna to keep the pilot alive for an extended amount of time. == Use == To connect with the machine, one must connect the plugs to their entry ports, which can be done manually, or automatically by the organoid. Unlike the use of a VANDR-which suspends and supplant's the user's senses, it instead places them inside of a dynamic virtual data processing room that spans the entire, network to the extent their ship allows. it is usually customized in some degree by the commanding officer of the vessel, reflecting his or her personal tastes, but tends to have a very abstract and minimalist feel. This type of networking allows all connected crewmen to communicate and coordinate at all times == Note == Transfer of pain cannot occur because organoids lack developed tactile senses in most cases, however, there have been uncomfortable sensations reported by pilots when their units lost limbs or took heavy damage, similar to a sort of strong pressure. On very rare occasions, the sensory redirection effect caused by the control module lasts after disconnection from the craft, which will require immediate medical attention. ==== Emergency Systems ==== Solan Emergency Systems


  • Interlocked Shutter Doors
  • Aerudirn Autosealing
  • Firefighting


So-F1-P0815 'Vayu' MASC Drive The Vayu-class is notable in that it is the only class to use a logistically rare and expensive namesake MASC Drive, which follows similar functionality but boasts more powerful vector-fin systems and a drive core with a separate reactor. The Vayu variant allows it to exceed the theoretical speeds of all other MASC-equipped craft produced to date, but is unfortunately very overengineered. Considered a technological dead-end by many Solan Starworks engineers, it is nonetheless the powerful drive system which allows the Vayu to be a performing scout and sensors picket ship. ==== Shield Systems ==== So-F1-S0815 Frigate Vector Field Suite The Vector Field System is a combined package shield array that relies on a combination of various advanced space comrpession technologies for multi-purpose defenses idea for the modern battlefield. They can be deployed as a conformal shell, known as the vector Shroud or heavy shields known as Vector Barriers. Vector Shrouds are sophisticated vector field systems that envelop the craft in a conformal shell of compressed space, allowing one to become relatively invisible to electromagnetic and particle based sensors, and shrinking the ship's profile to other systems. As a shield, it is reliable and particularly effective versus energy weapons.

Location: Internal Shield Structural Points: SP 20 Threshold 2

More powerful than the Vector Shroud, Vector Barriers are large, oval 'hard' space compression shields that are effective against all weapon types, especially directed energy weapons. The Vayu's array allows it to project two diagonal barriers in its front, with a spacing for the firing of its main weapon.

Locations: Forward/Left, Forward/Right, Rear Threshold: 3 Runtime: 4-12 Minutes, Recharge 1.5x Runtime So-F1-S2815 Frigate Repulsor Burst Array Repulsor systems work by creating a temporary vector field, which at regular intervals can be overcharged and super-expanded, which generates an omni-directional concussive blast that is fully capable of causing tractor beams be dispersed and unwanted hangers to disengage, allowing one to temporarily shrug off the effects of such devices. It is commonly used to force boarding craft away from hulls, knock away incoming projectiles and can potentially kill or disable poorly protected infantry with pure kinetic force.

Purpose: Defensive Countermeasure Secondary: Deterrent Damage: MDR 2, Kills through Kinetic Force Range: 20m radius Rate of Fire: One pulse every 6 seconds ===== Weapons Systems ===== ==== Main Weapons ==== === (1): So-F1-W0815 “Shockblast” HCPA Cannon === HCPA (Heavy Charged Particle Accelerator) Cannon Location: Spinal Mount Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Vehicle Secondary: Anti-Shield Damage: Tier 12, Heavy Anti-Starship, Electrical Damage Range: 15 000 KM in Space Rate of Fire: One burst every 5 seconds of charging Area of Effect: 40 Meters Muzzle Velocity: .25c Ammunition Effectively Unlimited

(4): So-F1-W1815 "Searing Wave" CEHB Laser Array

CEHB (Compression-Enhanced Heavy Beam) Laser

Location: Retractable Turret Hardpoints on Broadsides Purpose: Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Starship Secondary: Navigational Protection Damage: Tier 11, Medium Anti-Starship

Range: 20 KM in Atmosphere, 600 000 KM in Space Rate of Fire: Beam can be maintained for up to 2 minutes. Cooldown is 1/8 of projection time. Muzzle Velocity: 1c

Point Defense

(6): So-F1-W2815 "Storm Wave" CEHB Laser Array

HEMB (Heavy Enhanced Multi-Beam) Laser

Location: Dual Arrays in the Front, Rear and one on the Ventral and Dorsal Areas Purpose: Point Defense Weapon Secondary: Anti-Vehicle, Navigational Protection Damage: Tier 10, Light Anti-Starship

Range: 10 KM in Atmosphere, 300 000 KM in Space Rate of Fire: Can maintain up to 36 beams simultaneously. Muzzle Velocity: 1c

Vehicle Complement

OOC Notes

Approved here.

faction/iromakuanhe/vayu_scout.1572700974.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:33 (external edit)