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Kurita Tomomi

Kurita Tomomi is a player character played by Demibear.

Kurita Tomomi
Kurita Tomomi
Species: Minkan
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Height: 5'4“
Weight: 110 lbs
Organization: Ryu Keiretsu
Occupation: former IT Specialist/ AI Designer
Rank: former Ittô Hei
Current Placement: Fujiko
Orders: Orders

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: Tomomi has a slim but athletic build with slender hips. Her skin tone is slightly tanned but fair in color, thanks to the fact her father is a medium skinned Nepleslian.

Eyes and Facial Features: Tomomi has a rounder face than most Yamataians and a slightly higher/squarer cheekbone structure. Her eyes are dark brown and slightly smaller and narrower than normal. Her nose is slightly wider as well.

Ears: Tomomi has normal human-looking ears.

Hair Color and Style: The color of Tomomi's hair tends to change depending on her mood. Lately, it has been violet with streaks of black, but regardless she prefers to keep her hair long and up out of the way.

Distinguishing Features: Tomomi really does not have any real distinguishing features outside of the small number of freckles on her face.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Tomomi is an eccentric woman that much prefers the company of computer source codes than actually talking to anyone. But she has learned at an early age that it is wrong to stand out in Yamataian society. As such she has learned to mask her “anti-social” tendencies by acting as a slight extrovert.


Family (or Creators)

Mother: Kurita Oni

Father: Harrison Black

Step-Father: Kurita Akira

Half-Sister: Kurita Oni

Half-Brother: Kurita Takashi


Born in YE 11, Tomomi has always been treated as an outcast within her family. As her mother would call her “one of her many youthful mistakes”, Tomomi has since learned to accept her low standing. Even though she never had much of a choice since her half-brother of five years junior was considered the eldest of the three.

Thankfully for her sake, she never really cared much for social standings anyway once she was able to comprehend computers and software. Many throughout her life have repeatedly technical genius due to her ability to easily manipulate source code to her will at an early age. Her most renowned action from her youth was when she re-programmed her secondary school's computer network with a virus in a massive prank to play patriotic songs set to Nepleslian music. She stated at her suspension hearing that the students needed a change of pace as well as showing vulnerabilities within the network. She cleaned up her “mess” with a few strokes of the keyboard. Naturally, the administrators were not too happy about it, but manage to reduce her punishment from some time in the juvenile prison to being suspended from school for the rest of the year.

Tomomi has matured a tad bit spending a few years in post-secondary school studying computer engineering. But she had gotten bored with schooling since she was ahead of her peers in class. She saw a recruitment advertisement one day about and decided it was time for an adventure, enlisting into the Star Army of Yamatai the day after she dropped out of school.


Kurita Tomomi After failing to show up on the Eucharis, Tomomi was demoted and forcibly sent to a remote colony world. A punishment assignment, Tomomi has decided to re-focus her rage towards herself into developing rudimentary AIs with her isolated computer pad. So far she has only been able to make one she has named SX-1A that is barely more self-aware than a common program. But “she” has quickly become a common companion for her when she is maintaining the electronics at the outpost, occasionally interrupting a diagnostic with an off the wall question about what it is.

After a few months, she was all too happy when orders came down for transfer off the rock and back into society. Though when she read the orders again while en route, the excitement within her died down considerably when it turned out she was still assigned the YSS Eucharis. She knew the uphill battle to establish a career was going to be even steeper now. The reception was not nearly as hostile as Tomomi had expected it to be, even receiving a training guide on creating AIs from her commanding officer.

Tomomi's career since her transfer to Fort Minori in early YE 35 has been lackluster, to say the least. But yet she remains, focusing on working on her AI development skills on the side and only giving what is needed to be done satisfactorily in the quickest and efficient manner.

YE 39, after volunteering to complete starship operator training as a secondary occupation, Tomomi was assigned to the YSS Hana for a time as its sensors operator. Then reassigned in YE 41 to the YSS Shinsugo. She completed her post-secondary degree by remote extension classes shortly after her assignment. After that, she spent much of her free time perfecting the creation of AI thanks to the data disk she long gotten from Hanako when she was on the Eucharis.

In YE 43 after brief stints on the YSS Presurgence and the YSS Mazu, she transferred herself into the Star Army Reserve. The move effectively killed her non-existent career, but allows her the freedom to explore what she truly wants to do: work in a lab with potentially homicidal AIs she has created. She was hired by Ryu Heavy Industries a few days after her transfer.

Working at Ryu Heavy Industries for a few months, she was activated and assigned to the YSS Mazu. A move she was quite surprised as she was certain she was just going to ride the rest of the time towards retirement.

While part of an inspection team visiting a commune in the Ukmirt System, Tomomi was killed by an insurgency bombing of the location. Due to being a Minkan, it was only a temporary setback of her goals. Though the experience was nonetheless annoying to her as she lost one of her favorite early AIs she swears was on the edge of sapience, a first for her.

Service record

Skill Areas


Tomomi is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Tomomi is fluent in Nepleslian and Yamataian. She is also capable of understanding most other languages from. She can speak and write Nepleslian and Yamataian correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Technology Operations

Tomomi is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is also capable of hacking into computers using numerous other types of operating systems. She is capable of creating rudimentary AIs that can learn to become more capable and even self-aware in time. Though nothing compares to MEGAMI as of yet.


Tomomi received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. She is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons she is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor.


Tomomi has learned calculus and statistics from both secondary and post-secondary school to help further her computer and hacking skills.

Maintenance and Repair

Tomomi is capable of repairing and maintaining computer hardware, software, and networks. She has limited knowledge in repairing/maintaining other ship systems and Power Armor.


Studying to be a computer engineer before joining the SAoY, Tomomi is capable of designing new computer systems (hardware, software, etc.). And by extension has limited electronic engineering.


Tomomi tries her best to keep up to date on new advances on technology (especially computer-related). She also has an interest in understanding old obsolete computer systems and components.

Starship Operations

Tomomi is trained in the operations of Starships in the Star Army of Yamatai. She has fundamental knowledge on how to pilot, navigate, and operate the weapons of such vessels. She has a focus on sensors, stellar cartography (it was interesting), and communications systems.


From the book she had long gotten, Kurita Tomomi has a very basic understanding of what it means to be a leader. But she has only been able to practice it with her AI companion who is inclined to agree with her on most things due to being his creator.


Tomomi Kurita has the following items:

Personal Items

Civilian Clothes


Tomomi Kurita is currently a Nito Hei in the Star Army of Yamatai.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
1200 KS 1800 KS Isolated Computer Pad purchase
11200 KS 10000 KS Yuletide gift from Kage Yaichiro
12190 KS 990 KS Pay since YE 33 11月
12000 KS 190 KS Clothing bought during shore leave
12660 KS 660 KS Pay from YE 34 2月 to 8月
24660 KS 12000 KS Pay from YE 34 9月 to YE 37 12月
55560 KS 30900 KS Pay from YE 38 1月 to YE 38 12月
80760 KS 25200 KS Pay from YE 39 1月 to YE 39 9月





Character Data
Character NameKurita Tomomi
Character OwnerDemibear
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationFujiko
Harm Limitinjuries only
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusDischarged
SAOY RankIttô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Information Technology
SAOY Entry YearYE 33
DOR YearYE 43
SAOY Exit YearYE 44
Government & Politics of the Yamatai Star Empire
Political PartyDiscourse