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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45
:!: The following article is ARCHIVAL MATERIAL and is NOT FOR for in-character usage. Only for historical purposes!

Pre-YE 34 Intelligence and Pacification Group


The Intelligence Pacification Group is an elite corps within the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, founded by order of Robert Davis in YE 29. It engages in mostly “black” operations, especially espionage and assassination, as well as engaging in more conventional operations and security for Nepleslian state officials.

The IPG is led by Admiral Ryan Veles, formerly from the Nepleslian core world of Rok’Veru, although their primary stronghold was lost with the planet during the NMX invasion of YE 32, along with a substantial number of personnel. Its primary base of operations is now System P1-10 "Dejection", although since the fall of Rok’Veru, the group has decentralized somewhat, and has deployed substantial assets to most Nepleslian worlds, although the largest concentration is now on planet Nepleslia, both to assist in the defense against an expected NMX assault, as well as root out Mishhuvurthyar cells and assist in maintaining order on the Imperium’s capital.

Professions within the IPG

Pacification Branch:

Hour Uncertain, Death Certain. - Latin proverb



These are the hitmen of the organization, relentlessly trained and exceedingly well equipped and informed. Although there is an introductory training period of four weeks, full training for one of these formidable soldiers is rather varied, depending on how much experience the selected trainee has. A marine or police veteran, for instance, will require less training than a simple street tough who interested a local FIO. While most citizens are allowed to enter training with the blessing of a Field Intelligence Officer, there is a standardized “loyalty assessment,” during which the potential Operator has his activities monitored for around a week, and given a number of psychological exams. Should they be deemed acceptable, they are brought to Rok'Veru, where their true training begins.

In combat requiring Power Armors, they are usually seen in either top-of-the-line NaX-A-1a NOZH or NAM NIGHT1 Assassin armors. In other, more subtle situations, they are often equipped with IPG Britva Infantry Armor Suit armors.

Notable Characters



These are best likened to Commissars, and are stationed on SMoDIN ships under the watch of a loyalty officer. They are generally the most viscous warriors, and it is not uncommon for the most volatile member of a crew to hold this position. Although they are not recruited from the IPG proper, they still have a number of supplies they can call on, such as request an Operator should a job prove too difficult. Executioners are usually veteran Enlisted soldiers, and are under the direct supervision of a Loyalty Officer.

Notable Characters

Intelligence Branch:

Hear, See, Be silent, if you Wish to Live in Peace. - Latin Proverb

Field Intelligence Officers:


FIOs are widely dispersed throughout Nepleslian Space and are often well trained in the ways of Espionage. They are usually junior officers, and it is not uncommon for them to be placed in charge of ensuring loyalty aboard SAoN vessels, usually by rooting out treason and reporting it to IPG Headquarters or having one of the Executioners in her command fulfill their name. They are usually non-combat personnel, and should have at least some skill in psychology. The also serve as liaison with the Rok'Veru headquarters, processing both incoming and outgoing information for their ship.

Notable Characters

Domestic Intelligence Officers:

The bread and butter of the Intelligence Branch, these dedicated men and women spend hours sifting through mountains of data for any piece of data that might be of even the most miniscule use to the Empire. They're usually quite successful in these endeavors. These personnel rarely leave Rok'Veru, instead allowing FIOs to do the dirty work of collecting data for it.

Hacker Cult Mercenaries:

These are Hacker Cultists, both staff and SI construct matrices brought in from the Freespacers for their incredible skill in breaking into encrypted channels and other such digital mischief. They are given quite impressive computers to accomplish these goals with and are payed quite well. However, they are limited in number as the cult's philosophy of the unrestricted free flow of information is quite at odds with SAoN information safe-guarding protocols, so only those deemed trustworthy are allowed access to IPG databases. Part of their contracts, as with all other core IPG employees, contains a clause legally mandating their executions should they leak sensitive information.

Sections within the IPG

Central Command "CentCom"

The high leadership within the IPG, headed by Ryan Veles himself. The group is made of the leaders of all other sections. These are some of the most powerful men in the Imperium due to the sheer amount of data they are allowed to access. All other sections are required to report to this grouping through their chain of command.

Notable Characters

Internal Command "IntCom"

This section primarily deals with personnel issues, and is heavily involved with the Domestic Intelligence officials. They are also responsible for moving important data through the necessary hands and administration duties.

Outer Command "OutCom" (Defunct)

OutCom is primarily responsible for the direction of Operator teams throughout the galaxy, as well as assigning jobs and collecting information via Field Intelligence Officers. It was recently merged into Outer Security.

Internal Security "IntSec"

This branch contains both Loyalty Officers on SMoDIN ships, as well as the internal security forces of the IPG itself.

Outer Security "OutSec"

Ostensibly the largest and most powerful branch of the IPG, this branch is comprised of the Operators and Field Intelligence Officers working abroad and within the Imperiums borders, both eliminating enemies, and, as Admiral Veles puts it, “Protecting the people from themselves.” This section also includes the IPG's naval detachment, a relatively small fleet of warships dedicated solely to IPG use. Starships are generally painted dark gray with no markings.

faction/nepleslia/history/old_ipg.1703715091.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:11 by wes