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Umeki Ayame

Umeki Ayame is a player character originally played by Pleiades. She was once adopted by paladinrpg, but is currently available to be adopted or used as an NPC by a GM.

Umeki Ayame
Kanji: 梅木 菖蒲
Name Meaning: Plum Tree, Iris
Species: NH-33M (Miniature)
Gender: Female
Age: 2 (Born YE 35)
Height: 20 cm (7.9 in)
Weight: 6.4kg (14lbs)
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: 08 Medical
Rank: Ittô Hei
Current Placement: Orochi Squadron
Orders: Orders

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: Ayame is a tiny thing, more like a doll than a person. Her skin is the color of champagne, a curious pale yellowish-orange that wouldn’t look out of place on a palomino pony. Ayame looks nothing more than what would happen if one could take a grown woman and shrink them down to smaller than a bottle of wine while keeping the woman’s delicate and dainty features intact. She looks about as fragile as said bottle would be, but she carries herself with a degree of confidence and grace that makes her look all the more delicate.

Eyes and Facial Features: Her almond shaped eyes are held within a heart shaped face that would be considered attractive if she wasn’t so tiny. Her high cheekbones are softened by her cheeks, her nose a cute little button above her pale pink and always smiling lips. Ayame’s violet eyes are slightly too large in her face and framed by thick 's' shaped lavender eyebrows, her slightly longer and pointier than normal canines and slit pupils giving her a distinctly feline cant to her face.

Ears: Neko ears with white fur that fades to violet at the tips.

Hair Color and Style: Ayame keeps her hair in a strange style that is partially for practicality and partially for style. Her hair is considered a light lavender, a pale violet dashed with white highlights that shines slightly pink at the ends. She keeps the straight mass in place by maintaining a hime cut for her forehead covering fringe and chin length sidelocks and gathering up the rest in a no-nonsense braid that comes to her elbow. She keeps her sidelocks out of the way with the clever application of a white headband over her fringe but under her sidelocks.

Distinguishing Features: Like most NH-33s, Umeki Ayame has the standard four-fingers-and-a-thumb hands. As she is so very tiny, whenever Ayame absolutely must go into the field she tends to wear her medical kits like a hiking backpack.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: She’s the mom you wish you had, the one that wakes you up in the mornings with the smell of bacon and greets you with a plate of pancakes. It’s in her nature to take care of others, to be the shoulder to cry on and the one ready with the first aid kit. She’s fierce about her ‘children’ and will go out of the logical path to protect or help them. She is always rather serene and collected no matter the circumstances, and seems to have an inexhaustible source of patience. When angered, Ayame has a tendency to descend into a state of glacial consciousness that makes even her fellow medics back up and reassess their value in life. Amazingly enough, Ayame is a cheerfully kind woman. She is very soft spoken, extremely polite, and goes out of her way to take care of others. At the same time Ayame tries her best to blend into the background and remain free of scandal and potentially harmful situations.

Ayame is one of those infuriatingly calm sorts of people that tend to smile and talk you out of horrible plans while turning the other cheek. It’s almost like there’s no limit to her patient compassion, her smiling placidity a constant comfort in the universe. When she walks, she is calm. When she’s snapping pencils in half because someone, she is calm. Her calm is full of happiness and glee, for she is one with the world and the world is one with her. She does it to be kind, sets up her advice with a calm façade and prays it will be enough. Ayame will never lie to anyone else. It’s just how she is. This doesn’t mean she’s going to sugarcoat it for you, but she will tell you exactly what she thinks and why. Good news is she will at least smile and follow it up with something nice. Because for every mean thing she says, Ayame just has to say two more nice things.

In short, Ayame is one honorable young lady. At the same time, she is incredibly open with relationships and serves as a level head in counseling anyone who comes to her. When she loses control of herself and gets truly aggravated, Ayame usually falls back on the old caveman style of ‘scream and hit until dead’.



Created by: Ketsurui Zaibatsu

Ordered by: Star Army of Yamatai


Umeki Ayame was specifically ordered by the Star Army of Yamatai to fulfill the post of a shipboard medic. Her particular model was chosen on a semi-trial basis in order to take advantage of latent protective instincts in patients, thus allowing her to more easily care for them. Straight out of production she entered into the standard 98 days of training for Nekovalkyrja and then nine months of medical training. In accordance with this 'trial', Ayame also underwent an extra four and a half months of training as a therapist in order to improve her bedside manner. As such, Ayame has literally spent more than half of her life in a classroom and has an almost painful lack of practical experience with the real world.

YSS Eucharis

YSS Eucharis Plot

YSS Takamagahara

YSS Takamagahara


Common Tasks

Umeki has demonstrated proficiency in all the Star Army Common Skills as expected of any enlisted soldier of the Star Army of Yamatai.


Ayame is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. She is fluent in Trade (language) and Yamataigo (邪馬台語). She can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. In addition, being a Nekovalkyrja, she is capable of telepathic communication. As a medic, Ayame is exceptionally gifted in the use of (7-Line) Request For Medical Assistance in both the standard and quick forms.

Medical (First Aid)

Ayame's primary function is as a medic. She has spent her life learning about the various injuries a body can have and how best to handle them. Ayame is inordinately fond of pointing out that she is a medic, not a real doctor, and if there are any concerns in any other subjects she probably cannot help but will do her best anyway. As a medic, Ayame has been trained in following the medical guide.


As per standard, Ayame has been trained in multiple types of combat. She can fight hand-to-hand but it is not recommended due to her size, and is instead relied upon to provide covering fire if her medical skills are not immediately needed.

Technology Operation


As per standard training, Ayame was taught algebra, trigonometry, and statistics. She later added a course in basic calculus.


She has been trained in a specific branch of psychology, primarily in to be used to bolster her bedside manner in an attempt to seem less like a fresh off the line Nekovalkyrja and more like an experienced maternal figure. In short, Ayame was trained in the fine art of 'faking it until you make it'.


Ayame is tiny. This has been a given fact of the universe for as long as she has been alive. She's gotten used to the idea of having to sprint to keep up with taller beings if she can't manage to catch a ride on their shoulders or arms. Ayame is particularly good at climbing up into beds and onto tables, and somehow makes it look adorable no matter how far she has to climb. Like all other NH-33s she is exceptionally graced with agility and her nimbleness and balance considerably exceeds that of humans. However, it is rather tiring to run and leap everywhere, and as such Ayame generally travels about via her innate Inertia Controlling Ability. Unless she has to touch ground to prove a point or to make someone feel better, she generally doesn't.


Umeki Ayame has the following items:


Umeki Ayame is currently a Nito Hei in the Star Army of Yamatai. She receives a monthly salary of 332 KS (3,984 KS Yearly).

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
Character Data
Character NameUmeki Ayame
Character OwnerPleiades
Character StatusInactive Player Character
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Star Army Personnel Database